BG:Social Media Publishing

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Title Social Media Publishing
Type functionality
Severity 4-enhancement
Keywords Idea creation, Idea edit
Date (expected, solved,...)
Expected Version v2.8
Status Solved&Tested
Summary (1-2 lines): Facebook, LinkedIN, Google, Twitter publish
Test Procedure: The test in TEST was successfull
News: Please give me more instruction how to test this feature. Is it implementetd in test or only in DEV?

this page was created by Special:FormEdit/BugReport, and can be edited by Special:FormEdit/BugReport/BG:Social Media Publishing. See all change requests/bug reports at BugReport or, sorted after version number in Movation:Innobors_Version.

18th June

First of all, it is also deployed in TEST environment.

About testing, here there are two parts of the enhancement.

1. A tweeter feed of MovationAS appear in every idea detail page under stock market at right side on top of idea activity panel 2. Buttons for sharing the idea in social site like facebook, google+ and tweeter just before the description of the idea.

13th June

A version is deployed on DEV server.


This will allow all information to be published directly from InnoBors to social media such as LinkedIN, Google, Facebook....

  • includes Google "+1", Facebook "like"
  • includes "share on"....


Twitter feed

grap the inner part of this tweet....



<script charset="utf-8" src=""></script>

new TWTR.Widget({
 version: 2,
 type: 'profile',
 rpp: 4,
 interval: 30000,
 width: 250,
 height: 300,
 theme: {
   shell: {
     background: '#fafafa',
     color: '#4316f5'
   tweets: {
     background: '#ede8ed',
     color: '#3c3d3c',
     links: '#3b0eed'
 features: {
   scrollbar: true,
   loop: false,
   live: false,
   behavior: 'default'
