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PictrerusPieter EdelmanPio Ding
Piotr PlutaPiroska HallerPius I T Muzariri
Piyush SharmaPlaksha Tech Leaders Contribution, 11Jan2021
Plaksha UniversityPlanck radiation lawPlanned
PlansNextYearNR 2019/10/25PoliciesPolicies and Semantic Web Rules in Practise
Policies for Software Defined NetworksPolicyPolicy languages
Polina DegtyarevaPolitechnika GdanskaPostal
Potential impactPotential of contributions from private homes to energy stability (5/7)Potential subjects for Master Thesis
PowerPower link budget
Power tagsPrecipitationPrediktor Medical
Preparation InnoPrepare for Reasoning with SWRLPrescient Software
PresentationPresentation:Non-discriminating access for Digital InclusionPresentation Semantic MediaWiki for UNIKUM
Presentation Title 2020/01/15Presentation Title 2022/03/25Presentation of Digital Health to International Community Health
Presentation of MasterTopics Energy Nov2019PressPretium Telecom
PriTEMPriTEM Workshop 12Dec2023
Privacy Labeling (SCOTT & Partnering Trust) 2018/01/23Privacy Labelling, Security Metrics and Roadmap
Privacy Labelling Workshop, 12Mar2020, OsloPrivacy Labels as an enabled for the European SMEs 2020/03/12
Privacy labelling, enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs 2018/04/26Privacy policy
Privacy violation through improper handling of electronic wastePrivat ConsultantPrivate
Private Sector DevelopmentProblem solvingProcurement
Product testingProfessorboligen, Karl JohanProfile
ProjectPreloadProject Admin at UiO
Project PresentationProject Presentations - 1
Project ideasProject meetingProjects
Promoting adherence to PrEP via digital Communication: the PREPTA Project-Tanzania 2021/04/21PropagationPropagation Characteristics of Wireless Channel-I
Propagation Characteristics of Wireless Channel-IIPropagation Characteristics of Wireless Channels
Propagation Models and Free InternetPropagation equation
PropertyProperty sales
ProposalProposalPreparationProposed taxonomy for use in trust cases for SPD 2018/10/02
Prosumers for the future smart electricity gridProtegeProtege API
Protege Java ExportProtocol aspects for Industrial Wireless Sensor NetworksProtocol security
Provable securityProviding Digital Health - a Question of Sustainability 2019/03/29Przemek.Osocha
PsychologyPublicPublic-key cryptography
Public HealthPublic HolidaysPublic Interest Colloquium PIT Series 4
Public transportPure Consulting
Pål Kristian Levang
Pål MalmPål Midtlien DanielsenPål Orten
Q2EQ2SQazi Sohail Ahmad
Qazi Sohail AhmedQazi Soheil AhmadQbee
Qihao LiQoS
Questionnaire-preparation Mar2017R-BUP
RD VELHORELIGHTRELIGHT Road to Excellence in Global Health Research
Rabie BelahcenRachael McCallumRadar
Radar Cross SectionRadiationRadiation pattern
RadioRadio PropagationRadio Propagation Models
Radio channel models
Radio promotion at UNIK
Radio propagation and free space attenuation
Radio propagation equation (A4,B1)Radio technology
Radio waveRadio wave propagationRadiometry
Radu ZahariaRafael C. Socorro Hernández
Ragnar QuistgårdRagnhild Dybdahl
RailCOMPLETERake receiverRalf Radermacher
Ralph BernsteinRalph W. BernsteinRama Ramakrishna
Ramiro RoblesRamjee PrasadRamk
Ramon RocaRamtin AryanRamula Mixed Secondary School
Ramyar BabanRandi FleslandRange
Rapudo HawiRashid AllyRasmus H. Nielsen
Raspberry PiRaspberry Pi, WordPress and Nextcloud Training 2022/09/15Raspberry Pi 3 B+ 01
Raspberry Pi 3 B+ 02Raspberry Pi 3 B+ 03Raspberry Pi 3 B+ 04
Raspberry Pi 3 B+ 05Raspberry Pi 3 B+ 06Raspberry Pi 3 B+ 07
Rathaus@MurnauRatish MohanRatta Mixed Secondary SchooL
Ratta Mixed Secondary SchoolRaul KhaydarshinRavn Webveveriet
RayleighRaymond BerntsenRead and acknowledged
Realfagsseminar 11Mar2020Reasoning
Rebecca RyakitimboReceive PowerReceiver
Receiver SensitivityRecentPagesReconfigurable secure reporting system
Refarming and the challenges of Mobile CommunicationsReflection
RefletionRegina Kagwiria Nkonge
Regional Competence CentreRegional Hydrogen Strategy AkershusRegister your publication in Cristin
Regrouping with AHERI and updates for the Upcoming NOREC IntroseminarRegulationRegulatory Affairs
Rehearsal of lecturesRehearselRehearsel of lectures - learning outcomes
Reidun GangdalReinaart PretoriusReliability
Reliable Sensor SystemsRemote Configuration of Communication Infrastructure for Developing Economies
Remote ManagementRemote MonitoringRemote Sensing
Remote Sensing & MethodsRemoving the Stigma of Menstruation 2023/11/24Renate Ulvang
Renato.BaldelliRenewable Energy
Repetition and Walk Through on the course including Exam guidanceReport:School Connectivity TZ 2021Reports
Research AreasResearch Evaluation 2011Research Publications and Impact Factor
Research at the University of LisalaResearch challenges
Research for the Benefit of SMEResearches Night Roll-outReserved day for Exam UNIK4700/UNIK9700
Resillient CommunitiesResillient Energy NetworksResource
RestrictedReuben ChepkongaReuse
RiceRich Larsen
Richard BergRichard CrichlowRichard Horton
Richard NorlandRichard StamvikRichardson Shambare
RicianRijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en MilieuRima Naginiene
Ringa Girls High SchoolRising Star IndexRising star algorithm
RiskRisk-based Adaptive Security for Internet of Things in Smart HomeRisk Assessment tool analysis for Industrial Automation and Control Systems
Risk Framework -Risk Reasoning LimitedRisk analysis
Ritha KimoloRoald Otnes
RoamingRoar FjellheimRobert.Steine
Robert EngelsRobert MalmgrenRobert Owino
Robert SteineRobert Walstad
Roberto UribeetxeberriaRobin Garen AabergRobot-assisted therapy for rehabilitation treatment
Robust computingRod JonesRoger Dramstad
RoleRolf BeutingRolf Lysfjord
Rolf SkatteboeRoman VitenbergRoman Voll
Romania Norway CollaborationRonald LukangaRosalynn Mworia
Rose MpembeniRoss TsagalidisRotary