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== Our Newsletters ==
== Our Newsletters ==
* [https://mailchi.mp/9c8c4e2e71a5/newsletter-basicinternet-may2021 DigI Newsletter May 2021]
* [https://mailchi.mp/536f72f36a2e/newsletter-internet-lite-dec-1403140 DigI Newsletter July 2020]
* [https://us16.campaign-archive.com/?u=abe52ab5431b9493291f2b660&id=59f978f908 DigI Newsletter December 2019]
* [https://mailchi.mp/9fca2cb1d8e3/newsletter-internet-lite-june-2019 DigI Newsletter June 2019]
* [https://mailchi.mp/9fca2cb1d8e3/newsletter-internet-lite-june-2019 DigI Newsletter June 2019]
* [https://mailchi.mp/dd88743b67d3/newsletter-internet-light-november DigI Newsletter November 2018]
* [https://mailchi.mp/dd88743b67d3/newsletter-internet-light-november DigI Newsletter November 2018]
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== In the Press ==
== In the Press ==
[[File:170712_DN_BasicInternet_DigI.jpg|340px|right|thumb|''Dagens Næringsliv, Får Tanzania på nett (Jul2017)'']]
# https://www.the-star.co.ke/counties/nyanza/2021-11-07-50-primary-schools-to-benefit-from-internet-project
# Bjarne Røsjø, "UiO-professoren var med å utvikle 3G-nettet, nå stiller han seg svært kritisk til 5G", Digi.no, 31Mai2020, https://www.digi.no/artikler/uio-professoren-var-med-a-utvikle-3g-nettet-na-stiller-han-seg-svaert-kritisk-til-5g/492833
#  Bjarne Røsjø, "5G-nettet er til fordel for teleoperatørene, ikke forbrukerne", UiO, 29Apr2020, https://titan.uio.no/teknologi/2020/5g-nettet-er-til-fordel-teleoperatorene-ikke-forbrukerne
# Mette Johnsrud, "[https://titan.uio.no/node/3529 Digitalisering er nøkkelen til velferd ]", Titan UiO. 27Nov2019
# Håvard Fossen, ''[https://www.insidetelecom.no/artikler/norsk-initiativ-vil-skaffe-internett-til-fattige/456176 Norsk initiativ vil skaffe Internett til fattige]'', Inside Telecom, 23Jan2019
# Håvard Fossen, ''[https://www.insidetelecom.no/artikler/norsk-initiativ-vil-skaffe-internett-til-fattige/456176 Norsk initiativ vil skaffe Internett til fattige]'', Inside Telecom, 23Jan2019
# ''[https://forskning.no/internett/slik-vil-forskerne-sette-opp-tradlost-nett-pa-landsbygda-i-tanzania/1269368?fbclid=IwAR04-uaa4uyzFk2kaJTMz20u_8jGWqzaBVGJEnxtyFXswQWFKYjjw3k1ZRo Slik vil forskerne sette opp trådløst nett på landsbygda i Tanzania]'' Forskning.no, 3Jan2019
# ''[https://forskning.no/internett/slik-vil-forskerne-sette-opp-tradlost-nett-pa-landsbygda-i-tanzania/1269368?fbclid=IwAR04-uaa4uyzFk2kaJTMz20u_8jGWqzaBVGJEnxtyFXswQWFKYjjw3k1ZRo Slik vil forskerne sette opp trådløst nett på landsbygda i Tanzania]'' Forskning.no, 3Jan2019
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# Harald Uschmann, ''[https://www.waz.de/staedte/bottrop/im-kinderdorf-am-koellnischen-wald-haben-alle-wlan-id214163481.html Im Kinderdorf haben alle WLAN]'', Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ), Lokalseite Bottrop, 1May2018, [[Media:Kinderdorf_WLAN_Text.pdf|WAZ text]]
# Harald Uschmann, ''[https://www.waz.de/staedte/bottrop/im-kinderdorf-am-koellnischen-wald-haben-alle-wlan-id214163481.html Im Kinderdorf haben alle WLAN]'', Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ), Lokalseite Bottrop, 1May2018, [[Media:Kinderdorf_WLAN_Text.pdf|WAZ text]]
# ''[http://hhg-bottrop.de/hhg-abiturient-1979-professor-arbeitet-am-internet-light-fuer-alle/ Professor arbeitet am ,Internet light’ für alle]'', Heinrich-Heine Gymnasium, Bottrop, Apr2019  
# ''[http://hhg-bottrop.de/hhg-abiturient-1979-professor-arbeitet-am-internet-light-fuer-alle/ Professor arbeitet am ,Internet light’ für alle]'', Heinrich-Heine Gymnasium, Bottrop, Apr2019  
# Harald Uschmann, '''Professor aus Bottrop arbeitet am Internet light für alle''', Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ), Lokalseite Bottrop, 27Apr2018, https://www.waz.de/staedte/bottrop/professor-aus-bottrop-arbeitet-am-internet-light-fuer-alle-id214126949.html [[WAZ_text|and .txt]] [[File:180427_JosefNoll_Kinderdorf.png|300px|WAZ_Bottrop]]
# Harald Uschmann, '''Professor aus Bottrop arbeitet am Internet light für alle''', Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ), Lokalseite Bottrop, 27Apr2018, https://www.waz.de/staedte/bottrop/professor-aus-bottrop-arbeitet-am-internet-light-fuer-alle-id214126949.html [[WAZ_text|and .txt]]  
# Lars Heltne, '''[https://www.dn.no/nyheter/2017/07/12/2045/Teknologi/far-tanzania-pa-nett Får Tanzania på nett]''', Dagens Næringsliv (DN), 12Jul2017 (print and electronic)
# Lars Heltne, '''[https://www.dn.no/nyheter/2017/07/12/2045/Teknologi/far-tanzania-pa-nett Får Tanzania på nett]''', Dagens Næringsliv (DN), 12Jul2017 (print and electronic)
[[File:170712_DN_BasicInternet_DigI.jpg|340px|right|Dagens Næringsliv, Får Tanzania på nett]]
== In Media ==
== In Media ==
[[File:Digital_transformasjon_MeldSt11.png|550px|right|thumb|''Basic Internet i Stortingsmelding 11 (2019-2020)'']]
