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(email list)
(email list)
Line 73: Line 73:
=== email list ===
=== email list ===
{{#ask:  [[-User.Project::IoTSec]] [[Partner::+]]|mainlabel=- |?Prename= |?Name= |?email= |sep =  &nbsp;< >&nbsp; |format=list }}
{{#ask:  [[-User.Project::IoTSec]] [[Partner::+]] |?Prename= |?Name= |?email= |sep =  &nbsp;< >&nbsp; |format=list }}
== Example ==
== Example ==

Revision as of 07:33, 9 September 2015

Explanation of Semantic MediaWiki ask function

see also Test-Ask for invers properties

help page

http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Selecting_pages, including " ::>, ::! "

output to vcard

Warning: exports all users on this wiki ... further results

for errors, see Josef_Noll


 |?=search for users#
 |sort=User count
 |mainlabel=search for users
 |searchlabel=… further results
 |default=no results found
 |class=sortable wikitable smwtable

<!--- ask with OR connection, as used in Template:User --->
{{#ask: [[Supervisor::{{SUBJECTPAGENAME}}]] OR [[Lecturer::{{SUBJECTPAGENAME}}]] OR 

ommit main label: | mainlabel=- |

{{#show: Berlin | ?population }} 

Tips and Tricks

Recommendation from Neill: I always hide the raw page name as much as possible and use aliases so queries return more user friendly links.

{{#set:Page Link=[[{{FULLPAGENAME}}|{{{Page Title|}}}]]}} where Page Title is usually a field in the form. Sometimes I prepend with a section ID {{#set:Page Link=[[{{FULLPAGENAME}}|{{{Section ID|}}}-{{{Page Title|}}}]]}}

Then in the queries I return Page Link and use mainlabel=- to suppress the raw page name field.

{{#ask: |?Page Link .. .. |mainlabel=- }}


  • <section id="main"> <!-- main page content goes in here --> </section>
  • define Page Link as a Special:Property

