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Digital Inclusion (DigI)
Home Overview connected Villages Tanzania Publications About us


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In the Press

  1. Håvard Fossen, Norsk initiativ vil skaffe Internett til fattige, Inside Telecom, 23Jan2019
  2. Slik vil forskerne sette opp trådløst nett på landsbygda i Tanzania Forskning.no, 3Jan2019
  3. Uni Oslo begleitet das Caritas-Kinderdorf in Bottrop, Neues Ruhrwort, 25Aug2018, Gelsenkirchen
  4. Harald Uschmann, Im Kinderdorf haben alle WLAN, Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ), Lokalseite Bottrop, 1May2018, WAZ text
  5. Professor arbeitet am ,Internet light’ für alle, Heinrich-Heine Gymnasium, Bottrop, Apr2019
  6. Harald Uschmann, Professor aus Bottrop arbeitet am Internet light für alle, Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ), Lokalseite Bottrop, 27Apr2018, https://www.waz.de/staedte/bottrop/professor-aus-bottrop-arbeitet-am-internet-light-fuer-alle-id214126949.html and .txt WAZ_Bottrop
  7. Lars Heltne, Får Tanzania på nett, Dagens Næringsliv (DN), 12Jul2017 (print and electronic)
Dagens Næringsliv, Får Tanzania på nett

In Media

  1. ITU and Cisco launch digital transformation initiative, Telecom World, Budapest, 12Sep2019, https://telecomworld.itu.int/2019-daily-highlights-day-4/itu-and-cisco-launch-digital-transformation-initiative/
  2. Danica Radovanovic, Connecting the unconnected in Tanzania, [1] Global Voices Online - Community, 30Aug2019
  3. United Nations High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation, The Age of Digital Interdependence, Report and Recommendations by the High-Level Panel, Jun2019, - citing our work in ref 59, p12 (see further reading)
  4. Mette Johnsrud, Lett-nett skal viske ut det digitale skillet, titan.uio.no, 23May2019
  5. Mari Vinorum, Josef Noll - en spennende mann, Høybråten, Fossum og Stovner Menighetsblad, Nr. 2-2019, Apr2019, Oslo
  6. Kari Synnøve Johansen, Tilgang til Internett - en katalysator for å oppnå bærekraftsmålene, Pure Consulting, 13.02.2019
  7. Jelena Karlica, How ICT Got Meaning in the Real-Time World, Medium.com, 15Dec2017
  8. Danica Radovanovic, Towards an inclusive society, [2] Global Voices Online - Community, 23Dec2016
  9. Danica Radovanovic, Hacia una sociedad inclusiva, translation into Spanish: Fernanda Torrejón, in Global Voices, 20Feb2017.
  10. Danica Radovanovic, Em prol de uma sociedade inclusiva, translation into Português Gustavo Xavier, in Global Voices, 26Jan2017.

Conference co-organisers

  1. Half-day CTU workshop at Globecom 2019 in Hawaii https://globecom2019.ieee-globecom.org/program/industry-program/industry-workshopsforums#iwf-02
  2. Full day workshop at Globecom on Future Networks Toward 6G - https://globecom2019.ieee-globecom.org/program/industry-program/industry-workshopsforums#iwf-01
  3. One half day session at the 5G Huddle in New Delhi, India in February 2020 on "bridging the digital divide"