# "''Digital Transformation and Development Policy''", Norwegian Government, Message to the Parliament, Meld. St. 11 (2019-2020), Apr2020, https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/meldst11_summary/id2699502/?ch=1
# ''Digital transformasjon og utviklingspolitikken'', Melding til Stortinget, Meld. St. 11 (2019–2020) with [https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/meld.-st.-11-20192020/id2682394/?ch=2 Boks 2.2 Digital inkludering og tilgang til informasjon for alle, ]https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/meld.-st.-11-20192020/id2682394/
# ITU and Cisco launch digital transformation initiative, Telecom World, Budapest, 12Sep2019, https://telecomworld.itu.int/2019-daily-highlights-day-4/itu-and-cisco-launch-digital-transformation-initiative/
# ITU and Cisco launch digital transformation initiative, Telecom World, Budapest, 12Sep2019, https://telecomworld.itu.int/2019-daily-highlights-day-4/itu-and-cisco-launch-digital-transformation-initiative/
# Danica Radovanovic, Connecting the unconnected in Tanzania, [https://community.globalvoices.org/2019/08/connecting-the-unconnected-in-tanzania/] Global Voices Online - Community, 30Aug2019
# Danica Radovanovic, Connecting the unconnected in Tanzania, [https://community.globalvoices.org/2019/08/connecting-the-unconnected-in-tanzania/] Global Voices Online - Community, 30Aug2019
# [https://digitalcooperation.org United Nations High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation,] [https://digitalcooperation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/DigitalCooperation-report-web-FINAL-1.pdf ''The Age of Digital Interdependence'',] Report and Recommendations by the High-Level Panel, Jun2019, - ''citing our work in ref 59, p12 ([[#Further_Reading|see further reading]])''  
# [https://digitalcooperation.org United Nations High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation,] [https://digitalcooperation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/DigitalCooperation-report-web-FINAL-1.pdf ''The Age of Digital Interdependence'',] Report and Recommendations by the High-Level Panel, Jun2019, - ''citing our work in ref 59, p18 ([[#Further_Reading|see further reading]])''  
# Mette Johnsrud, ''[https://titan.uio.no/node/3327 Lett-nett skal viske ut det digitale skillet]'', [https://titan.uio.no/node/3327 titan.uio.no], 23May2019
# Mette Johnsrud, ''[https://titan.uio.no/node/3327 Lett-nett skal viske ut det digitale skillet]'', [https://titan.uio.no/node/3327 titan.uio.no], 23May2019
# Mari Vinorum, ''Josef Noll - en spennende mann'', [[Media:HFS_kirkeblad-19-2.pdf|Høybråten, Fossum og Stovner Menighetsblad]], Nr. 2-2019, Apr2019, Oslo
# Mari Vinorum, ''Josef Noll - en spennende mann'', [[Media:HFS_kirkeblad-19-2.pdf|Høybråten, Fossum og Stovner Menighetsblad]], Nr. 2-2019, Apr2019, Oslo
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=Publications =
=Publications =
# Holst C, Tschirhart N, Ngowi B, Noll J, Winkler AS. Utilizing community InfoSpots for health education: perspectives and experiences in Migoli and Izazi, Tanzania. Health Promotion International. 2023 Aug 1;38(4):daab187.
# Kajuna F, Mwang’onde B, Holst C, Ngowi B, Sukums F, Noll J, Winkler AS, Ngowi H. Effects of a Digital Health Literacy Intervention on Porcine Cysticercosis Prevalence and Associated Household Practices in Iringa District, Tanzania. Pathogens. 2023 Jan 9;12(1):107.
# Kajuna F, Mwang'onde BJ, Holst C, Ngowi B, Sukums F, Noll J, Winkler AS, Ngowi H. Porcine Cysticercosis Sero-prevalence and Factors Associated with its Occurrence in Southern Highlands, Tanzania. Scientific African. 2022 Sep 1;17:e01382.
# Holst C, Stelzle D, Diep LM, Sukums F, Ngowi B, Noll J, Winkler AS. Improving health knowledge through provision of free digital health education to rural communities in Iringa, Tanzania: nonrandomized intervention study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2022 Jul 28;24(7):e37666.
# Holst C, Isabwe GM, Sukums F, Ngowi H, Kajuna F, Radovanović D, Mansour W, Mwakapeje E, Cardellichio P, Ngowi B, Noll J. Development of digital health messages for rural populations in Tanzania: multi-and interdisciplinary approach. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 2021 Sep 22;9(9):e25558.
# Kajuna, F.F., Mwang’onde, B.J., Holst, C., Ngowi, B., Sukums, F., Noll, J., Winkler, A.S. and Ngowi, H.A., 2021. Porcine Cysticercosis Seroprevalence and Potential Transmission Risk Factors in Iringa District Council, Tanzania.
# Sudhir Dixit and Ashutosh Dutta (edts), “Connecting the Unconnected (CTU) with 5G and B5G”, IEEE International Network Generations Roadmap (INGR), Aug2020, https://futurenetworks.ieee.org/images/files/pdf/INGR_Connecting_the_Unconnected_WP_9-29-20.pdf
# Josef Noll, Tale Skjølsvik, Hilde Opoku, Frank Reichert, "[[Media:Implementing_Digital_Inclusion_on_a_Global_Scale.pdf|Policies and Solutions for Implementing Digital Inclusion on a Global Scale]]", Concept note, June 2020
# Danica Radovanović, Georges Vivien Houngbonon, Erwan Le Quentrec, Ghislain Maurice Norbert Isabwe, Josef Noll. Digital infrastructure enabling platforms for health information and education in the Global South. A book chapter in a book: ''Digital Inequalities in the Global South.'' Eds: Massimo Ragnedda, Anna Gladkova. