Welcome emails

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Welcome Emails

This page contains all the email content in the various mails going out from Innobors. We have the following role-based emails:

  • info@innobors.no - for general information about InnoBors
  • feedback - for bug reporting, change requests and any other feedback
  • finance - for email exchange according to crowd funding
  • all other emails are found at InnoBors_Documents

Mails to Donate, Loan, Shares

Using the following variables

  • $PRENAME - pre name of donator (user) $NAME Name of user, $EMAIL_USER email user
  • $IDEA - idea description, e.g. "Smart Search"
  • $COMPANY - company name, e.g. "Comperio"
  • $DONATE_AMOUNT - the amount donated to the company, e.g. 10000 NOK
  • $SHARE_VALUE_AMOUNT - amount for buying shares, e.g. 100.000 NOK
  • $COMPANY_ID_LINK - direkt link to company on the InnoBors, e.g. http://innobors.no/StockMarket/ViewIdea.aspx?id=28

Mails to the person willing to contribute

Subject: Thanks for your Donation to $IDEA


Thank you for your support of $IDEA.

You have donated $DONATE_AMOUNT to $COMPANY, helping the team to further develop their idea $IDEA. Follow your donation for $COMPANY on the InnoBors: $COMPANY_ID_LINK

And if you have any suggestions for the InnoBors, please send us your reply at feedback@innobors.no

Kind regards,

your InnoBors Team

Movation's social innovation ecosystems helps entrepreneurs with funding, competency and public attention — three essential items for successful entrepreneurship!

Follow us on InnoBors - the leading open innovation arena in the Nordics

Movation - Moving Innovation Forward

Shares Mail to Donator

Subject: Thanks for your decision in becoming shareholder of $IDEA


Thank you for your your decision in becoming shareholder of $COMPANY for supporting $IDEA.

You have asked for shares representing $SHARE_VALUE_AMOUNT of $COMPANY, helping the team to further develop their idea $IDEA. The owner of the idea will contact you for the details of the transaction. Follow your new $COMPANY on the InnoBors: $COMPANY_ID_LINK

And if you have any suggestions for the InnoBors, please send us your reply at feedback@innobors.no

Kind regards,

Your InnoBors Team

Movation's social innovation ecosystems helps entrepreneurs with funding, competency and public attention — three essential items for successful entrepreneurship!

Follow us on InnoBors - the leading open innovation arena in the Nordics

Movation - Moving Innovation Forward

Loan mail to "donator"

Subject: Thanks for supporting $IDEA through a loan


Thank you for your your decision in supporting $COMPANY with a loan for $IDEA.

You have offered a loan of $LOAN_AMOUNT to $COMPANY, helping the team to further develop their idea $IDEA. The owner of the idea will contact you for the details of the transaction. Follow your new $COMPANY on the InnoBors: $COMPANY_ID_LINK

And if you have any suggestions for the InnoBors, please send us your reply at feedback@innobors.no

Kind regards,

Your InnoBors Team

Movation's social innovation ecosystems helps entrepreneurs with funding, competency and public attention — three essential items for successful entrepreneurship!

Follow us on InnoBors - the leading open innovation arena in the Nordics

Movation - Moving Innovation Forward

Mails to IDEA Owner

Subject: Donation offer for your idea $IDEA

Dear Idea Owner,

Your request for donation of $IDEA got a new contributor.

He/She is willing to donate $DONATE_AMOUNT to $COMPANY, helping you to further develop $IDEA.

Please perform the following steps

(1) Contact the donator: $PRENAME, $NAME, $EMAIL_USER and provide him with your companies account number
(2) Having received the donation, please add him to your supporter page on Facebook.

If you have any comments, suggestions or feedback for the InnoBors, please send them to us at feedback@innobors.no

Kind regards,

Your InnoBors Team

Movation's social innovation ecosystems helps entrepreneurs with funding, competency and public attention — three essential items for successful entrepreneurship!

Follow us on InnoBors - the leading open innovation arena in the Nordics

Movation - Moving Innovation Forward


Subject: Offered loan for your idea $IDEA

Dear Idea Owner,

Your request for crowdfunding-based loans of $IDEA got a new contributor.

He/She is willing to loan the amount of $DONATE_AMOUNT, helping you to further develop $IDEA.

Please perform the following steps:

(1) Contact the loan provider: $PRENAME, $NAME, $EMAIL_USER and provide him with your companies account number
(2) Sign the LOAN agreement in two copies, and get them countersigned by the loan provider.

If you have any comments, suggestions or feedback for the InnoBors, please send them to us at feedback@innobors.no

Kind regards,

Your InnoBors Team

Movation's social innovation ecosystems helps entrepreneurs with funding, competency and public attention — three essential items for successful entrepreneurship!

Follow us on InnoBors - the leading open innovation arena in the Nordics

Movation - Moving Innovation Forward


Subject: New shareholder for your idea $IDEA

Dear Idea Owner,

Your request for an emission of $COMPANY related to $IDEA got a new shareholder.

He/She is willing to buy shares representing the amount of $DONATE_AMOUNT, helping you to further develop $IDEA.

Please perform the following steps:

(1) Contact the new shareholder: $PRENAME, $NAME, $EMAIL_USER and provide him with your companies account number and the legal documents to buy shares
(2) Sign the emission papers, and get them countersigned by the new shareholder.

If you have any comments, suggestions or feedback for the InnoBors, please send them to us at feedback@innobors.no

Kind regards,

Your InnoBors Team

Movation's social innovation ecosystems helps entrepreneurs with funding, competency and public attention — three essential items for successful entrepreneurship!

