SCOTT:SCOTT review Sep2018


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SCOTT:SCOTT review Sep2018

Title SCOTT review Sep2018
Place JU ECSEL@Brussels
Date, Time 2018/09/25, 25Sep2018 Rehearsel, 26Sep2018 Review
Contact Person Michael Karner
Participants Peter Priller, Josef Noll, Werner Rom, Toktam Ramezani
related to Project SCOTT
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ECSEL JU, White Atrium
Avenue de la Toison d'Or 56-60
B-1060 Brussels

We will meet on 2018-09-25 at 09:30 in front of the building to start with the rehearsal day.

  • The rehearsal day (2018-09-25) will take place in room 1 on the first floor.
  • The review meeting (2018-09-26) will take place in room 5/32 on the fifth floor.


You can find the agenda on SharePoint following this link:

09:30 Welcome, agenda, introduction (20 min) VIF, all
09:50 SCOTT: Overview of project structure, objectives, key messages and highlights (20 min) VIF
Q & A (5 min) Reviewers
10:15 SP1: Requirements Management and Assessment of Objectives (WP1-WP5) (15 min) NXP-AT
10:30 SP2: Overview about the general methodology for all Use Cases (WP6) (10 min) GUT, INDRA
Q&A SP1/SP2 (10 min) Reviewers
10:50 Break (20 min)
11:10 SP2 Use Cases: 4 Demonstrators (4x15 min) WP13, WP18, WP21, GUT contribution to WP9/12/15
Q&A (10 min) Reviewers
12:20 Lunch (60 min)
13:20 SP2 Use Cases: 11 Non-demo WPs (10x5 min + 1x10 min WP11) Non-demo WPs
Q&A (10 min) Reviewers
14:30 Break (20 min)
14:50 SP3: Technology Lines - Development and Implementation of Technologies Overview (WP22) (10 min) MOV
SP3 Technology Lines: WP23-WP26 (4x10 min = 40 min) Nokia, Telenor, Acciona, ISEP
Q&A (10 min) Reviewers
15:50 SP4: Overview and Project Management (WP27) (10 min) VIF
WP28: Framework for Building Trusted Systems (10 min) VIF
WP30: Open Innovation and Stakeholder Engagement (5 min) VIF
WP31: Standardization, Regulation, Certification (5 min) CISC
WP29: Dissemination and Exploitation (10 min) AVL
Q & A (10 min) Reviewers
16:40 Break / Review panel internal discussion
17:10 Conclusions / feedback Reviewers
17:30 End of meeting

Invitation letter

We have also received the official review invitation letter from our Project Officer. You can find it on SharePoint following this link: