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This is a property of type Page. It links to pages that use the form Project.

Pages using the property "Project"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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"Big Data for Energy" Workshop +
"Internet lite for all" - Sosial digital innovasjon 2018/08/16 +DigI  +


2012/02/07 +Nextelco  +
2012/03/30 +Nextelco  +
201609-Challenges in radio communications for smart grids +PhD DSO Security  +
267558-DigI-Negotiation-Jan2017 +DigI  +


3rd MUHAS Digital Health & Innovation Week, 13-18Nov2023 +Basic Internet  +


4 Port POE ZQPOEGI004 01 +DigI  +
4 Port POE ZQPOEGI004 02 +DigI  +
4 Port POE ZQPOEGI004 03 +DigI  +
4th Summit Community Networks Dodoma Okt2019 +DigI  +


5G Network Slicing for Digital Inclusion 2018/01/05 +DigI  +
5G for Sustainable and Inclusive Communications 2022/07/19 +Basic Internet  +
5G og IoT Drivers for Change 2022/03/28 +Basic Internet  +
5G, 6G and Wifi Network Slices 2019/04/28 +SCOTT  +


6G Summit 2020 +Basic Internet  +, DigI  +
6G Summit and EuCNC 2021 workshop +Basic Internet  +
6G Symposium - Crucial Conversations, 9-11Apr2024, Levi +Basic Internet  +
6G and SDGs Webinar Sep2020 +Basic Internet  +
6G for All - Societal Need and Catalyst for the SDGs 2020/09/08 +DigI  +, Basic Internet  +
6G for Connecting the Future of Every Single Human 2024/05/14 +Basic Internet  +
6G for Digital Inclusion and Catalyst for the SDGs 2020/07/01 +DigI  +, Basic Internet  +
6G for Digital Inclusion and Sustainable Development 2020/03/18 +Basic Internet  +, DigI  +
6G for Digital Inclusion and as a Catalyst for Sustainable Development Goals 2020/10/20 +Basic Internet  +


7" Quadcore tablet TBQ-7321 01 +DigI  +
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