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Elidon BardhiElin Graae LinnestadElin Melby
Elin PhD Jul2017Elin Sundby BoysenElisabeth Biering
Elisabeth BøElisabeth EikåsElisabeth Jacobsen
Elisabetta.CampaiolaEliya Nekemia
Elizabeth CerdaEllen CarmEllen Sofie Øgaard
Elliptic curvesElse EmbregtsEmail
Emanuel Manase (TCRA)Emanuel RyggEmbassy of Mexico
Embassy of Mexico@OsloEmbassy of Norway@Dar es SalaamEmbedded Systems
Embedded systemsEmerging EconomiesEmilio.Bisbiglio
Emmanuel MallyaEmmanuel OkothEmmanuel Owiti
Emmanuel RyggEmobilityEmpower the Unconnected Generation for a Sustainable Future 2020/12/17
Empower the uptake of renewable energy in AfricaEmpowering Communities 2022/11/29Empowering Community Learning Living Labs 2022/11/17
Empowering the RUrban for Sustainable Growth 2019/05/13EncryptionEnd
End-to-end QoSEnd-to-end QoS in a mobile ad-hoc network including satellite linksEndre Brask Grønmyr
EnergiEnergi Monitoring utvikling Aug2019Energiforbruk, Styring, Bærekraft og det digitale skiftet 2023/10/27
Energy Communities - paving the way for a participatory green transitionEnergy Consumption Database for the Digital Transformation (2/7)Energy Control in the home
Energy MonitoringEnergy NorwayEnergy Sharing in Multi-Residential Households
Energy TransitionEnergy Transition in a Norwegian Perspective 2024/06/07Energy and Digital-the Enablers for Climate Change 2022/09/12
Energy consumptionEnergy consumption in wireless sensor networks
Energy monitoringEnergy systems
EnvironmentEnvironmental MonitoringEnvironments for Mobile and Wireless Communications (C1-C3)
EqualizationEquipmentEray Ayduran
Eric KochEric NitschkeEricsson
Erik BakstadErik BergErik Berge Wiken
Erik FledderusErik Guddahl TollefsenErik Holtedahl
Erik KarlssonErik LahnsteinErik Skjetne
Erik Stensrud MarsteinErik ÅsbergErlang
Erlend A. SigvaldsenErlend EspelandErlend Nilssen Sverdrup
Erling Hess JohnsenErnest NyoniErol Cagatay
Erol CagatayErol CagatayError correction
Error messageErtan OnurErwan Le Quentrec
Esilalei (TZ)Esmiralda Moradian
Espen FlydahlEspen KroghEspen Nilsen
Espen SteineEspen ØienEstablish the AI infrastructure for analysis of the electricity data (3/7)
Establish the low-power monitoring infrastructure in the home (1/7)Ester MælandEthernet
EthiopiaEtienne NtagwirumugaraEugen Arbuleac
Eugen RotariuEun-Ju KimEunjii Lee
European CommissionEuropean Technology Chamber
Eva Elisabeth HaugenEva Marie FlaathenEva Michelsen Ekroll
Evaluate COST 231 WI for handoverEvaluationEvaluation and Improvement of technologies for CCTV
Evaluation of Protection/Restoration Methods for Ethernet Layer 2 NetworksEvaluation of the Component`s Interconnection Impact on the System SecurityEvaluation of the usability of low-cost sensors for public air quality information
Ewout BrandsmaExam 2013
Exam v12Examen UNIK4700h12
Examen UNIK4700h16ExaminationExcelSmart
ExchangeExpanding Internet Access in Rural Kenya 2021/11/03Experiences from breast melk video creation
External influencerEyeNetworksEyeNetworks Fagdag Apr2019
EyeNetworks kick-off 2024EyePoint Academy - Intro 2024/01/18
Ezekiel KassangaEzio.Rossi
F-SECUREF1-5G and Future Networks
F2-Coverage simulationsF2F Meeting
F3-Traffic simulationsF4-Network Capacity simulationsFAFO@Oslo
FFIFGCF-Education for ChangeFHI
FOAFFONFRISC Sikkerhetstorget 2014
Fabrice BigirimanaFabrizio.deSeta
FacebookFact typeFact type role
Fadhili KyabiraFadingFading Margin
FafoFahima Khorshid
FailureFaraja NyalanduFarzane Karami
Fast MobileIPFast and Hierachical MobileIP, Electroic nose
Fatma Said KaugaFazil TerefeFeedback
Felix Sukums
Femto CellsFemto or Small CellsFernando M. Reimers
FfsFiber Optic MobileFida Shah
Fidah ShahFinanceFinished
Finn Helge TolpinrudFinn Myrstad
Finnish Institute of Occupational HealthFintan HurleyFirewall
Firewalls and IDSFisseha MekuriaFleur Tchibota
FloraFlora Francis Kajuna
Fog computingFolkehelseinstituttetFollow-up APC-BasicInternet
Followup with UnafundoFontesForbrukerradet
Forbrukerrådet-Appfail report presentasjonForeign Agent
FormForm:Sbve single concepFormat
ForsvaretForum for Teknologi og Utvikling - TeknaForum for Teknologi og Utviklings
ForwardFossile-free transportationFostering Women Entrepreneurship in The Global South 2019/10/30
Framtiden i våre henderFrancesca.MatareseFrancesco.Flammini
Francisco ParrillaFranck.Fleury
Franck FleureyFranck R DaugeFrank Eliassen
Frank FleureyFrank LiFrank Reichert
Frank SagvikFrank SchmullFrank T. Johnsen
Frank VeumFrank ZimmerFrateline Kashaga
Frederic KangaFredrik Berglien Werring
Fredrik DavikFredrik KvistFredrik Skurdal
Fredrik Thrane HolstFredrikstad EnergiFredrikstad kommune
FreeSecEDUFree Access to Digital Public Goods-Visjon2030 2019/11/05Free Access to Digital Public Goods AIW2019 2019/10/29
Free Access to Information - a basic human right 2022/09/13
Free Web access: Opportunity for KjellerFree accessFree access to Digital Health Information in Tanzania
Free access to Digital Health Information in Tanzania 2017/10/17Free access to Digital Health Information in Tanzania 2018/12/05Free access to digital health information-results 2019/10/25
Free space attenuationFreemium Access
Freemium Model for Smart Network Access 2018/10/30
FrequencyFrequency reuse
Fresnel ZoneFreyr Capital Partners
Fride BergemFridtjof ScheieFrode van der Laak
From 1G to 5G and 5G SecurityFrom Internet of Things to Internet of EverythingFrom School Connectivity to Community Empowerment 2023/04/13
Frøydis Dybdahl ArcherFunctionalityFutureCompetence
Future InternetFuture Networks
Future Technologies for Sustainable Communications 2022/05/10Future Technologies for Sustainable Communications 2022/08/23Fødselsprogresjon
FøndGCEIGCEI Representation in India
GIZ-PCI Meeting 17Nov2022GIZ@BonnGLOBVAC 2021 - Digital Health Promotion
GP:first pageGPS