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. pages: 199-222. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32706-4
# Christine Holst, Felix Sukums, Danica Radovanovic, Bernard Ngowi, Josef Noll, Andrea S. Winkler. "Sub-Saharan Africa—the new breeding ground for global digital health", The Lancet Digital Health. Elsevier BV. 2020; 2 (4) : e160-e162. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/landig/article/PIIS2589-7500(20)30027-3/fulltext
# Danica Radovanović, Christine Holst, Sarbani Banerjee Belur, Ritu Srivastava, Georges Vivien Houngbonon, Erwan Le Quentrec, Josephine Miliza, Andrea S. Winkler, Josef Noll, "Digital Inclusion Across the Globe: What Is Being Done to Tackle Digital Inequities?", Vol 8, No 2 (2020), https://www.cogitatiopress.com/socialinclusion/article/view/2587
# Danica Radovanovic, Erwan LeQuentrec, Josef Noll. Digital technologies as a platform to provide health information and education in the Global South. Book chapter in Digital Inequalities in the Global South. Palgrave: 2020.
# Danica Radovanovic, Erwan LeQuentrec, Josef Noll. Digital technologies as a platform to provide health information and education in the Global South. Book chapter in Digital Inequalities in the Global South. Palgrave: 2020.
# Christine Holst, Flora Kajuna, Helena Ngowi, Felix Sukums, Danica Radovanovic,  Wisam A. Mansour, Elibariki Mwakapeje,  Lien My Diep,  Tewodros Aragie Kebede,  Ghislain Maurice N. Isabwe,  Josef Noll, Bernard Ngowi,  Andrea S. Winkler. "Digital health information in Iringa, Tanzania: Development, provision and testing the effect of digital cysticercosis/taeniosis messages on rural communities" , submitted to 1st ICCT 2019 Cystinet-Africa, Nov2019
# Christine Holst, Flora Kajuna, Helena Ngowi, Felix Sukums, Danica Radovanovic,  Wisam A. Mansour, Elibariki Mwakapeje,  Lien My Diep,  Tewodros Aragie Kebede,  Ghislain Maurice N. Isabwe,  Josef Noll, Bernard Ngowi,  Andrea S. Winkler. "Digital health information in Iringa, Tanzania: Development, provision and testing the effect of digital cysticercosis/taeniosis messages on rural communities" , 1st ICCT 2019 Cystinet-Africa, Nov2019, Arusha, Tanzania
# Flora Kajuna, Beda Mwang'Onde, Christine Holst, Bernard Ngowi, Josef Noll, Andrea Winkler and Helena Ngowi, "Community practices related to epidemiology of Taenia solium in Iringa Rural District, Tanzania", submitted to 1st ICCT 2019 Cystinet-Africa, Nov2019
# Flora Kajuna, Beda Mwang'Onde, Christine Holst, Bernard Ngowi, Josef Noll, Andrea Winkler and Helena Ngowi, "Community practices related to epidemiology of Taenia solium in Iringa Rural District, Tanzania", 1st ICCT 2019 Cystinet-Africa, Nov2019, Arusha, Tanzania
# Christine Holst, Flora Kajuna, Helena Ngowi, Felix Sukums, Danica Radovanovic,  Wisam A. Mansour, Elibariki Mwakapeje,  Lien My Diep, Tewodros Aragie Kebede,  Maurice Isabweh,  Josef Noll, Bernard Ngowi,  Andrea S. Winkler. "Digital health information in Iringa, Tanzania: Development, provision and testing the effect of digital health messages to rural communities", submitted to Scandinavian Health Informatics Conference 2019.
# Christine Holst, Flora Kajuna, Helena Ngowi, Felix Sukums, Danica Radovanovic,  Wisam A. Mansour, Elibariki Mwakapeje,  Lien My Diep, Tewodros Aragie Kebede,  Maurice Isabweh,  Josef Noll, Bernard Ngowi,  Andrea S. Winkler. "Digital health information in Iringa, Tanzania: Development, provision and testing the effect of digital health messages to rural communities", Scandinavian Health Informatics Conference 2019,  PLACE XXXX
# Christine Holst, Felix Sukums, Helena Ngowi, Danica Radovanovic, Elibariki Mwakapeje, Ibrahimu Mdala, Ahmed A. Madar, Maurice Isabwe, Josef Noll, Andrea S. Winkler,  Bernard Ngowi, "Free access to digital health information in Iringa, Tanzania: Development, provision and testing the effect of digital health messages to rural communities", 7th East African Health and Scientific Conference, 27-29Mar2019, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
# Christine Holst, Felix Sukums, Helena Ngowi, Danica Radovanovic, Elibariki Mwakapeje, Ibrahimu Mdala, Ahmed A. Madar, Maurice Isabwe, Josef Noll, Andrea S. Winkler,  Bernard Ngowi, "Free access to digital health information in Iringa, Tanzania: Development, provision and testing the effect of digital health messages to rural communities", 7th East African Health and Scientific Conference, 27-29Mar2019, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
# Arijit Datta, Vimal Bathia, Josef Noll, Sudhir Dixit, "Bridging the Digital Divide: Challenges in Opening the Digital World to the Elderly, Poor, and Digitally Illiterate", IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, Vol 8(1), 2019, https://doi.org/DOI:10.1109/MCE.2018.2867985
# Arijit Datta, Vimal Bathia, Josef Noll, Sudhir Dixit, "Bridging the Digital Divide: Challenges in Opening the Digital World to the Elderly, Poor, and Digitally Illiterate", IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, Vol 8(1), 2019, https://doi.org/DOI:10.1109/MCE.2018.2867985
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# Josef Noll, "[[Media:2017075G_Sustainability_Keynote_AICT.pdf|5G and Sustainability?]]", Keynote at The Thirteenth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, AICT 2017, 25-29Jun2017, Venice, Italy