  1. Christine Holst, Flora Kajuna, Helena Ngowi, Felix Sukums, Danica Radovanovic, Wisam A. Mansour, Elibariki Mwakapeje, Lien My Diep, Tewodros Aragie Kebede, Ghislain Maurice N. Isabwe, Josef Noll, Bernard Ngowi, Andrea S. Winkler. "Digital health information in Iringa, Tanzania: Development, provision and testing the effect of digital cysticercosis/taeniosis messages on rural communities" , submitted to 1st ICCT 2019 Cystinet-Africa, Nov2019
  2. Flora Kajuna, Beda Mwang'Onde, Christine Holst, Bernard Ngowi, Josef Noll, Andrea Winkler and Helena Ngowi, "Community practices related to epidemiology of Taenia solium in Iringa Rural District, Tanzania", submitted to 1st ICCT 2019 Cystinet-Africa, Nov2019
  3. Christine Holst, Flora Kajuna, Helena Ngowi, Felix Sukums, Danica Radovanovic, Wisam A. Mansour, Elibariki Mwakapeje, Lien My Diep, Tewodros Aragie Kebede, Maurice Isabweh, Josef Noll, Bernard Ngowi, Andrea S. Winkler. "Digital health information in Iringa, Tanzania: Development, provision and testing the effect of digital health messages to rural communities", submitted to Scandinavian Health Informatics Conference 2019.
  4. Christine Holst, Felix Sukums, Helena Ngowi, Danica Radovanovic, Elibariki Mwakapeje, Ibrahimu Mdala, Ahmed A. Madar, Maurice Isabwe, Josef Noll, Andrea S. Winkler, Bernard Ngowi, "Free access to digital health information in Iringa, Tanzania: Development, provision and testing the effect of digital health messages to rural communities", 7th East African Health and Scientific Conference, 27-29Mar2019, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  5. Arijit Datta, Vimal Bathia, Josef Noll, Sudhir Dixit, "Bridging the Digital Divide: Challenges in Opening the Digital World to the Elderly, Poor, and Digitally Illiterate", IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, Vol 8(1), 2019, https://doi.org/DOI:10.1109/MCE.2018.2867985
  6. Ingeborg Haavardsson, Josef Noll, Wisam A. Mansour, Ellen Sofie Øgaard, Tilgang til informasjon - en avgjørende faktor for å oppnå FNs bærekraftsmål, Rapport fra Pure Consulting, UiO og Basic Internet Foundation, Oslo, Okt 2018
  7. Josef Noll, Wisam A. Mansour, Christine Holst, Sudhir Dixit , Felix Sukums, Helena Ngowi, Danica Radovanovic, Elibariki Mwakapeje, Maurice Isabwe, Andrea S. Winkler, and Bernard Ngowi, "Internet Lite for Sustainable Development", Nordic and Baltic Journal of Information and Communications Technologies, River Publisher, 2018, Vol 1, ISSN: 1902-097X, https://doi.org/10.13052/nbjict1902-097X.2018.012
  8. Thanh van Do, Josef Noll, Sudhir Dixit, Bruno Dzogovic, Van Thuan Do, Boning Feng, "Reducing Inequalities with 5G Internet Light Network Slice", 5G World Summit, IEEE 5G World Forum, 9-11July2018, Santa Clara, California, USA
  9. Josef Noll, Sudhir Dixit, Danica Radovanovic, Maghsoud Morshedi, Christine Holst, Andrea S. Winkler, "5G Network Slicing for Digital Inclusion", IEEE COMSNETS 2018, Jan 2018, Bangalore, India
  10. Danica Radovanovic and Josef Noll, Key Performance Indicators for social development. White paper, Basic Internet Foundation, 20 November 2017.
  11. Sudhir Dixit, Josef Noll, "Free Access to Information for All - A Vision of the Basic Internet Foundation", Basic Internet White Paper, 3. November 2017, Kjeller, Norway
  12. Elibariki Mwakapeje, "Use of One Health Approach for Anthrax Outbreak Response in Northern Tanzania. A Case Study of Selela Ward in Monduli District", 10th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH), 16 -20Oct2017, Antwerp, Belgium
  13. Christine Holst, Knobloch J., Schmidt V., Mwakapeje E., Ngowi H., Ngowi B., Prazeres da Costa C., Brügge B., Winkler A.S., Noll J.: "Connecting the unconnected in sub-Saharan Africa​​: Non-discriminating Access for Digital Inclusion with an emphasis on health (DigI)", 10th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH), 16 -20Oct2017, Antwerp, Belgium
  14. Josef Noll, "5G and Sustainability?", Keynote at The Thirteenth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, AICT 2017, 25-29Jun2017, Venice, Italy
  15. Elin Sundby Boysen, Iñaki Garitano, and Josef Noll, Basic Internet Access: Capacity and Traffic Shaping, MOBILITY 2016 : The Sixth International Conference on Mobile Services, Resources, and Users, IARIA, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-61208-479-4