Follow us on InnoBors - the leading open innovation arena in the Nordics

Movation - Moving Innovation Forward

Idea Creation Mail

Create Private Idea

%This mail is sent out after a user creates a new idea (which is a private idea)

Subject: You have created the idea: $IDEA on Innobors


We appreciate your new idea $IDEA on the InnoBors.

Please have in mind that your idea is private, and can only be seen by you. Thus we suggest that you continue to work on your idea, and then convert it to a public idea.

A public idea has an own page on the InnoBors describing it. The community can "vote up" and "add comments" to ideas being on the "public InnoBors". However, no investments can be made from the community. The idea will not go through the approved scorecard process, and will thus not be able to be amongst the "noted ideas" and "no scorecards". The notation of an idea costs 2.500,00 NOK (~300 €).

The highest level of an idea is the status of a "listed idea". A listed idea is a candidate for the Rising Star Award of Movation, and will be introduced on the main listing at the InnoBors. We will invite you as the idea owner to a scoring session, where a detailed analysis of the proposed idea is being performed by experts in the field. The scoring process costs 25.000 NOK (~3000 €).

Thus, please continue working with your idea, and if you are ready for inviting others to your idea, please publish it.

And if you have any suggestions for the InnoBors, please send us your reply at feedback@innobors.no

Kind regards,

Your InnoBors Team

Movation's social innovation ecosystems helps entrepreneurs with funding, competency and public attention — three essential items for successful entrepreneurship!

Follow us on InnoBors - the leading open innovation arena in the Nordics

Movation - Moving Innovation Forward

Alternative Text in Norwegian

%needs some more work - Josef: there are elements which we should have on the InnoBors, and probably also in a mail. But the goal is that everything is "web based", and that email is only supporting the Web-based processes.

Takk for hyggelig mail om at du ønsker en børsnotering av $IDEA på vår Innovasjonsbørs, en god idé som vi så absolutt ønsker å notere på innovasjons­børsen (InnoBørs). Returner vedlagt kontrakt signert i *.pdf slik at vi kan notere din virksomhet på innovasjonbørsen. Straks vi har mottatt denne avtalen vil vi notere din idé på børsen slik at den blir synlig blant annet på HegnarOnline.

Movation skal som nevnt være Nordens fremste uavhengige pådriver for et mer suksessrikt og skaperkraftig innovasjonssamfunn. Vårt mål er å hjelpe ideskapere, gründere, eiere, samarbeidspartnere og investorer med nødvendig kapital, kommunikasjon og kompetanse for å lykkes.

Dette gjør vi gjennom å tilby Nordens ledende, åpne, kvalitetssikrede og unike innovasjons-økosystem, i samarbeid med våre partnere.

Innovasjons-økosystemet består av:

  • InnoBørs — en unik innovasjonsbørs
  • InnoInvest — et omfattende nasjonalt og internasjonalt investor-nettverk
  • InnoDesign — en innovativ og effektiv kommunikasjonskanal
  • InnoServices — utvalgte kunnskaps- og forretningsmessige innovasjons-tjenester
  • InnoResearch — kobling til akademia og støtteapparat
  • InnoCircle — et effektivt partnernettverk

Det gjøres oppmerksom på at Movation's hovedmål er å koble de gode ideene med de riktige investorene, og ikke drive børsvirksomhet etter børsloven. I stedet oppfordrer vi partene til å starte en dialog som forhåpentligvis gavner begge parter, og Norge som innovasjonssamfunn.

Om børsnotering

Via InnoBørs kan idéer synliggjøres i Movation sitt økosystem, ved å gjøre en børsnotering. En idé-eier vil kunne få bekreftet eller avkreftet modenheten i markedet både knyttet til potensielle kunder, partnere og andre interessenter. Idéen beskriver kundens behov/smerte, hva man vil oppnå ved å løse dette behovet i tillegg til hvordan det skal løses. Det anbefales å legge inn bekreftelse fra interessenter på at dette er en god idé, f. eks. ved å legge inn sitater fra akademiske miljøer eller kunder som har testet ut idéen. Via registrerings­bildet vil det være mulig å registrere inn en beskrivelse av idéen som vil bli sendt ut via Movation sitt InnoDesign tjeneste (www.innodesign.no) til over 16 000 lesere hvor 450 av disse er redaktører. Din idé vil da kunne bli fanget opp i ditt nærmiljø eller i andre relevante markeder. Børsnoterte idéer vil være tilgjengelig for samtlige brukere av InnoBørs. Når en idé er børsnotert vil idé-eier kunne få tilgang til Microsoft sin oppstartspakke for nystartede virksomheter. Videre vil selskapet bli synliggjort på www.hegnaronline.com.

For å bli notert på innovasjonsbørsen (InnoBørs) må du akseptere avtalen om børsmedlemskap. Som du vil se av avtalen er beløpet NOK 2.500. Da er du notert på InnoBørs ett år.

For ytterligere informasjon kan du gå inn på www.movation.no.

Etter at du har blir notert på InnoBørs anbefaler vi at du gjennomfører neste trinn i prosessen som betyr en børslisting av din idé. Dette betyr kvalitetssikring og objektiv vurdering (scoringsprosess) av idéen. Videre vil Movation presentere idéen ovenfor sitt investornettverk. Håper dette kan være av interesse og vi kan gjerne snakke nærmere om dette.

Movation’s innovasjonsbørs er det mest spennende og kreative som har skjedd for å gjøre det enklere for gründere med gode ideer å finne smart kapital. Jeg applauderer satsningen og ønsker lykke til på ferden. Une Amundsen, konsernsjef og grunnlegger av Superoffice