# Josef Noll, "[[Media:2017075G_Sustainability_Keynote_AICT.pdf|5G and Sustainability?]]", Keynote at The Thirteenth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, AICT 2017, 25-29Jun2017, Venice, Italy
# Elin Sundby Boysen, Iñaki Garitano, and Josef Noll, ''[[Media:Basic_Internet_Traffic_Shaping_Boysen_2016.pdf|Basic Internet Access: Capacity and Traffic Shaping]]'', MOBILITY 2016 : The Sixth International Conference on Mobile Services, Resources, and Users,  IARIA, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-61208-479-4
# Elin Sundby Boysen, Iñaki Garitano, and Josef Noll, ''[[Media:Basic_Internet_Traffic_Shaping_Boysen_2016.pdf|Basic Internet Access: Capacity and Traffic Shaping]]'', MOBILITY 2016 : The Sixth International Conference on Mobile Services, Resources, and Users,  IARIA, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-61208-479-4
= White Papers and Discussion Documents =
see our [[Reports]]  on [[Digital Inclusion]], [[National Knowledge Portal]], and Impact of School Connectivity
= Presentations =  
= Presentations =  
{{#ask: [[Category:Presentation]][[Project::DigI]] |?Title |?Presenter |?Date |?Presentation File |?Presentation_view |?Project |?Keywords |?Event
{{#ask: [[Category:Presentation]][[Project::DigI]] OR [[Category:Presentation]][[Project::BasicInternet]] |?Title |?Presenter |?Date |?Presentation File |?Presentation_view |?Project |?Keywords |?Event
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** ''[http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/inclusive-development-index-norwegen-waechst-am-gerechtesten-a-1189106.html Norwegen wächst am gerechtesten]'', Der Spiegel, 22Jan2017, online
** ''[http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/inclusive-development-index-norwegen-waechst-am-gerechtesten-a-1189106.html Norwegen wächst am gerechtesten]'', Der Spiegel, 22Jan2017, online
* Barclays Digital Index, https://digitalindex.uk.barclays -  %''with digital skills map''
* Barclays Digital Index, https://digitalindex.uk.barclays -  %''with digital skills map''
* GSMA - Connecting the Unconnected: https://www.gsma.com/mobilefordevelopment/programme/connected-society/connecting-unconnected-accelerating-inclusion-m360-africa-2017
* GSMA - Connecting the Unconnected: [https://www.gsma.com/mobilefordevelopment/programme/connected-society/connecting-unconnected-accelerating-inclusion-m360-africa-2017 GSMA.com Connecting the Unconnected 2017]
* Amanda Third, Delphine Bellerose, Urszula Dawkins, Emma Keltie, Kari Pihl, "Children’s Rights in the Digital Age", https://www.unicef.org/publications/files/Childrens_Rights_in_the_Digital_Age_A_Download_from_Children_Around_the_World_FINAL.pdf
* Amanda Third, Delphine Bellerose, Urszula Dawkins, Emma Keltie, Kari Pihl, "Children’s Rights in the Digital Age", [https://www.unicef.org/publications/files/Childrens_Rights_in_the_Digital_Age_A_Download_from_Children_Around_the_World_FINAL.pdf unicef.org Childrens Rights in the Digital Age (.pdf)]
* "Children in a Digital World", The state of the world's children 2017, UNICEF, https://www.unicef.org/publications/files/SOWC_2017_ENG_WEB.pdf
* "Children in a Digital World", The state of the world's children 2017, UNICEF, [https://www.unicef.org/publications/files/SOWC_2017_ENG_WEB.pdf UNICEF SOWC_2017 (.pdf)]
* GSMA, Mobile Connectivity Index, http://www.mobileconnectivityindex.com/
* GSMA, Mobile Connectivity Index, [http://www.mobileconnectivityindex.com/ Mobileconnectivityindex.com]
* The Mobile Economy Sub-Saharan Africa 2017, GSMA,  https://www.gsma.com/mobileeconomy/sub-saharan-africa-2017/
* The Mobile Economy Sub-Saharan Africa 2017, GSMA,  [https://www.gsma.com/mobileeconomy/sub-saharan-africa-2017/ GSMA Mobile Economy SSA 2017]
* Taxing mobile connectivity in Sub-Saharan Africa - A review of mobile sector taxation and its impact on digital inclusion, https://www.gsmaintelligence.com/research/?file=675c81dc5bf71f7de080394efeedf219&download
* Taxing mobile connectivity in Sub-Saharan Africa - A review of mobile sector taxation and its impact on digital inclusion, [https://www.gsmaintelligence.com/research/?file=675c81dc5bf71f7de080394efeedf219&download GSMAintelligence.com]
=== CRISTIN registration ===
=== CRISTIN registration ===
Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 569222
Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 569222

