Talk:Main Page
tagclouds may also contain:
Tags related to Theses
Agenda 2030 Air pollution Air quality Android Basic Education BasicInternet:Basic Internet Digital Inclusion Edge computing Elaborating and implementing http2 standards for server-side compression Embedded systems Empower the uptake of renewable energy in Africa End-to-end QoS in a mobile ad-hoc network including satellite links Energy consumption Energy consumption in wireless sensor networks Energy Monitoring Energy monitoring Energy Sharing in Multi-Residential Households Energy Transition Establish the AI infrastructure for analysis of the electricity data (3/7) Establish the low-power monitoring infrastructure in the home (1/7) Evaluation and Improvement of technologies for CCTV Fog computing InfoInternet IoT Mobile Privacy QoS Satellite SCOTT:SCOTT Security Semantic Technologies Sensor Sensor Networks Services Smart Home Smart home Societal Security Sports Wireless Sensor Networks WSN
and the keywords related to the courses
- - Autumn holidays - no lecture (with titel: - Autumn holidays - no lecture)
- - no lecture - (with titel: - no lecture -)
- - no lecture, Josef travelling - (with titel: - no lecture, Josef travelling -)
- 2nd Assignment Presentations H17 (with titel: Presentation of your assignment)
- 2nd Assignment Presentations H17cont (with titel: Presentation of your assignment)
- API comparison: Protege, OWL and SPARQL (with titel: API comparison: Protege, OWL, SPARQL, Jena, contains the following topics: OWL API, Protege API, Semantic MediaWiki, Instances)
- Antennas and their communication parameters (B2-B3) (with titel: Antennas and their communication parameters, contains the following topics: Antennas, Beamwidth, Radiation pattern, Gain, Directivity, Input impedance, Hertz Dipol, Antenna Gain)
- Applying SWRL, DL Query and SPARQL to your ontology (with titel: Applying SWRL, DL Query or SPARQL to your ontology, contains the following topics: SWRL, RulesML, OWL-DL, Jess, DL Tab, SPARQL)
- Applying protege OWL API (with titel: Overview over API for reasoner, contains the following topics: OWL API, Protege API, Jena API, SQWRL, OWL 1, OWL 2)
- Assignment Ideas H17 (with titel: Presentation of ideas for assignment)
- Basic Internet Feedback to Malta keynote (with titel: Feedback to Malta keynote on Basic Internet (Fxx), contains the following topics: Wifi, Basic Internet, InfoInternet)
- Basics of Communication (A1-A3) (with titel: Basics of Communication and Assignments, contains the following topics: SNR, Transmit Power, Scattering, Reflection, Diffraction)
- Basics of Semantics (with titel: Basics of Semantics, contains the following topics: Semantic Technologies, Tripple Store, RDF, OData, Tags)
- Bla bla (with titel: bla bla)
- Building ontologies for UAV (with titel: Building ontologies for UAV, contains the following topics: UAV, UAS)
- Cell and Cellular Traffic-I (with titel: Cells and Cellular Traffic, contains the following topics: Cell, Frequency reuse, Co-channel Interference, Cell geometry, Fiber Optic Mobile, Microcell, Macrocell, Picocell, Cell Coverage, Link budget, Trunk, GOS, Erlang, CCI, ACI)
- Cell and Cellular Traffic-II (with titel: Cell and Cellular Traffic-II, contains the following topics: Cell Coverage, Link budget, Trunk, GOS, Erlang, ACI)
- Combating the effect of Fading in Mobile Systems (with titel: Combating the effect of Fading in Mobile Systems, contains the following topics: Fading, Diversity, Inter Symbol Interference, Bit error rate, Space Diversity, Angular Diversity, Frequency Diversity, Time Diversity, Polarization Diversity, Multiple antennas, MIMO, Equalizers)
- Comparison of Pellets, FaCT and HermiT (with titel: Comparison of Pellets, FaCT and HermiT, contains the following topics: Reasoning, FaCT, Pellets, HermiT)
- Context
- Context-aware Scenarios (with titel: Context-aware Scenarios, contains the following topics: Scenario, Context, Location, Profile, RDF, Ontology, Semantic Technologies)
- Context-aware Scenarios III (with titel: Context-aware Scenarios III, contains the following topics: Scenario, Context-aware applications, Personalisation)
- Context-aware Scenarios part II (with titel: Context-aware Scenarios, contains the following topics: Scenario, Context, Location, Profile, RDF, Ontology, Semantic Technologies)
- Context-aware Sensors (with titel: Context-aware Sensors)
- Context-awareness
- Cost 231 propagation model comparison (with titel: Comparison of Cost231 propagation models, contains the following topics: Radio Propagation Models, Cost 231)
- Cost231 propagation models (with titel: Cost231 propagation models, contains the following topics: Radio Propagation Models, Cost 231)
- Course evaluation (with titel: Course evaluation, contains the following topics: Evaluation)
- Course information and introduction (with titel: Course information and introduction)
- Courses
- Courses and Knowledge
- CoursesNew
- Develop Semantic Application (with titel: Develop Semantic Application, contains the following topics: Protege, OWL API, Protege Java Export)
- Easter holidays (with titel: easter holidays)
- Easter holidays :-) (with titel: easter holidays :-))
- Environments for Mobile and Wireless Communications (C1-C3) (with titel: Frequency Ranges and Propagation Models for Communications (C1-C3), contains the following topics: Frequency, Radio Propagation Models, Wifi, Mobile Systems)
- Evaluate COST 231 WI for handover (with titel: Evaluate COST 231 WI for handover)
- Exam 2013 (with titel: Exam 2013, contains the following topics: Interference level and modelling, Examination, Evaluation)
- Exam v12 (with titel: Exam v12, contains the following topics: Interference level and modelling)
- Examen UNIK4700h12 (with titel: Cloud presentation, Simulations and LTE handover2)
- Examen UNIK4700h16 (with titel: UNIK4700h15 examen and feedback, contains the following topics: Radio channel models, Microcell, Video streaming, IEEE 802.11)
- Fast and Hierachical MobileIP, Electroic nose (with titel: Fast and Hierachical MobileIP, Electronic nose, contains the following topics: Fast MobileIP, FMIP, Hierachical Mobile IP, HMIP, Electronic nose, Sensor)
- Femto or Small Cells (with titel: Small Cells and HetNet, contains the following topics: Femto Cells, Cell Breathing, Indoor coverage, CAPEX, OPEX)
- Firewalls and IDS (with titel: Firewalls and IDS, contains the following topics: Firewall)
- From 1G to 5G and 5G Security (with titel: From 1G to 5G and 5G Security, contains the following topics: 5G, Mobile History, Mobile Security)
- H14-Invers Mobile Operator (with titel: Details of scenario discussion, contains the following topics: Video, Wifi, Capacity, InversMVNO)
- H14-Rehearsel and Simulation Assignments (with titel: H14-Rehearsel_and_Simulation_Assignments)
- H14-Scenario for simulations (with titel: H14-Scenario for Simulations)
- Hand's on experience with Ontologies (with titel: Hand's on experience with Ontologies, contains the following topics: Protege, Ontology, FOAF, Semantic MediaWiki, Classes, Category, Property)
- Handover modelling model using COST 231 WI (with titel: Handover modelling using the COST 231 WI path loss model, contains the following topics: Radio Propagation Models, Cost 231)
- ... further results
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