BB23.B End-to-end assured QoE
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End-to-end assured QoE for heterogeneous services traffic
Page Title
BB23.B End-to-end assured QoE
Technology Line
Security & Safety
Lead partner
Xavier Alberti
Related to Use Cases
When very different traffic in terms of QoS requirements is agregated in a limited bandwidth link the QoS must be assured for mission critical services (i.e. sensor data with different level of criticity). Mission critical services needs to transmit and/or receive a kind of information affecting, for example, the normal operation of some kind of means of transport (. This attatches to this particular traffic a list of very strong QoS requierements in terms of security and safety like integrity, latency, availability, ... that must be fulfilled at any circumstance. Otherwise, the transport system could be prone to accidents and so the security of the crew, passengers and/or freight is jeopardized. Therefore, advanced prioritization mechasnisms must be performed in the place where bottleneck occurs (ontrack GW or train GW).
Main output
This BB will provide prioritized IP traffic guaranteeing the QoS requirements of the critical mission M2M applications that the WP9/WP11/WP18 introduce. The smart router (with QoS capabilities) will be integrated inside the Onboard L&M Gateway between the External Communications Modules (3G/4G/5G and Satcom) and the SIP Adapter.
BB category
SW component
QoS Enforcer/IMS enabler product developed in the frame of DEWI. It provides a Linux based software that is able to classify IP traffic and apply different prioritization profile according to the QoS Policies configured. In addition, it also enables the IMS services via SATCOM contributing to the terrestrial and satellite network convergence.
Current TRL
TRL 3. It is justified since the proposed smart router is taking advantage of the SW functionalities providing QoS capabilities developed in the frame of the DEWI project and validated at laboratory environment. On the other hand, the same HW platform (a certified railway computer) will be reused for implementing the new functionalities related to smart routing features. However, the smart routing features (SW) are still a simulated concept (i.e. IP dynamic routing policies AND data link status monitoring info) and they are pending to be designed and implemented (and integrated with the QoS features) in a HW prototype.
Target TRL
TRL 7. The objective is to reach a validated prototype that providing the full smart QoS router features in an emulated real-time operational environment (at least, with 3G and satcom links available)