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Title Crowdfunding
Type change request
Severity 2-major
Keywords crowdfunding, Payment
Date (expected, solved,...) 2012/04/15
Expected Version v2.6
Status Solved
Summary (1-2 lines): Crowdfunding helps entrepreneurs to reach their business goal
Test Procedure: initiate with a certain idea to see if an email is initiated

this page was created by Special:FormEdit/BugReport, and can be edited by Special:FormEdit/BugReport/BG:Crowdfunding. See all change requests/bug reports at BugReport or, sorted after version number in Movation:Innobors_Version.


16.5. kl 1500 Crowdfunding v1.0 er ferdig
17.-18.5 små justeringer basert på feedback
19.-23.5. betaling for "public" and "listed" bli implementert (diskutert med Ståle)
ca. 30.5. Crowdfunding v2.0 er ferdig (med betalingen og formidlingen) - Launch (swap til production) is subject to successful negotiation with a Norwegian Bank (Bjarne)


This part contains the descriptions of "what we mean by crowd funding", and the powerpoint describing the two versions

  • v2 with real payment (Movation settles the deal)
  • v1 with email exchange and just one selection of funding
  • Welcome_emails contains the emails going out to people.

Crowdfunding v2 changes

  • customer has to have LinkedIN to sign up for donation (gives us a possibility to check the person)
  • customer selected sums for donate, loan, stocks,....
  • Platform allows for direct payment
  • An overall progress of collected fund will be shown
  • More options of amount for donate, loan, stocks will be available for user to choose

General description

According to Wikipedia [[1]], crowdfunding was introduced based on the charity principle.

We will introduce crowdfunding for ideas, including:

  • (i) Charity model: just provide money - YES
  • (ii) Loan, example: I provide you 100 kNOK, and will get 150 kNOK back after 12 months (otherwise the company is bankcrupt) - Note: Innovasjon Norge provides a loan based on markets tax rates, e.g. 4% - YES
  • (iii) Shares. What is the actual value of the company? "siste emisjon kan være 6 måneder gammel" - YES

The current version focusses on establishing the contact between the idea owner and those who want to provide crowdfunding.

It includes

  • a new design of all InnoBors pages (symbol after the idea)
  • an Admin Page for initiating crowdfunding
  • changes to the idea page

new design of page two

  • including the Crowdsourcing symbol


new Admin page

see description in Roberts .pptx (attached to this BG)

changes to idea page

see description in Roberts .pptx (attached to this BG)

Design principles

The principles of funding are described in Roberts .pptx file File:InnoBors-Crowdfunding.pptx

  • only those idea who gained more than 750 points in scoring can ask for crowdfunding
  • both Movation Admin and the idea owner can initiate the "crowdfunding"
  • after they initiated crowdfunding (through the crowdfunding admin page), they will get an crowdfunding icon on the first page, and a new design on the idea page.
  • a new crowdfunding page per idea

Graphical design

Open issues

Who performs the transaction and distributes the money?
In version 1, it is a deal between the idea owner and crowdfunding people. Movation just gets a notice. (In v2 Movation might take responsibility for money transfer)

Do we introduce crowdfunding for an innovation fond?
not yet
Selection of crowdsourcing, done by idea owner or Movation?
Idea Owner
Admin page for idea owner or Movation?
Idea Owner


  • Expected time to implement: 45 h (Towhid)

Modules affected by this

The following person is responsible for the implementation

  • idea details page - new entry in top right, see page 6 (?) in presentation - Gunnar to clarify
  • Codewise: For idea owner, My page > View idea page
  • Codewise: For movation admin > idea management page
  • Tawhid: Page 2 for adding crwdfunding icon in the table