BG:Idea Creation

Revision as of 15:49, 6 July 2012 by Gunnar.Nilsson (Talk)

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Title Idea Creation
Type change request
Severity 2-major
Keywords Idea creation
Date (expected, solved,...)
Expected Version "v2.52" is not in the list of possible values (v0.8, v0.9, v1.0, v1.1, v1.2, v1.5, v2.0, v2.1, v2.2, v2.3, v2.4, v2.5, v2.6, v2.7, v2.8, v2.9, v3.0, v3.1, v3.2, v3.3, v3.5, v4.0, v4.1) for this property.
Status Solved&Tested
Summary (1-2 lines): Provides extended sheets for users to (i) add an idea and (ii) describe the details of the idea
Test Procedure: tested that ideas can be added - mistake "the idea is deleted"

Company name is not showing up in the screen, even though i have register the company name.

News: Still problem: Company name is not showing up in the screen, even though i have register the company name.

this page was created by Special:FormEdit/BugReport, and can be edited by Special:FormEdit/BugReport/BG:Idea Creation. See all change requests/bug reports at BugReport or, sorted after version number in Movation:Innobors_Version.

Update 19.5.2012

Idea is deleted.png

Can you give me the idea name to check what is wrong? Another thing to mention is that, there is an option for deleting an idea from admin idea management page for which the idea status shows the text of "The idea is deleted".

It is the idea: "test" from my LinkedIN account (Josef Noll).

I'm aware of the "delete an idea", but that's not what I'm using. Just have a normal "edit idea".

Update 10.5.2012

the page shows still "The idea is deleted" when I use my LinkedIN connection and edit one of the existing ideas.


Documentation is at InnoBors Documents, the attached document describes the Idea Creation part


update 28.Feb2012 (public and listed, figures still need an update)

The idea creation process should contain two steps

  • (1) creation of an idea, including: Titel, Company, Abstract
  • (2) Edit the idea with all elements and transfer the idea to a public or listed idea
  • Note: this version does not have the access to the scorecard, see BG:Scorecard overview for idea owners-01

Step 1: Idea creation

Idea creation, step 1

The idea creation process is subdivided in two parts

  • Idea creation, which contains:
    • Titel (max 40 characters) - should be checked if too long
    • Company - the company which the idea is related to. Let the user type in a company name (alternative drop-down). If the company does not exist, let the user create the company.
    • Abstract - should consit of 2-5 lines (length is not critical)
    • Submit idea button

Step 2: Idea edit

Idea edit (step 2)

Having successfully created an idea, the user should see an overview over all of his ideas. He will then have the possibility to edit an idea:

  • Idea edit, which contains:
    • Titel, Company, Abstract (as before) - owner can only be changed by Movation Admin
  • Members - and button: "invite members" (by adding their email address)
    • v3.x roles of members. In the list of members the first entry is the owner of the idea.
    • all elements depicted in Idea elements, i.e. last emission with value of company, date of emission
  • Last emission
    • Value of Company
    • date of emission
  • Business Plan
    • abstract
    • document (.doc, .pdf)
      • SWOT
      • ...
  • Technical details
    • abstract
    • document (.doc, .pdf)
  • Marketing plan
    • abstract
    • document (.doc, .pdf)

Text strings used

details in technical, business, and market

These text strings should come up as "pop-up" when holding the mouse over the question mark.

text *1: Through this invitation you can enhance the quality of your team by inviting contributors to your idea. You will be able to select them according to some rules, e.g. "may I ask you to comment on my business model".

More on the invitation at BG:Invite Idea Members-01

#TEXT_PUBLIC_IDEA and #TEXT_LISTED_IDEA are at: BG:Payment_for_InnoBors_-_GN

#TEXT_BUSINESS_ACCESS : The abstract of your business plan will be available for our trusted partners: Selected individuals from our Inner Circle Members, and NorBAN investors. Only your team members and invited investors will be able to view your detailed business plan.

#TEXT_TECHNOLOGY_ACCESS : The abstract of your technology plan will be available for our trusted partners: Selected individuals from our Inner Circle Members, and NorBAN investors. Only your team members and invited investors will be able to view your detailed technology plan.

#TEXT_MARKET_ACCESS : The abstract of your market plan will be available for our trusted partners: Selected individuals from our Inner Circle Members, and NorBAN investors. Only your team members and invited investors will be able to view your detailed market plan.


*2: an idea has three levels: private, public and listed (described in BG:Payment_for_InnoBors). The text represents the status (level) of the idea

  • a private idea has the link to "upgrade to public" and "upgrade to listed"
  • a public idea has the text "Your idea is public" and the link to "upgrade to listed"
  • a listed idea has the text "Your idea is listed on the InnoBors and a candidate for the Rising Star Award". After 12 months we will send a reminder to the IMG on relisting"

*3: Clicking on details on Business, Technical and Market will first "save = update the idea" and then "move to the next page -> IdeaDetails.

Note (Norwegian formulation):

"Opprettelse av Ide som skjema uten vedlegg - følge NOSE - v2.5"

Elements of an idea
