BG:LinkedIN address of user-01

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Title LinkedIN address of user
Type bug
Severity 3-normal
Keywords user, LinkedIN
Date (expected, solved,...)
Expected Version v2.9
Status Solved
Summary (1-2 lines): When logged in through LinkedIN, the "Public Profile" LinkedIN address is added, e.g.
Test Procedure:

this page was created by Special:FormEdit/BugReport, and can be edited by Special:FormEdit/BugReport/BG:LinkedIN address of user-01. See all change requests/bug reports at BugReport or, sorted after version number in Movation:Innobors_Version.



The automatic assignment of a LinkedIN profile does not catch the right entry. In the example of Josef Noll it gets the "working places = companies", but not the correct LinkedIN address.

The LinkedIN address should be the "Public Profile", e.g.



here "LinkedIn Tagline" of a user logged in by linkedin is populated by the value of "headline" for that user returned by linkedin. Is it wrong?

Thanks Tawhid

YES, that is wrong: The LinkedIN Tagline should contain the linkedin address of the user, e.g. Josef Noll on LinkedIn has Public Profile

BUT, This is returned by LInkedin API, so what can i do here?

Josef: which other fields are provided by LinkedIN? I don't know the API, thus don't know the names of what they provide. But I would expect that they have somewhat like

  • Address - this should be the LinkedIN address
  • Tagline - a small space to provide a brief statement about yourself
  • ...
  • can you find a description of the LinkedIN API and post it here?

Please check this url

When looking at my LinkedIN network, I recognise that my network info is quit well. Are you able to get that kind of information from LinkedIN and put it into profiles?