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Papers fra Masterarbeid om Cognitive TV


  • 1-2 paper til conferences
  • 1 bidrag til
  • 1 journal artikkel

WWRF paper

Increasing Available Spectrum using TV receiver information

Hemdan Bezabih1, Brage Ellingsæter2, Josef Noll1

1 University Graduate Center (UNIK), Kjeller, Norway

2 Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI), Kjeller, Norway


Due to the reuse factor used in DVB-T, at any location in any country using DVB-T there will be a certain amount of unused frequencies. These unused frequencies are known as the TV white spaces. TV white spaces are today the most promising spectrum in which cognitive radios can be deployed. However, the conventional approach to using white spaces for cognitive radios is to assume a database which keeps track of TV broadcast stations location's, which can be complemented by sensing done at by the cognitive radios. The end goal of such a database is to protect the TV receivers from harmful interference. Only registering the TV broadcast stations location's leads to a significant overprotection of certain areas where there might not be TV receivers. In this paper we investigate the potential gain (in amount of additional available frequencies) registration of TV receivers have over the conventional approach. We define two knowledge levels and show that knowing the TV receiver locations, the spectrum amount available for CR devices can be increased by as much as 120 MHz.

Keywords: Tx, Rx, database, digital TV, secondary usage, spectrum, white space, gray space

  • reduce to Knowledge Level KL 1 and KL 2 (name KN 3, but not use)
  • Hemdan to reduce paper format to 4 pages, send to Brage for control reading and correction.
  • Hemdan to submit on Monday, 14. August 2011 to: WWRF27 meeting
  • Call for papers: -
  • submit to: Spectrum Issues
    • husk copyright
    • husk student grant

Paper II

  • KN3
  • identify a potential conference
  • advantages, disadvantages

full "populærvitenskapelig" framstilling

further ideas

  • circular protection area
  • 100m resolution area
  • TV antenna - hvor mange har terrestrial, satellite, cable,....
  • antenna angle(directive antenna)
  • Rx - Tx grafical location for antenna diagramme
  • OFCOM antenna settings
    • TV gain 4-16 dB
    • neighbour channel, -16dB, - co-channel 33 dB supression
  • sammfundskostnader (ikke science)