Latest revision as of 06:57, 8 February 2024

Digital Inclusion (DigI)
Home Overview connected Villages Tanzania Publications About us


Our Newsletters

In the Press

Dagens Næringsliv, Får Tanzania på nett (Jul2017)
  1. https://www.the-star.co.ke/counties/nyanza/2021-11-07-50-primary-schools-to-benefit-from-internet-project
  2. Bjarne Røsjø, "UiO-professoren var med å utvikle 3G-nettet, nå stiller han seg svært kritisk til 5G", Digi.no, 31Mai2020, https://www.digi.no/artikler/uio-professoren-var-med-a-utvikle-3g-nettet-na-stiller-han-seg-svaert-kritisk-til-5g/492833
  3. Bjarne Røsjø, "5G-nettet er til fordel for teleoperatørene, ikke forbrukerne", UiO, 29Apr2020, https://titan.uio.no/teknologi/2020/5g-nettet-er-til-fordel-teleoperatorene-ikke-forbrukerne
  4. Mette Johnsrud, "Digitalisering er nøkkelen til velferd ", Titan UiO. 27Nov2019
  5. Håvard Fossen, Norsk initiativ vil skaffe Internett til fattige, Inside Telecom, 23Jan2019
  6. Slik vil forskerne sette opp trådløst nett på landsbygda i Tanzania Forskning.no, 3Jan2019
  7. Uni Oslo begleitet das Caritas-Kinderdorf in Bottrop, Neues Ruhrwort, 25Aug2018, Gelsenkirchen
  8. Harald Uschmann, Im Kinderdorf haben alle WLAN, Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ), Lokalseite Bottrop, 1May2018, WAZ text
  9. Professor arbeitet am ,Internet light’ für alle, Heinrich-Heine Gymnasium, Bottrop, Apr2019
  10. Harald Uschmann, Professor aus Bottrop arbeitet am Internet light für alle, Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ), Lokalseite Bottrop, 27Apr2018, https://www.waz.de/staedte/bottrop/professor-aus-bottrop-arbeitet-am-internet-light-fuer-alle-id214126949.html and .txt
  11. Lars Heltne, Får Tanzania på nett, Dagens Næringsliv (DN), 12Jul2017 (print and electronic)

