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Gender equality

At the Basic Internet Foundation, gender equality is fundamental, where it always pervades in each and all of the foundation internal and external activities.

As Basic Internet Foundation strives to secure human rights, we know, it starts from us. Thus, we consider it as matter of realising democracy and basic human rights. It's also about our legitimacy toward our society as Norway's foremost organisation for Digital Inclusion, and the fineness of our activities.

Our initiatives in gender equality

Basic Internet Foundation leads continually initiatives to realise entire equality between gender, within various areas:

  1. Implementing and develop better knowledge on diversity
  2. Prevention efforts on sexual harassment
  3. Empowering employee equality through forum and seminars for inclusion and diversity
  4. Ongoing assess of all the undertaken actions

Our gender equality policy

  1. Maintaining consciously an inclusive working environment in which the organisational culture and norms are fair enhance equality
  2. Recruitment policy that promotes equitability between both sexes

How it works and organised

  1. The Basic Internet Foundation has a special adviser in equality who follow the policy
  2. The Foundation establishes regular discussions on gender equality to ensure transparency in equality as objective and process.