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CPM modem for broadband satellite communication + Oppgaven går ut på å etablere en CPM referanse burst sender i MATLAB ut fra den nye DVB-RCS standarden. Hovedfokus vil være på selve modulasjondelen av standarden, samt kodingsdelen i form av CPM. Videre skal det skisseres/vurderes løsninger på hvordan en mottaker kan/bør implementers. En ny versjon av standarden for DVB-RCS er nå snart ferdig, der det introduseres CPM (Continuous Phase Modulation). CPM har den fordel framfor QPSK og andre lineære modulasjonsmetoder at envelopen er konstant. Dette muliggjør bruk av lav-kost ikke-lineære forsterkere og svært god utnyttelse av tilført energi. CPM har utviklet seg mye og fått store forbedringer de senere årene, og framstår nå under en del forhold som like båndbreddeeffektivt som QPSK. CPM brukes også i GSM systemer. Oppgaven utføres i samarbeid med VeriSat på IT Fornebu, Oslo. Målet med oppgaven er å muliggjøre en vurdering av algoritmer og løsninger i form av CPM i DVB-RCS. ( detektering av preamble lengde , - symboler , demodulering og dekoding mm).    +
Cell and Cellular Traffic-I +Achieve a deeper insight in cellular traffic  +
Cell and Cellular Traffic-II +Achieve a deeper inside in cellular traffic  +
Citi-Sense-MOB +The CITI-SENSE-MOB will create and use innovative technology to continuously sense, measure and communicate environmental data. The outcome is a dynamic city infrastructure for real-time city management and sustainable progress.  +
CitiSense +Citi-Sense is an FP7 project on providing Air Quality Measures  +
Civil-UAV +Establish a project for the JU ECSEL, submission deadline in September, pre-proposal submission ?? The main objectives of the proposal are * to pave the way for beyond line-of-sight (BLOS) operation * to pave the way for beyond radio line-of-sight (BRLOS) operation * to bring the application players together for a streamlined development * to pave the way for certification of a long-endurance UAV  +
Combating the effect of Fading in Mobile Systems +To understand how fading can be mitigated in mobile systems  +
Comparison of Pellets, FaCT and HermiT +This lecture provides an introductory to the comparison of selected reasoners  +
Connected Drones +For a short overview, have a look at  +
ConnectedLife +Build a research group on Mobility and Sensor Networks, with specific focus in using Semantic Technologies for Sensor Descriptions. We expect that the next generation of the Internet will create automatic processes, where sensor data contribute to business decisions. in order to have that happening, we need * Measurable Security for the Internet of Things * Radio interfaces for communication * Attribute-based access through ontologies and rules on the web * Semantic technologies as an descriptor for sensor technologies * Knowledge-based presentation of information * Business modelling and representation of processes through semantic technologies  +
Content Delivery Networks for InfoInternet Deployments +The InfoInternet is a special kind of network infrastructure deployment, with special restrictions like bandwidth or bad connectivity. Developing CDN solutions for such a restricted network would prove very useful from the point of view of the costs and of the usability for the users. Examples of applications are to education, where a local server can deliver content stored locally, as soon as one of the users already retrieved this from the Internet. Peer-to-peer connectivity is another example useful to education. A first milestone can be to interact with Wisam on a simple form of local content/application, working on the back-end side of the EntrepNet platform. See [].  +
Context aware systems +When users come to a new location, they would typically like to see some information, entertainment or advertisement about the places they are visiting. This thesis will create context-aware preferences, dealing as input for a public screen with group profiles. It is based on the following scenario: xxxxx ''insert here''  +
Context-aware Scenarios +During this lecture you will present to your colleagues the scenario which you would like to work with.  +
Context-aware Scenarios III +Provide scenarios for context-aware and personalised services  +
Context-aware Scenarios part II +Continuation of scenario presentation  +
Cost 231 propagation model comparison +Compare the results of the propagation models used in COST 231 with the Munich reference test site.  +
Cost231 propagation models +Provide the details of the Cost231 model as compared to the traditional "free space model".  +
Course evaluation +Objetive: * Evaluation of the Course, please use:[[Media:UNIK4230_Evaluation.xlsx]]  +
Creative Knowledge +Create a project for Objective 8.1a  +
Croquet +Play Croquet  +
Curling +Play Curling  +
Cystinet +Digital Health for Africa  +


DESSI +DESSI is a new infrastructure for modelling, emulation, monitoring and controlling of the electrical grid. DESSI covers simulations, emulations and cybersecurity of power systems, ranging from micro-, macro- to regional energy systems. To counteract the climate crisis and stay below 1.5 deg C temperature increase requires a massive transitive from energy to electrical systems. DESSI will develop the physical system and computational methods necessary to ensure the reliable and efficient operation of power systems with large-scale renewable generation, flexible loads, storage devices, power flow control and security of cyber-physical systems. DESSI will include physical components such as * PV panels, small wind turbine, hydrogen technology components and batteries, for decentralized installations, peer-to-peer and autonomous operations * Inverters, power switches, IoT, for monitoring and control of micro-grids and power systems. * Scada architecture with PLC and other nodes, to simulate and emulate small industrial systems, including cybersecurity vulnerability analysis * Cyber-physical system simulator for simulation and cyber vulnerability analysis * Power Grid emulator to get hands-on experience on system effects Besides the physical & virtual infrastructure, DESSI will also connect 80-100 houses and report the energy consumption. The high-resolutions energy data are collected per fuse and every 10 s to create a research data-base as a basis for the energy transition in households.  +
Decentralised Energy Systems for Africa in times of Climate Change +The thesis will elaborate on decentralised energy system in an African context. Out of the various challenges, these ones will be addressed: * Suitability of systems * Environmental conditions * Societal implications The baseline of the thesis is formed through an in-depth literature review, as well as interviews with experts in Africa. We envisage practical measurements, e.g. the degradation of performance on both solar cells and (NaIon) batteries  +
Develop Semantic Application +In this lecture you will present your own model, and discuss with your colleagues about the implementation  +
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