A decentralised Internet for local Empowerment

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A decentralised Internet for local Empowerment

by N.n.
Supervisor(s) Josef Noll, Jonathan Muringani, Maghsoud Morshedi
Due date 2023/05/01
Status Planned
Problem description: The thesis will address how a decentralised Internet can be established. Bandwidth- and cost-constraints have manifested the digital divide, especially in developing economies. According to the "Gender Gap" report by the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), less than 1% of people had access to meaningful Internet in 2021. Such a low Internet usage requires novel concepts, e.g. a decentralised Internet providing free access to information through local information spots in the community.

Such a concept, as described in BasicInternet:Solutions, is based on a village server, being e.g. a Raspberry Pi. Concepts of content caching, which were popular in the beginning of the Internet, are less applicable due to the need for encrypted communications.

This thesis will explore the mechanisms for a freemium access in remote areas, including e.g. subscribe services on the decentralised cloud. The solution can be exploited and tested in schools in Africa South of Sahara (SSA), e.g. Kenya or Tanzania.

Methods and Tools: The tools and methods in this thesis are based on
  • A set of scenario, describing the challenges
  • A list of requirements being extracted from the scenarios
  • A description and evaluation of technologies and tools being candidates for solutions
  • A functional architecture/description of the envisaged system
  • An implementation of the core concepts
  • A demonstration of the solution
  • An evaluation of the solution, including a critical review of the descisions taken earlier
  • Conclusions
  • References
Time schedule The envisaged time schedule (for a long thesis/60 ECTS) is:
T0 0 starting month, T0+m denotes the month where the contribution to a certain chapter shalle be finalized
T0+2 months: create an initial page describing the scenario
T0+3: Provide a list of technologies which you think are necessary for the thesis
T0+4: Establish the table of content (TOC) of the envisaged thesis. Each section shall contain 3-10 keywords describing the content of that section
T0+7: Provide a draft of section 2 (scenario) and 3 (technologies)
T0+10: Establish a draft on what to implement/architecture
T0+11: Set-up an implementation, testing and evaluation plan
T0+15: Evaluate your solution based on a set of parameters, keep in mind there is no such thing as a free lunch
T0+17: Deliver the thesis
Pre-Knowledge This thesis includes a reasonable amount of programming.
Approved Pending by
Keywords IoTSec, SCOTT, Digital Inclusion, Basic Internet

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This page provides hints on what to include in your master thesis.


Title page, abstract, ...

1. Introduction, containing: short intro into the area, what is happening
1.1 Motivation, containing: what triggered me to write about what I'm writing about
1.2 Methods, containing: which methods are you using, how do you apply them
2. Scenario, optional chapter for explaining some use cases
2.1 user scenario, (bad name, needs something bedre)
2.2 Requirements/Technological challenges
3. State-of-the art/Analysis of technology, structure your content after hardware/SW (or other domains). Describe which technologies might be used to answer the challenges, and how they can answer the challenges
3.1 technology A
3.2 technology B
4. Implementation
4.1 Architecture, functionality
5. Evaluation
6. Conclusions


Red line

Your thesis should have a "red line", which is visible throughout the whole thesis. This means you should mention in the beginning of each chapter how the chapter contributes to the "goals of the thesis".

Use of scientific methods

A thesis follows a standard method:

  • describe the problem (problemstilling)
  • extract the challenges. These challenges should be measurable, e.g. method is too slow to be useful to voice handover.
  • Analyse technology with respect to challenges. Don't write & repeat "everything" from a certain technology, concentrate on those parts (e.g. protocols) which are of importance for your problem


  • Wikipedia is good to use to get an overview on what is happening. But there is not scientific verification of Wikipedia, thus you should use wikipedia only in the introduction of a chapter (if you use text from wikipedia). Use scientific literature for your thesis.
  • Scientific library is "at your hand", you can get there directly from UiO: [[How to get access to IEEE, Springer and other scientific literature -> Unik/UiOLibrary]]
  • I suggest that references to web pages, e.g. OASIS, W3C standards, are given in a footnote. Only if you find white papers or other .pdf documents on a web page then you refer to them in the reference section.

Evaluation of own work

Perform an evaluation of your own work. Revisit the challenges and discuss in how you fulfilled them. Provide alternative solution and discuss what should be done (or what could have been done).