SAT:Isfjord Radio Event


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Isfjord Radio Event

High North satellite technology and services

31 August - 2 September 2015


In the Artic satellite communications and earth observations play an increasingly important role. Commercially the High North represents opportunities for shipping to and from Europe over the polar cap and new natural resources is being considered for exploitation, such as oil and gas. From an environmental side the satellite observations are crucial to understand the climate and predict future changes. Modern technology provides far better observation data and new satellite systems are needed to handle the increased amount of data. Svalbard is perfectly located for download of data from polar orbiting satellite. The first Isfjord Radio Event addresses satellite technology and services and addresses the challenging radiowave propagation environment.

Technical and scientific programme (1 September)


Session A (3h): Importance of the Arctic region for satellite technology

1. Communication to the outskirts (NSC?)
2. Thor 7 perspective for satellite communication in the artic (TSBc?)
3. Data communications for arctic maritime environments (ESA?)
4. Earth observation overview (NASA?)
5. tbd ....

Session B (2h): Svalbard’s role for satellite Earth observation

6. Importance of Earth observations from satellite (NASA?)
7. Svalbard as location for satellite data downloading (KSAT?)
8. Climate change of concern and to explore (ESA?)
9. tbd....

Session C (2h): Impact of radio channels on satellite services in the high North

10. Radiowave propagation in the high North (Project?)
11. ESA project lessons learnt (Project?)
12. NASA projects lessons learnt (NASA?)
13. Maritime arctic propagation aspects for satellites in HEO, LEO, and ICO orbits (Some invited?)

Travel and other information

  • Monday 31 August: Travel from Longyearbyen to Isfjord Radio in the morning
  • Tuesday 1 September: One-day meeting for invitees and return to Longyearbyen in the evening Wednesday 2 September: ESA project team meeting and return to Longyearbyen in the afternoon/evening
  • Travel between Isfjord Radio and Longyearbyen as part of group travel

Note: Participants cover own cost