Moodle Manual

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Project: Moodle Manual
Moodle Manual for e-learning
Project leader Susana Rodriguez de Novoa
Project Participants
Start Date 2013/04/05
End Date 2013/10/31
Supported by UNIK
Objective This guide is designed to act as an aide-memoire and to cover the installation and main activities a tutor or administrator is most likely to want to do in Moodle.
Research Domain Internet - IoPTS
Keywords e-learning, Evaluation, Education

Factpage of Project Moodle Manual

Equipment used in project: Moodle Manual/Equipment

Moodle is a Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a Free web application that educators can use to create effective online learning sites.

Some typical features of Moodle are: Assignment submission; Discussion forum; Files download; Grading; Moodle instant messages; Online calendar; Online news and announcement (College and course level); Wiki; question types (multiple choice, true and false, fill in the blank, etc.); enrollment methods...

UNIK Moodle.jpg

Web page:


XAMPP is a very easy to install Apache Distribution for Linux, Solaris, Windows and Mac OS X. The package includes the Apache web server, MySQL, PHP, Perl, a FTP server and phpMyAdmin.

Install XAMPP

  • Download and install the most recent version of XAMPP. This will contain a more recent version of PHP, a requirement for Moodle.

Make sure to take backups of XAMPP\htdocs and XAMPP\mysql\data if you use XAMPP for other projects.

Modify database

  • After the installation:
    • Create a database in phpMyAdmin: browse to http://localhost and select "phpMyAdmin" under "Tools".
    • Create a new database with any name, selecting "utf8_general_ci" for collation.
    • Optionally add a user with all privileges (better security practice than the default root user). To add a user, select the newly created database from the left pane, and select "Add New User" under the "Privileges" tab.


Install Moodle

  • Unzip the "moodle" folder into XAMPP\htdocs\

Running Moodle

  • Start Apache and MySQL services using the XAMPP control panel

Managing a Moodle site

Moodle guide for teachers


Download Moodle & XAMPP