In Media

Basic Internet i Stortingsmelding 11 (2019-2020)
  1. "Digital Transformation and Development Policy", Norwegian Government, Message to the Parliament, Meld. St. 11 (2019-2020), Apr2020, https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/meldst11_summary/id2699502/?ch=1
  2. Digital transformasjon og utviklingspolitikken, Melding til Stortinget, Meld. St. 11 (2019–2020) with Boks 2.2 Digital inkludering og tilgang til informasjon for alle, https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/meld.-st.-11-20192020/id2682394/
  3. ITU and Cisco launch digital transformation initiative, Telecom World, Budapest, 12Sep2019, https://telecomworld.itu.int/2019-daily-highlights-day-4/itu-and-cisco-launch-digital-transformation-initiative/
  4. Danica Radovanovic, Connecting the unconnected in Tanzania, [1] Global Voices Online - Community, 30Aug2019
  5. United Nations High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation, The Age of Digital Interdependence, Report and Recommendations by the High-Level Panel, Jun2019, - citing our work in ref 59, p18 (see further reading)
  6. Mette Johnsrud, Lett-nett skal viske ut det digitale skillet, titan.uio.no, 23May2019
  7. Mari Vinorum, Josef Noll - en spennende mann, Høybråten, Fossum og Stovner Menighetsblad, Nr. 2-2019, Apr2019, Oslo
  8. Kari Synnøve Johansen, Tilgang til Internett - en katalysator for å oppnå bærekraftsmålene, Pure Consulting, 13.02.2019
  9. Jelena Karlica, How ICT Got Meaning in the Real-Time World, Medium.com, 15Dec2017
  10. Danica Radovanovic, Towards an inclusive society, [2] Global Voices Online - Community, 23Dec2016
  11. Danica Radovanovic, Hacia una sociedad inclusiva, translation into Spanish: Fernanda Torrejón, in Global Voices, 20Feb2017.
  12. Danica Radovanovic, Em prol de uma sociedade inclusiva, translation into Português Gustavo Xavier, in Global Voices, 26Jan2017.

Conference co-organisers

  1. Half-day CTU workshop at Globecom 2019 in Hawaii https://globecom2019.ieee-globecom.org/program/industry-program/industry-workshopsforums#iwf-02
  2. Full day workshop at Globecom on Future Networks Toward 6G - https://globecom2019.ieee-globecom.org/program/industry-program/industry-workshopsforums#iwf-01
  3. One half day session at the 5G Huddle in New Delhi, India in February 2020 on "bridging the digital divide"


