IoTSec:Consortium F2F meeting September 2016


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Security in IoT for Smart Grids
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IoTSec:Consortium F2F meeting September 2016

Title IoTSec: Consortium F2F meeting September 2016
Place Halden NCE Smart
Date, Time 2016/09/27, 1000-1700 h, to 28September2016 1300h
Contact Person Heidi Tuiskula, Dieter Hirdes
Participants Cristian, Josef Noll, Heidi Tuiskula
related to Project IoTSec
this page was created by Special:FormEdit/Meeting, and can be edited by Special:FormEdit/Meeting/IoTSec:Consortium F2F meeting September 2016


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Tuesday 27 September
Lunch will be served at 12:00 – Tapas
Mini-bus to Hotell Fredriksten – 17:00 from Remmen
Free taxi to train station: Mini-bus marked «HiØ Kunnskapsparken – Halden stasjon»
from Remmen at 14:50 for the 15:10 train
from Remmen at 15:50 for the 16:05 train
from Remmen at 16:50 for the 17:03 train
Dinner at Fredriksten Hotell – 18:30
Wednesday 28 September
Mini-bus to Remmen Kunnskapspark – 08:30 from Hotel
Lunch will be served at 12:00 – Wraps (possible take-away)
Free taxi to train station (as above)

Agenda and Minutes

Minutes of the meeting are in IoTAdmin:20160927MeetingHalden_Notes

27September2016, NCE Smart, Halden

10:00 Welcome (Heidi, Josef)
10:10 Table round, input to Agenda
10:30 Action Items

Academic session

10:40 Presentation of | Use Case from Google Docs (Einar, Christian and Davide)
Infrastructure challenges and service opportunities (.pdf) (Josef)
identification of contributions from partners
12:00 Lunch
1245 From Use Cases to work package impact
discussion led by every WP leader (Olaf, Habtamu, Einar)
1400 break
1420 TOC of first year deliverables, see IoTSec:Deliverables#M12
1510 Presentation of topics
Smart Grid Security Centre Focus (.pdf) (Kim)
Presenting the EMPOWER narrative of five different users in a Smart Grid (Linn)
Novel Services in Smart Home related to Smart Grid (.pdf) (Tuly)
1730 End-of-meeting - Mini-bus to Hotel
1830 Dinner at Fredriksten Hotell (bill included in hotel for those who participate)


Industrial session, 09:00-09:45, Please join us by | Skype if you can't come to Halden

09:00 Welcome (Davide)
09:05 Distribution Grid versus Smart Home (skype with Otto)
Smart Distribution Grid vs Smart Home (.pdf) (pres. by Davide)
Notes from the skype conference (by Josef, please add you own comments)
10:10 Industrial involvement and outcome
what are your ideas about the outcome: information, exchange,...
10:30 end of industrial session

Round-up 10:45-12:00

WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 activities
Next meetings
12:00 Lunsj
13:00 end of meeting

Other Ideas/Follow up

  • Collaborations ... invite suppliers (Mnemonic, Microsoft, KraftCert, Datatilsynet,Forbrukerrådet ...)
    • Mnemonic, SmartGrid Senteret, Datatilsynet, Forbrukerrådet have joined
  • Infrastructure analysis... (risks, ...)
  • Smart Grid infrastructure (discuss...) - see presentation
  • Pilot users (campaign)?
  • How to involve better industrial and other collaborators ?
    • How to attract them to some of our meetings ?