BG:Landing pages

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Title Landing pages
Type functionality
Severity 4-enhancement
Keywords landing page
Date (expected, solved,...) 2012/09/15
Expected Version v3.1
Status Question, New
Summary (1-2 lines): Create a landing page for InnoBørs, both for investors
Test Procedure: landing page to start form there into the børs
News: needs design from Jørn/Robert before we can start

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needs design from Robert/Jørn before we can start...

Create a landing page for investors and promote crowdfunding

Crowdfunding - for an overview on all companies asking for crowdfunding

  • a link from that page (each idea which has crowdfunding) should go directly to the "I want to invest" page of the idea

Investor - as a specific entry page for investors, with pictures and "have invested"

  • there is a good page on the Internet showing only "faces of investors" and "would you join" - I have forgotten the page name