  1. Holst C, Tschirhart N, Ngowi B, Noll J, Winkler AS. Utilizing community InfoSpots for health education: perspectives and experiences in Migoli and Izazi, Tanzania. Health Promotion International. 2023 Aug 1;38(4):daab187.
  2. Kajuna F, Mwang’onde B, Holst C, Ngowi B, Sukums F, Noll J, Winkler AS, Ngowi H. Effects of a Digital Health Literacy Intervention on Porcine Cysticercosis Prevalence and Associated Household Practices in Iringa District, Tanzania. Pathogens. 2023 Jan 9;12(1):107.
  3. Kajuna F, Mwang'onde BJ, Holst C, Ngowi B, Sukums F, Noll J, Winkler AS, Ngowi H. Porcine Cysticercosis Sero-prevalence and Factors Associated with its Occurrence in Southern Highlands, Tanzania. Scientific African. 2022 Sep 1;17:e01382.
  4. Holst C, Stelzle D, Diep LM, Sukums F, Ngowi B, Noll J, Winkler AS. Improving health knowledge through provision of free digital health education to rural communities in Iringa, Tanzania: nonrandomized intervention study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2022 Jul 28;24(7):e37666.
  5. Holst C, Isabwe GM, Sukums F, Ngowi H, Kajuna F, Radovanović D, Mansour W, Mwakapeje E, Cardellichio P, Ngowi B, Noll J. Development of digital health messages for rural populations in Tanzania: multi-and interdisciplinary approach. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 2021 Sep 22;9(9):e25558.
  6. Kajuna, F.F., Mwang’onde, B.J., Holst, C., Ngowi, B., Sukums, F., Noll, J., Winkler, A.S. and Ngowi, H.A., 2021. Porcine Cysticercosis Seroprevalence and Potential Transmission Risk Factors in Iringa District Council, Tanzania.
  7. Sudhir Dixit and Ashutosh Dutta (edts), “Connecting the Unconnected (CTU) with 5G and B5G”, IEEE International Network Generations Roadmap (INGR), Aug2020, https://futurenetworks.ieee.org/images/files/pdf/INGR_Connecting_the_Unconnected_WP_9-29-20.pdf
  8. Josef Noll, Tale Skjølsvik, Hilde Opoku, Frank Reichert, "Policies and Solutions for Implementing Digital Inclusion on a Global Scale", Concept note, June 2020
  9. Danica Radovanović, Georges Vivien Houngbonon, Erwan Le Quentrec, Ghislain Maurice Norbert Isabwe, Josef Noll. Digital infrastructure enabling platforms for health information and education in the Global South. A book chapter in a book: Digital Inequalities in the Global South. Eds: Massimo Ragnedda, Anna Gladkova. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. pages: 199-222. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32706-4
  10. Christine Holst, Felix Sukums, Danica Radovanovic, Bernard Ngowi, Josef Noll, Andrea S. Winkler. "Sub-Saharan Africa—the new breeding ground for global digital health", The Lancet Digital Health. Elsevier BV. 2020; 2 (4) : e160-e162. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/landig/article/PIIS2589-7500(20)30027-3/fulltext
  11. Danica Radovanović, Christine Holst, Sarbani Banerjee Belur, Ritu Srivastava, Georges Vivien Houngbonon, Erwan Le Quentrec, Josephine Miliza, Andrea S. Winkler, Josef Noll, "Digital Inclusion Across the Globe: What Is Being Done to Tackle Digital Inequities?", Vol 8, No 2 (2020), https://www.cogitatiopress.com/socialinclusion/article/view/2587
  12. Danica Radovanovic, Erwan LeQuentrec, Josef Noll. Digital technologies as a platform to provide health information and education in the Global South. Book chapter in Digital Inequalities in the Global South. Palgrave: 2020.
  13. Christine Holst, Flora Kajuna, Helena Ngowi, Felix Sukums, Danica Radovanovic, Wisam A. Mansour, Elibariki Mwakapeje, Lien My Diep, Tewodros Aragie Kebede, Ghislain Maurice N. Isabwe, Josef Noll, Bernard Ngowi, Andrea S. Winkler. "Digital health information in Iringa, Tanzania: Development, provision and testing the effect of digital cysticercosis/taeniosis messages on rural communities" , 1st ICCT 2019 Cystinet-Africa, Nov2019, Arusha, Tanzania
  14. Flora Kajuna, Beda Mwang'Onde, Christine Holst, Bernard Ngowi, Josef Noll, Andrea Winkler and Helena Ngowi, "Community practices related to epidemiology of Taenia solium in Iringa Rural District, Tanzania", 1st ICCT 2019 Cystinet-Africa, Nov2019, Arusha, Tanzania
  15. Christine Holst, Flora Kajuna, Helena Ngowi, Felix Sukums, Danica Radovanovic, Wisam A. Mansour, Elibariki Mwakapeje, Lien My Diep, Tewodros Aragie Kebede, Maurice Isabweh, Josef Noll, Bernard Ngowi, Andrea S. Winkler. "Digital health information in Iringa, Tanzania: Development, provision and testing the effect of digital health messages to rural communities", Scandinavian Health Informatics Conference 2019, PLACE XXXX
  16. Christine Holst, Felix Sukums, Helena Ngowi, Danica Radovanovic, Elibariki Mwakapeje, Ibrahimu Mdala, Ahmed A. Madar, Maurice Isabwe, Josef Noll, Andrea S. Winkler, Bernard Ngowi, "Free access to digital health information in Iringa, Tanzania: Development, provision and testing the effect of digital health messages to rural communities", 7th East African Health and Scientific Conference, 27-29Mar2019, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  17. Arijit Datta, Vimal Bathia, Josef Noll, Sudhir Dixit, "Bridging the Digital Divide: Challenges in Opening the Digital World to the Elderly, Poor, and Digitally Illiterate", IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, Vol 8(1), 2019, https://doi.org/DOI:10.1109/MCE.2018.2867985
  18. Ingeborg Haavardsson, Josef Noll, Wisam A. Mansour, Ellen Sofie Øgaard, Tilgang til informasjon - en avgjørende faktor for å oppnå FNs bærekraftsmål, Rapport fra Pure Consulting, UiO og Basic Internet Foundation, Oslo, Okt 2018
  19. Josef Noll, Wisam A. Mansour, Christine Holst, Sudhir Dixit , Felix Sukums, Helena Ngowi, Danica Radovanovic, Elibariki Mwakapeje, Maurice Isabwe, Andrea S. Winkler, and Bernard Ngowi, "Internet Lite for Sustainable Development", Nordic and Baltic Journal of Information and Communications Technologies, River Publisher, 2018, Vol 1, ISSN: 1902-097X, https://doi.org/10.13052/nbjict1902-097X.2018.012
  20. Thanh van Do, Josef Noll, Sudhir Dixit, Bruno Dzogovic, Van Thuan Do, Boning Feng, "Reducing Inequalities with 5G Internet Light Network Slice", 5G World Summit, IEEE 5G World Forum, 9-11July2018, Santa Clara, California, USA
  21. Josef Noll, Sudhir Dixit, Danica Radovanovic, Maghsoud Morshedi, Christine Holst, Andrea S. Winkler, "5G Network Slicing for Digital Inclusion", IEEE COMSNETS 2018, Jan 2018, Bangalore, India
  22. Danica Radovanovic and Josef Noll, Key Performance Indicators for social development. White paper, Basic Internet Foundation, 20 November 2017.
  23. Sudhir Dixit, Josef Noll, "Free Access to Information for All - A Vision of the Basic Internet Foundation", Basic Internet White Paper, 3. November 2017, Kjeller, Norway
  24. Elibariki Mwakapeje, "Use of One Health Approach for Anthrax Outbreak Response in Northern Tanzania. A Case Study of Selela Ward in Monduli District", 10th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH), 16 -20Oct2017, Antwerp, Belgium
  25. Christine Holst, Knobloch J., Schmidt V., Mwakapeje E., Ngowi H., Ngowi B., Prazeres da Costa C., Brügge B., Winkler A.S., Noll J.: "Connecting the unconnected in sub-Saharan Africa​​: Non-discriminating Access for Digital Inclusion with an emphasis on health (DigI)", 10th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH), 16 -20Oct2017, Antwerp, Belgium
  26. Josef Noll, "5G and Sustainability?", Keynote at The Thirteenth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, AICT 2017, 25-29Jun2017, Venice, Italy
  27. Elin Sundby Boysen, Iñaki Garitano, and Josef Noll, Basic Internet Access: Capacity and Traffic Shaping, MOBILITY 2016 : The Sixth International Conference on Mobile Services, Resources, and Users, IARIA, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-61208-479-4