email list

Adam Szekeres (Adam < >  Szekeres < >  adam.szekeres@ntnu.no) < > Ali Khalighi (Ali < >  Khalighi < >  ali.khalighi@fresnel.fr) < > Anders Føyen (Anders < >  Føyen < >  anders.foyen@microsoft.com) < > Ane Solesvik Oppedal (Ane < >  Solesvik Oppedal < >  ane.solesvik.oppedal@oslomedtech.no) < > Atle Årnes (Atle < >  Årnes) < > Audun Andersen (Audun < >  Andersen < >  audun.andersen@e2u.no) < > Beate Due (Beate < >  Due < >  beate.due@hio.no) < > Bernt A. Bremdal (Bernt A. < >  Bremdal < >  bernt@xalience.com) < > Bjarne Tarjei Haugen (Bjarne Tarjei < >  Haugen < >  bjarne.tarjei.haugen@movation.no) < > Bozo Krstajic (Bozo < >  Krstajic < >  bozok@ac.me) < > Brice Morin (Brice < >  Morin < >  brice.morin@sintef.no) < > Christian Johansen (Christian < >  Johansen < >  cristi@ifi.uio.no) < > Christian Resell (Christian < >  Resell < >  chrifres@ifi.uio.no) < > Dang Ha The Hien (Dang Ha < >  The Hien < >  dang.hien@esmartsystems.com) < > Danica Radovanovic (Danica < >  Radovanović < >  danica@basicinternet.org) < > David Aleksandersen (David < >  Aleksandersen < >  david.aleksandersen@smartsimulation.no) < > Davide Roverso (Davide < >  Roverso < >  davide.roverso@esmartsystems.com) < > Dieter Hirdes (Dieter < >  Hirdes < >  dieter.hirdes@ncesmart.com) < > Einar Snekkenes (Einar < >  Snekkenes < >  einar.snekkenes@ntnu.no) < > Elahe Fazeldehkordi (Elahe < >  Fazeldehkordi < >  elahe.fazeldehkordi@its.uio.no) < > Elin Sundby Boysen (Elin < >  Sundby Boysen < >  e.s.boysen@gmail.com) < > Erik Åsberg (Erik < >  Åsberg < >  erik.asberg@esmartsystems.com) < > Gard Jenssen (Gard < >  Jenssen < >  gard@smartebyernorge.no) < > Gard Støe Valla (Gard < >  Støe Valla) < > Geir Arne Rimala (Geir Arne < >  Rimala < >  gar@eyenetworks.no) < > Gerben Kuijpers (Gerben < >  Kuijpers < >  gku@kamstrup.com) < > Getinet Ayele Eshete (GETINET < >  ESHETE < >  getina15@student.uia.no) < > Grete H. Coldevin (Grete H. < >  Coldevin < >  Grete.Coldevin@smartgrids.no) < > György Kálmán (György < >  Kálmán < >  gyorgy.kalman@its.uio.no) < > Habtamu Abie (Habtamu < >  Abie < >  habtamu.abie@nr.no) < > Hamed Arshad (Hamed < >  Arshad < >  hamedar@ifi.uio.no) < > Hanne Cecilie Geirbo (Hanne Cecilie < >  Geirbo < >  hannege@ifi.uio.no) < > Hans Jørgen Furre Nygårdshaug (Hans Jørgen < >  Furre Nygårdshaug < >  hans.nyg@gmail.com) < > Heidi Tuiskula (Heidi < >  Tuiskula < >  heidi.tuiskula@smartinnovationnorway.com) < > Heidi Vildskog (Heidi < >  Vildskog < >  heidi.vildskog@spydeberg.kommune.no) < > Henning Maagerud (Henning < >  Maagerud < >  hm@forskningsradet.no) < > Håkon Duus (Håkon < >  Duus < >  hakondu@ncesmart.com) < > Idun Lyngstad (Idun < >  Lyngstad < >  ily@rcn.no) < > Igor Radusinovic (Igor < >  Radusinovic < >  igorr@ac.me) < > Inge Andersson (Inge < >  Andersson < >  inge.andersson@tieto.com) < > Ivar Rummelhoff (Ivar < >  Rummelhoff < >  Ivar.Rummelhoff@nr.no) < > Jan Pedro Tumusok (Jan Pedro < >  Tumusok < >  jpt@eyenetworks.no) < > Jan Richard Aspheim (Jan Richard < >  Aspheim) < > Janne Hagen (Janne < >  Hagen < >  janh@nve.no) < > Janusz Gorski (Janusz < >  Gorski < >  jango@pg.edu.pl) < > Jayaprakash Rajasekharan (Jayaprakash < >  Rajasekharan < >  jayaprakash.rajasekharan@ncesmart.com) < > Johanna Johansen (Johanna < >  Johansen < >  johanna@johansenresearch.info) < > Jon Haar (Jon < >  Haar < >  jon.haar@kamstrup.com) < > Josef Noll (Josef < >  Noll < >  josef.noll@its.uio.no) < > Kaniz Fatema Tuly (Kaniz Fatema < >  Tuly < >  kftuly@yahoo.com) ... further results


ongoing projects, based on [[Category:Project]] [[Due_date::> {{#expr:{{#time: Y|now}}}}]]

  • CURRENTYEAR is 2024, CURRENTTIME is 07:34, LOCALTIME is 07:34
  • date: 25 Februar 2016 or "now": 27 Sep 2024
  • see all time examples in: Help:Extension:ParserFunctions

recent pages

pages from 2013

recent pages in slideshow

Note: format=slideshow is supported in this version, and shown in:

recent pages, random

[[modification date::+]] shows only pages that exist (not deleted ones)

  1. The human aspect in Smart grids (from Security and Privacy point of view)
  2. ABB
  3. Gunnar Fredrikson
  4. Eiliv Mæhle Liljevik
  5. App design
  6. ... further results

The part "{{{ns}}}" of the query was not understood. Results might not be as expected.
