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The DNS server software package selected for this installation is BIND9.

BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain version 9) is an implementation of the DNS protocols and provides an openly redistributable reference implementation of the major components of the Domain Name System.

BIND version 9 is a major rewrite of nearly all aspects of the underlying BIND architecture. Some of the important features of BIND9 are DNS Security (DNSSEC, TSIG), IPv6, DNS Protocol Enhancements (IXFR, DDNS, DNS Notify, EDNS0), Views, Multiprocessor Support, and an Improved Portability Architecture.

Debian 7.5 comes with precompiled BIND version 9.8. For further information please refer to BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual.


In order to install Bind9 these are the steps have been followed:

# apt-get install bind9

Together with bind9 package, the installer installs bind9utils as well. Additionally, it creates bind group and user, and it writes a key, for secure exchanges in /etc/bind/rndc.key. Finally, it starts the service.

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