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automatically generate pages on red-links: Add this line into Property:Keywords Keywords

UNIQ6bc1a029dcd99c2e-h-0--QINU Query on Courses

Note: Query causes wrong titles

Enter values below; this search is case-sensitive.

Author contains string:
Title contains string:
Keyword contains string:

(This is a demonstration of the "RunQuery" special page: you can see the form it uses at Form:CourseQuery, and the template it uses at Template:CourseQuery.)

The vision of our courses

  • We would like to provide you with interactive courses, where you can test yourself with respect to each lecture.
  • Course-Discussion

Content of courses

just for testing

<categorytree mode=pages style="float:right; clear:right; margin-left:1ex; border:1px solid gray; padding:0.7ex; background-color:white;">UNIK4710</categorytree> <categorytree mode=pages style="float:right; clear:right; margin-left:1ex; border:1px solid gray; padding:0.7ex; background-color:white;">UNIK4700</categorytree>


and the keywords related to the courses