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Project: FreeSecEDU
Building the security-aware society based on free Web access to security courses
Project leader Josef Noll
Project Participants
Start Date 2013/12/01
End Date 2014/01/15
Supported by UNIK
Objective Create an Horizon 2020 application for Free Security Education. - The envisaged objectives did not meet the call objectives, thus the project was terminated.
Research Domain 5G Networks, Internet - IoPTS
Keywords Cloud security, Cyber Security, Information Security, Education, Horizon 2020

Factpage of Project FreeSecEDU

Equipment used in project: FreeSecEDU/Equipment

The goal of this project is to write a Horizon 2020 application. The application is linked to call xxx, objective xxx, with deadline

This web page provides generic information on the background of the application. Partners being willing to join can follow "this link" to establish their interest. The interest will be handled confidentially, and is only available for the coordinator. The coordinator will then analyse the provided input and select a consortium that:

  • will create a real system, with the first prototype already available at month 12 (M12)
  • will provide an overview over research fields and goals to be addressed through research
  • will provide a realistic budget for the envisaged solution.

The Scenario

Charles wants to know how a one time password works and how he can install such a OTP functionality on his application. Thus, he picks up his phone, and either opens the FeeSec app to ask for the information or opens a Web page on with that question in mind. The phone app translates his question «What is a one time password?» to an information request, and both wikpedia as well as specially tailored web pages will be made available for him. While listening, he can use simple commands like «what does this mean?» or «Tell me more» to get more information on the topic. He can choose to either have the information available through voice in the app or on a web page.

The novel elements in this proposal

  • text- & picture-based courses on a variety of security topics
  • a context-adapation menu analysing the knowledge of the user and providing relevant security information
  • a text-to-speach and voice-to-text engine (converting the questions into searchable text item and the answers as text)
  • a proxy providing free access to internet information

Required technologies & research

  • text- and figure-based elements of security fields education
  • an identification and extraction of information from Wikipedia and other security courses
  • a user profiler estimating the state-of-knowledge of the user
  • the adaptation of speech engines for security research
  • a proxy development for browsers being able to use the free Web access
  • Free Web access pilots for emerging and mature economies, e.g. hot-spot in Kongo, EDUROAM, FON in Europe

Contributions from partners

The following institutions/companies have contributed Some part "<nowiki>...</nowiki>" of the query was not understood.

Required information from partners

Describe here your envisaged contribution

The above form will ask you for

  • Institution/Company name, e.g. University of Oslo
  • abbreviation of institution, e.g. UiO
  • country, e.g. NO
  • contact person in the research institute, e.g. Josef Noll
  • email of contact person, e.g.
  • a description of intended contribution, identifying measurable output at months M12, M24, M36
  • a short description of research issues
  • an indicative number of PM for those contributions


Facts about "FreeSecEDU"RDF feed
Due date15 January 2014 +
KeywordsCloud security +, Cyber Security +, Information Security +, Education + and Horizon 2020 +
ObjectiveCreate an Horizon 2020 application for Free Security Education. - The envisaged objectives did not meet the call objectives, thus the project was terminated. +
PartnerITS +
ProjectFreeSecEDU +
Project leaderJosef Noll +
Research Domain5G Networks + and Internet - IoPTS +
StartDate1 December 2013 +
TitleBuilding the security-aware society based on free Web access to security courses +