White Papers and Discussion Documents

see our Reports on Digital Inclusion, National Knowledge Portal, and Impact of School Connectivity


Thumb Title Keywords Date Author/Project
Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 16.09.09.png Tips and strategies on how to publish research papers in reputable journals Click to Open
presented at:
Nurture Seminar at AASTU 19Sep2024
Josef Noll 19 September 2024 Presentation, Science
6G SocietalVision.png 6G for Connecting the Future of Every Single Human Click to Open
presented at:
IEEE 6G Summit 2024, 13-14 May 2024, Dresden
Josef Noll 14 May 2024 6G, 5G, School Connectivity
6G Connectivity in Africa.png Connectivity in Africa - connecting the children in Africa Click to Open
presented at:
6G Symposium - Crucial Conversations, 9-11Apr2024, Levi
Josef Noll, Catherine R. Kimambo, Wisam Ahmed Mansour, Jonathan Muringani 10 April 2024 6G, Affordable Access
Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 23.53.52.png Digital Health Information during inclusive and sustainable development Click to Open
presented at:
3rd MUHAS Digital Health & Innovation Week, 13-18Nov2023
Josef Noll 17 November 2023 School Connectivity, Digital Global Health
MasterThesis at ITS 2022.png Master Thesis at ITS Click to Open
presented at:
Josef Noll 2 November 2023 Renewable Energy
Screenshot 2023-10-27 at 01.09.00.png Energiforbruk, Styring, Bærekraft og det digitale skiftet Click to Open
presented at:
Elektrodagen - OsloMet - 27Okt2023
Josef Noll 27 October 2023 Energy monitoring, Energy consumption
Screenshot 2023-10-24 at 10.48.52.png Sustainable Empowerment
through Rural Internet Access Click to Open
presented at:
SESA Rural Internet Webinar
Josef Noll, Catherine R. Kimambo 24 October 2023 Information Spots, Societal Empowerment, Renewable Energy
SESA Accra meeting Presentation.png The SESA InfoSpots local information for community Click to Open
presented at:
SESA Accra Meeting Oct2023
Josef Noll, Philip Aarvik Rudningen, Catherine R. Kimambo 10 October 2023 Energy Transition, Information Spots
WSIS2023 Connect the unconnected Doreen Bogdan.png Connecting Schools with Basic Information Click to Open
presented at:
DIOX Partner meeting Oct2023
Josef Noll 6 October 2023 School Connectivity
HE Mamadou Tangara in Norway.jpg Town hall: Societal Empowerment through Digital Inclusion Click to Open
presented at:
Town Hall The Gambia
Josef Noll 3 June 2023 Digital Cooperation, Digital Transformation
NURTURE University Collaboration.png University Collaboration in Shaping the Future of Society Click to Open
presented at:
NURTURE quarterly meetings
Josef Noll 19 April 2023 School Connectivity, Community Learning Living Labs
Screenshot 2023-04-14 at 13.42.49.png From School Connectivity to Community Empowerment Click to Open
presented at:
WSIS Forum 2023
Josef Noll 13 April 2023 School Connectivity, Community Learning Living Labs
Screenshot 2023-04-12 at 10.29.27.png Digital Health Information for every human Click to Open
presented at:
SUSTAINIT workshop 12Apr2023
Josef Noll 12 April 2023 Digital Global Health
Screenshot 2023-03-21 at 00.35.45.png InfoSpot Configuration Mar2023 Click to Open
presented at:
ED-Nettverket Oslo, 20Mar2023
Josef Noll 21 March 2023
Screenshot 2023-03-19 at 21.56.25.png Hvordan kan private hjem bidrar til framtidens energisystemer? Click to Open
presented at:
ED-Nettverket Oslo, 20Mar2023
Josef Noll 20 March 2023 Smart Home, Smart Meter
... further results

Please add to presentations/papers

This work was supported by the Research Council of Norway through the Visjon2030-mechanism, project number 267558
see DigI_talk:Publications for reporting

Further Reading

a) "Recommendations 1A to 1D":
1A: We recommend that by 2030, every adult should have affordable access to digital networks, as well as digitally-enabled financial and health services, as a means to make a substantial contribution to achieving the SDGs…
1B: We recommend that a broad, multi-stakeholder alliance, involving the UN, create a platform for sharing digital public goods, ….
b) Chapter 2 page 12, pointing to reference 59 and the full reference:
"One example of building internet access around community needs, in this case health, is a collaboration between the Basic Internet Foundation and health centres in Tanzania; see Vision 2030, available at https://www.vision2030.no/index.php/en/visjon2030-projects/non-discriminating-access-for-digital-inclusion. The Panel has been informed that a 'common bid' for connectivity is being prepared by ITU, UNICEF and the World Bank.

CRISTIN registration

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 569222