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WP30 - Open Innovation and Stakeholder Engagement

WP Title: Open Innovation and Stakeholder Engagement
Project: SCOTT
Lead partner: VIF
Leader: Joachim Hillebrand


SCOTT aims at establishing a sustainable digital eco-system for trustable wireless solutions and services for both professional and private users, by attracting and tightly involving 3rd parties and particularly SMEs to contribute to and co-develop solutions. Therefore SCOTT envisages an open innovation approach to successfully bring wireless technologies into practice for national and international organizations across different industrial domains. Based on the various technological achievements of SCOTT (especially on reference architecture, reference implementation, privacy labelling,...) this WP envisages to open-up the innovation process through integrating all kinds of external stakeholders along the value chain and from different domains - thereby connecting users, customers, employees, vendors, experts, suppliers, citizens and creative people to the SCOTT project results. By doing so SCOTT aims to further boost and exploit the growing “digital economy” through generating ideas and co-developing novel applications and services through tighter stakeholder engagement based on secure and trustable wireless technologies. SCOTT will conduct novel open innovation tools including ‘hackathons’ and idea contests, thereby co-developing ideas, concepts and demonstrators. Hackathons are a popular instrument, last between one day and a week, and involve a number of groups typically consisting of a handful of creative minds including at least one expert in wireless technologies (e.g. a SCOTT project partner), one domain expert (e.g. a home automation expert, a mobility expert, ..), and three hardware/software developers. Participants of such an open innovation event will have the chance to implement own ideas and to showcase own results as part of a planned major SCOTT event or conference, targeting stakeholders, journalists and the general public. With the dedicated support of the SCOTT consortium, the winners/winning group/winning SME of such an open innovation event will be awarded with a prize.

The main objectives of this work package are:

  • Engage 3rd parties (students, start-ups, SMEs) to boost the development of an eco-system for trustable wireless solutions and services developed in SCOTT for both professional and private users through promoting SCOTTs project results in a proper form to them.
  • Develop and apply a suitable open innovation tool according to the specific project objectives of SCOTT (e.g. a hackathon or another form of an idea contest) and tightly involve stakeholders from outside the project - to e.g. generate additional demonstrators or to make existing demonstrators more trustable in terms of increasing / improving safety, security and privacy.
  • Demonstrate the easy applicability of technologies developed in SCOTT (e.g. reference architecture, reference implementations, privacy labelling...) and enable novel applications across domains and beyond project scope together with externals.

Partners in WP30

SCOTT-NO contact: Josef Noll

SmartIO (2 PM) is mainly involved in Stakeholder engagement. 
Continuous SCOTT results promotion through SmartIOs extended industrial cluster and business incubator Recruitment of SMEs and incubator companies to be involved in a SCOTT open innovation initiative

Telenor (2 PM)

  • Judge Open Innovation event submissions from a Distributed Cloud Integration point of view

  • Support the winners of the Open Innovation Contest during their further implementation based on SCOTT results

UiO (4 PM) is leader of Implement an open innovation approach in SCOTT

  • Judge Open Innovation event submissions from a general technical point of view

* Support the winners of the Open Innovation Contest during their further implementation based on SCOTT results

Tasks in WP30

T30.1 Open Innovation and Stakeholder Engagement

  • Objective: This task will address trust issues in building blocks and use cases
  • Expected results: table of trust parameter (M04), selection of trust parameters for selected building blocks (M34)
  • Subtasks:

T30.3 Implement an open innovation approach in SCOTT

  • Objective: Search for and hire appropriate and dedicated creative minds for the envisaged open innovation contest (e.g. students, domain enthusiasts, software developers, ... to engage in a hackathon to improve an existing solution or to develop ideas/mock-ups for a new solution) thereby involving all project partners in community building.
  • Host/Perform the open innovation event / contest and co-develop novel ideas, applications, and services on demonstrator/mock-up level
  • Judge the achievements of the open innovation contest and award prizes to the winners
  • Establish knowledge transfer between external participants and the SCOTT project to foster community building for a sustainable ecosystem on trustable wireless solutions and services
  • Support the winners of the open innovation contest during their further implementation based on SCOTT results
  • Expected results:
  • Subtasks:

Deliverables in SCOTT:WP30

 TitleDue monthLead partnerEditorDissemination level
D30.3Documentation of open innovation activitiesM36UiOMaunya Doroudi MoghadamConfidential

Working area