Thumb Title Keywords Date Author/Project
Screenshot 2021-11-30 at 10.46.03.png DigI_Scale_up_FAFO Click to Open
presented at:
Visjon2030 6th formative dialogue Meeting Nov2021
Wisam Ahmed Mansour, Christine Holst, Josef Noll, Andrea Winkler 30 November 2021 Digital Health Promotion, Renewable Energy
Screenshot 2021-04-20 at 09.28.21.png Digital Health Promotion in Tanzania Click to Open
presented at:
GLOBVAC 2021 - Digital Health Promotion
Felix Sukums 21 April 2021 Tanzania, Digital Health Promotion
Screenshot 2021-04-20 at 09.18.35.png Promoting adherence to PrEP via digital Communication: the PREPTA Project-Tanzania Click to Open
presented at:
GLOBVAC 2021 - Digital Health Promotion
Wilhellmuss Isael Mauka 21 April 2021 Digital Global Health
Screenshot 2021-04-20 at 09.26.06.png Increasing health knowledge in rural Tanzanian communities with digital health messages Click to Open
presented at:
GLOBVAC 2021 - Digital Health Promotion
Christine Holst 21 April 2021 Digital Global Health, Digital Health Promotion
Screenshot 2020-10-07 at 21.48.21.png Health in the Digital World Click to Open
presented at:
Health in the Digital World-Wilton Park Oct2020
Josef Noll, Christine Holst 8 October 2020 Digital Health Promotion, Digital Inclusion, National Knowledge Portal
Screenshot 2020-10-04 at 23.36.37.png Digital Infrastructures and Education Click to Open
presented at:
AHERI Virtual CONFERENCE 2020 - 5 – 6 October 2020 Innovations in Higher Education
Josef Noll 6 October 2020 School Connectivity
Screenshot 2020-09-09 at 00.30.30.png 6G for All - 
Societal Need and Catalyst for the SDGs Click to Open
presented at:
6G and SDGs Webinar Sep2020
Josef Noll 8 September 2020 Digital Inclusion, 6G, Agenda 2030
Screenshot 2020-06-28 at 23.35.09.png 6G for Digital Inclusion and Catalyst for the SDGs Click to Open
presented at:
Josef Noll 1 July 2020 6G, Digital Inclusion, National Knowledge Portal
Screenshot 2020-06-28 at 03.28.23.png Digital Inclusion for Redesigning Democracy Click to Open
presented at:
Global Governance Summit Jun2020
Josef Noll 28 June 2020 Democracy, Digital Inclusion, Societal Empowerment, National Knowledge Portal
Screenshot 2020-06-28 at 04.10.13.png An Integrated Approach addressing Economic Inequality Click to Open
presented at:
Global Governance Summit Jun2020
Josef Noll 28 June 2020 Digital Inclusion, Societal Empowerment, National Knowledge Portal
Screenshot 2020-06-28 at 00.37.42.png Digital Health and Community Involvement for Resilient Health Systems Click to Open
presented at:
Global Governance Summit Jun2020
Josef Noll 28 June 2020 Health Systems, Digital Global Health, Digital Health Promotion
[[File:|frameless|150px]] NIMR contributions DigI-project Click to Open
presented at:
Bernard Ngowi 18 May 2020
Screenshot 2020-05-18 at 16.22.41.png UiO contribution to DigI project May2020 Click to Open
presented at:
FinalMeeting May2020
Christine Holst 18 May 2020 Digital Global Health
[[File:|frameless|150px]] Orange contributions DigI-project Click to Open
presented at:
Erwan Le Quentrec 18 May 2020
DigI-FCI200518.png WP-I2 InfoInternet - Content and Apps Click to Open
presented at:
Final Meeting Webinar 18 May2020
Maurice.isabwe 18 May 2020 Digital health messages; Digital health info web, Health Messages App, Entrepreneurship
... further results

Please add to presentations/papers

This work was supported by the Research Council of Norway through the Visjon2030-mechanism, project number 267558
see DigI_talk:Publications for reporting

Further Reading

a) "Recommendations 1A to 1D":
1A: We recommend that by 2030, every adult should have affordable access to digital networks, as well as digitally-enabled financial and health services, as a means to make a substantial contribution to achieving the SDGs…
1B: We recommend that a broad, multi-stakeholder alliance, involving the UN, create a platform for sharing digital public goods, ….
b) Chapter 2 page 12, pointing to reference 59 and the full reference:
"One example of building internet access around community needs, in this case health, is a collaboration between the Basic Internet Foundation and health centres in Tanzania; see Vision 2030, available at https://www.vision2030.no/index.php/en/visjon2030-projects/non-discriminating-access-for-digital-inclusion. The Panel has been informed that a 'common bid' for connectivity is being prepared by ITU, UNICEF and the World Bank.

CRISTIN registration

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 569222