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Revision as of 10:27, 18 September 2011

Welcome as a new user to the Innovation Stock Exchange

Velkommen som ny bruker til Nordens Innovasjonsbørs

UserID is your email address. Your password to access the Innovation Stock Exchange was sent to you in a separate mail. If you have not received it or you still can't get access to http://innovationstockexchange.no, please send an SMS to +47 9083 8066 (Josef Noll) and ask for a resend of the password.

Our goal is to let the Innovation Stock Exchange become the connector between entrepreneurs, investors, partners and members. Everyone can launch an idea on the stock market. We see that only an ecosystem of all these partners let your idea become a success.

And now, feel free to look at the ideas, give them your vote and invest your Movation Dalar for the ones you think have the best business opportunities.

Finally, we are looking forward to v2.0 - which will be launched on 23 September 2011. With comments, up- and down, and other ratings. Hope you are with us Kind regards


PS: Beklager forsinket utsendelse - Jeg trodde vi skulle ha v2 tidligere på lufta, og at jeg kunne sende deg direkte til den nye versjonen. Men slik gikk det ikke. Dermed kommet utsendelsen forsinket. Med v2 bli det bl.a. LinkedIN-basert login, og en rekke flere funksjonaliteter.