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:17:00h End of meeting
:17:00h End of meeting
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= Venue =
= Venue =
The colloquium takes place at Klinikum rechts der Isar der TUM, Neuro-Kopf-Zentrum, Bibliothek, 4th floor, OG Ismaninger street 22, 81675 Munich
The colloquium takes place at Klinikum rechts der Isar der TUM, Neuro-Kopf-Zentrum, Bibliothek, 4th floor, OG Ismaninger street 22, 81675 Munich

Revision as of 09:11, 11 October 2018

Expert Meeting:

Global Digital Health: The Game Changer for Health Systems and User Involvement

Organised by
Center for Global Health, TUM, Centre for Global Health, UiO and the Basic Internet Foundation

Monday, 8. Oct 2018, 14:00 - 16:45 h

Klinikum rechts der Isar der TUM, Neuro-Kopf-Zentrum, München


The goal of this expert meeting is to discuss experiences from transforming global health into digital global health, and to identify opportunities and strategies for "Digital Global Health for All". Experts from both Germany, Norway, and Tanzania will report from their experiences in digitalization of information outreach, involvement of health workers and patients, and the societal benefits from digital global health.

14:00h Welcome to the Neuro-Kopf-Zentrum (Prof. Andrea Winkler, TUM and UiO, Germany and Norway)
Prof. Winkler leads the Centre for Global Health at UiO and co-leads the Center for Global Health at TUM . She is an expert in Global Neurology/Global Mental Health and One Health.
14:10h Digital empowerment and inclusion - the global perspective (Prof. Josef Noll, UiO, Norway)
Prof. Noll from the University of Oslo (UiO), Department of Technology Systems, is project leader of the "Non-discriminating access for Digital Inclusion" (DigI) project. He is also Secretary General of the Basic Internet Foundation, established by UiO and Kjeller Innovasjon to foster "Internet lite for all".
14:30h Measurability of eHealth literacy and introduction of an applied method (Christine Holst, UiO, Norway)
Mrs. Holst is the coordinator for DigI and a doctoral research fellow at the Centre for Global Health at UiO. She is researching digital health in the global south.
14:50h Benefits of digital health for Tanzania (Dr. Bernard Ngowi, NIMR, Tanzania)
Dr. Ngowi is a lead researcher at the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) in Tanzania and an expert in Infectious Diseases and One Health. He will report from his health-related experiences in Tanzania, and how digital health increases the outreach to the local population.
15:10h Sharing digital solution for research in resource poor areas: experiences from the multidisciplinary project CYSTINET-Africa (Mr. Jan Knobloch/Bernd Brügge, TUM, Germany)
Prof. Brügge and Mr. Jan Knobloch, both from the Department of Informatics, Chair of Applied Software Engineering, TUM, through CYSTINET-Africa have gained large experience in sharing IT solution with partners form the sub-Saharan Africa.
15:30h Global Preparedness and Digital Health (Dr. Elibariki Mwakapeje, MoH, Tanzania)
Dr. Mwakapeje from the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Tanzania is an expert in medical preparedness, e.g. Anthrax. He is currently preparing the roll-out of digital information kiosks in Northern Tanzania, and will report from his experiences.
15.50h Women entrepreneurship fostering health and welfare (Wisam Mansour, Basic Internet Foundation, Norway)
Mrs. Mansour is working as an advisor for digital entrepreneurship within the Basic Internet Foundation at the DigI project.
16:10h Discussion: Strategy for Digital Global Health for All
17:00h End of meeting

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The colloquium takes place at Klinikum rechts der Isar der TUM, Neuro-Kopf-Zentrum, Bibliothek, 4th floor, OG Ismaninger street 22, 81675 Munich