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Latest revision as of 23:35, 23 May 2012

Admin issues for Movation

Procedure: From Feedback to relases of the InnoBors

How to come from a bug report/change request to a new version of the Innobørs. We subdivide between Bugs (BG) and Change Requests (CR).

Bug Reporting

A bug is reported through the feedback flag on http://innobors.no This bug will create an email to feedback@innobors.no, and is from there taken by Josef into an update request to BD.

Change Request

Jeg forstått det slik at vi ble enige om at:

(1) Truls er Mr. Steve Jobbs når det gjelder InnoBors - sitat "every morning when I look into the mirror, I get the idea on what the user wants". Innspill til funksjonalitet samles hos Truls, men kan også legges inn direkte gjennom "Feedback" mail ved InnoBors
(2) Truls diskuterer med Josef, og Josef er ansvarlig for å legge innspillene inn i system gjennom wiki:


BD prepares technical specification, including
- (i) which parts are involved (implications on the existing platform),
- (ii) what will be changed (=detailed plan for changes),
- (iii) a test description (=what will be tested), and
- (iv) an estimate over the programming effort (hours).
- If (iii) indicates a major (20%) deviation from the estimated costs, then Josef will ask Bjarne for a re-consideration.
(3) Design kommer fra Robert
(4) Implementasjonen kommer fra Bangladesh, med spesialisierte oppgaver til CodeWise.
(5) All documentation is on the wiki, and development follows the version numbering
Josef keeps Track History (v2.51, v2.53...) up to date. Everyone can visit it at http://version.innobors.no

Open Issues

(6) Når det gjelder "testing" og "svar på feedback" så kommer Josef med et forslag til neste onsdagsmøte. Alt (a) ansette en student og (b) den jobben overtas av noen av oss.
(7) utvidelse av programmeringskapasitet i BD. ut fra den listen vi har foran oss, så foreslår jeg at vi øke bemanningen med en person i BD. se: http://version.innobors.no - Mitt forslag er at det diskuteres på neste onsdagsmøte.

Feedback and Documentation

The following keywords are used for indicating the progress of the developments

After BD announces that the issue is solved and has performed the initial tests, CodeView will perform detailed tests.
"Solved & Tested"
After the successful tests Codeview will change the status to "Solved & Tested".
BD will update the documentation of the InnoBors -> Movation:InnoBors_Documentation

Procedure: From new "leads" to full academic integration

This section describes the procedure which we will follow to connect new leads in a best way to academic partners. The goal is to create a partnership with academia, where

  • Movation provides good cases for academic research (Master, PhD, ....)
  • Movation opens for academic-corporate partnership
  • Idea owners get a presentation of academic partners, list of publications, ....

Lead keywords
The person who gets in contacts with a new "idea" informs Inge Mette and creates a list of keywords (4-10) for this idea
- Josef to update the "Idea Edit" to allow for keywords
- Inge Mette to add keywords to all "cases" on the InnoBors
Semantic view
Based on the keywords we will then present a surrounding for the "idea"
- Based on the keywords, where is the idea located "in which area"
- What are related ideas
- Which of the academic groups in Norway/International might be able to help


  • When I mentioned our development team in BD in a steering board meeting at Campus Kjeller, they got very interested (this is an area we can increase)

Job roles and specifications

Testing of InnoBors

Utgangspunkt er at personen er online regelmessig for å besvare feedback, og har en fast rutine for testing. Den kan godt gå utover 7.5 timer, men det betales ikke mer enn 20%.

  • personen må være innom "feedback" minst en gang hver dag og svare til de som la inn en feedback
    • "takk", "del av planen", "nytt innspill", "vi tar det videre"
    • svaret må være basert på graden av informasjon gitt av innsenderen
  • feedback skal så katalogiseres og legges ut i BugReport
    • må spesifiseres nærmere
  • testen av "solved" software må gjennomføres og dokumenteres
    • what is tested?
    • resultat av testen må dokumenteres på wiki.

Basert på disse spesifikasjoner tar Gunnar jobben (møte: 23. mai 2012 mellom Bjarne, Gunnar, Josef)

InnoResearch Documentation is in Movation:InnoResearch