Innovation for All Based on Free Information Access

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Innovation for All based through free Information Access

by Wisam Ahmed
Supervisor(s) Nicolai Solberg Løvdal, Josef Noll
Due date 2018/11/01
Status Ongoing
Problem description: This thesis focusses on the societal challenges related to Digital Inclusion. Though mobile networks have the potential of reaching everyone, the reality is that roughly 3.5 Billion people are not connected to the Internet. Being left-out from the Digital Society removes the capabilities for reaching higher levels of the Maslow pyramid, e.g. meaningfull work.

The thesis will focus on innovation for all, based on the concept of free access to information. The hypothesis is that access to information, being text, pictures and local video, and the connectivity to a local village server will foster digital inclusion. Special attention is drawn to content fostering innovation for all, and the relation to the Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030

Methods and Tools: The tools and methods in this thesis are based on
  • A set of scenario, describing the challenges
  • A list of requirements being extracted from the scenarios
  • A description and evaluation of technologies and tools being candidates for solutions
  • A functional architecture/description of the envisaged system
  • An implementation of the core concepts
  • A demonstration of the solution
  • An evaluation of the solution, including a critical review of the descisions taken earlier
  • Conclusions
  • References
Time schedule The envisaged time schedule (for a long thesis/60 ECTS) is:
T0 0 starting month, T0+m denotes the month where the contribution to a certain chapter shalle be finalized
T0+2 months: create an initial page describing the scenario
T0+3: Provide a list of technologies which you think are necessary for the thesis
T0+4: Establish the table of content (TOC) of the envisaged thesis. Each section shall contain 3-10 keywords describing the content of that section
T0+7: Provide a draft of section 2 (scenario) and 3 (technologies)
T0+10: Establish a draft on what to implement/architecture
T0+11: Set-up an implementation, testing and evaluation plan
T0+15: Evaluate your solution based on a set of parameters, keep in mind there is no such thing as a free lunch
T0+17: Deliver the thesis
Pre-Knowledge This thesis includes an understanding of the principles of innovation, market aspects and socio-economic factors.
Approved Pending by
Keywords Basic Internet, Innovation4all, BasicInternet, SDGs, Agenda2030

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This page provides hints on what to include in your master thesis.



Abstract iii Acknowledgements v


              1.1. Motivation and Background
                  1.1.1. Innovation bottom-up/ for all 
                           ( Innovation from the bottom of Maslow pyramide)
                  1.1.2. BasicInternet & InfoInternet
                           ( Ongoing projects and the Agenda 2030)
           1.2. Contribution of the thesis
                          (The importance of this research )
           1.3. Thesis structure 
                           (thesis protocols)
           1.4. Technique/ Methodology 
                           (Scientific methods used)

Theoretical framework

              2.1. Local innovation and entrepreneurship 
                            (Used types of entrepreneurship and ways of innovation)
              2.2. Entrepreneurs women role
              2.3. Disruptive field to enter

Problem statement (Scenario)

          3.1. Reality
                 (Local situation in the working areas in Tanzania, India, and Congo)
           3.2. Technological challenges 
                  ( Digital / Internet use locally, awareness, and needs)
           3.3. Course of actions 
                  ( Suggested solution )

Entrepreneurial platform (EntrepNet)

            4.1. Prototype / Mockup
                    4.1.1. Spots model 
                          ( designed for people without access to private smart device)
                    4.1.2. Private model 
                          ( designed for people with access to private smart device)
            4.2. Entrepreneurial stages 
                           ( 3 stages: video courses, ideas, and teaming and funding)
            4.3. Incentives system 
                           ( points per accomplished part, and point for referral of others)
            4.2. Questionnaire / Survey


           5.1. Architecture  
                  ( creating suitable platform)
           5.2. Functionality 
                    (Role of involved elements)
           5.3. Targeted segments 
                    ( Users : No use, and limited use)


           6.1. India
           6.2. Tanzania

EntrepNet assessment

            7.1.  pros and cons 
(what should be keeped and what should be changed/removed)
            7.2. domestic requirements 
(local required features)


             8.1. Limitation and improvement 
             8.2 Future direction 
                    (the solution/work done and whether that should have been done in another way)


            (The results, work done, further suggested actions)


                (Interviews transcript, interview guide, survey, platform architecture for PCs, tablets, and mobiles )

List of figures

List of tables

List of Abbreviations



Personal motivation

                    Comparing the technical facilities people have nowadays and how it looks in some technologically disadvantaged areas where individuals have almost no internet access which makes them excluded from the real world of today and also challenged by the difficulties that internet has solved. As also motivated by the fact that the participation in the digital society and the access to information is a human right. 
                On the other hand, getting in touch with BasicInternet team and their precious work to provide BasicInternet in various technically excluded regions (Tanzania, Congo, India), with aim to achieve the 2030 Agenda goals. All that gave me encouragement to contribute to this valuable work especially when I found out that the main focus was on the health and the education sides with a meager work on the business one. 
                One of the BasicInternet targeted field was small businesses for empowering women, but as this part wasn’t activated from before, I chose to study it and the consequences of providing free access to information in establishing novel entrepreneurial environment.


                 Testing the entrepreneurial implications of the internet on the technologically disadvantaged areas would that open hidden opportunities for new services/products and resources for the local community in particular and for the whole country in general. 
                 In addition, That will insure more equality, revenues streams, work opportunities, services/ products quality, saving time and money, and creating in types of businesses. Creating a specific platform for entrepreneurship and business would raise the level of overall economical awareness and health the national economic system. Not ignoring that will inspire connections between businesses in a wide range and more cooperation regionally.


                       The use will be for articles that studied the economical implications of the internet on societies in the Global South areas and the women role in the economical development and their entrepreneurial activities.

Research question

                 How access to internet/information would foster entrepreneurship in a developing society with a focus on women entrepreneurship?


      Women adopt new entrepreneurial principles
      Trends toward digital businesses
      Increase of the rate of participation/ more start-ups


          Thesis is based on the data collected from the use of the entrepreneurial platform and interviews as a case study ( inductive approach/ qualitative) to understand the implications of the free internet access on Global South to implement an entrepreneurial ecosystem.


    Entrepreneurial platform includes
    Business principles video courses
    Sharing idea sessions
     Teaming up and fund sessions
    Point/incentive system

Red line

Your thesis should have a "red line", which is visible throughout the whole thesis. This means you should mention in the beginning of each chapter how the chapter contributes to the "goals of the thesis".

Use of scientific methods

A thesis follows a standard method:

  • describe the problem (problemstilling)
  • extract the challenges. These challenges should be measurable, e.g. method is too slow to be useful to voice handover.
  • Analyse technology with respect to challenges. Don't write & repeat "everything" from a certain technology, concentrate on those parts (e.g. protocols) which are of importance for your problem


  • Wikipedia is good to use to get an overview on what is happening. But there is not scientific verification of Wikipedia, thus you should use wikipedia only in the introduction of a chapter (if you use text from wikipedia). Use scientific literature for your thesis.
  • Scientific library is "at your hand", you can get there directly from UiO: [[How to get access to IEEE, Springer and other scientific literature -> Unik/UiOLibrary]]
  • I suggest that references to web pages, e.g. OASIS, W3C standards, are given in a footnote. Only if you find white papers or other .pdf documents on a web page then you refer to them in the reference section.

Evaluation of own work

Perform an evaluation of your own work. Revisit the challenges and discuss in how you fulfilled them. Provide alternative solution and discuss what should be done (or what could have been done).