TEK5110/List of Questions

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Questions related to TEK5110 Building Mobile and Wireless Networks

Radio communications and antennas (related to A1)

  • What two functions are performed by antenna?
  • What is an isotropic antenna? What factors determine antenna gain?
  • What is meant by radiation pattern?
  • What is the relation between frequency and wavelength? Provide examples of typical wavelength for mobile and wireless communications.
  • What is happening when I double the frequency, e.g. from 900 to 1800 to 2400 to 5100 MHz (in terms of range and capacity)?
  • What is fading? What are the differences between fast and slow fading, and what causes the effects?
  • Describe the disturbances of a radio wave due to attenuation, reflection, diffraction, scattering, and fading. What are these effects? Explain using practical examples from mobile communication environments.
  • How is diffraction and NLOS used for radio communications?
  • What is an impuls response in mobile communications? Which are the two factors describing it?
  • What is the difference between rural communications and urban communications?

Digital Communication and Communication Systems AA2, A2-A4, B1-C3

  • Looking into range, how do we classify wireless systems? Give examples. How can we extend the range (how can we reach longer)?
  • What effect does the signal to noise ratio has on wireless communications?
  • What are the factors for influencing the capacity of a system? Which factor dominates?
  • What is the relation between dB and dBm? Examples, e.g. doubling power, 10 x power
  • What is the free space propagation equation?
  • How does real world propagation change the propagation equation?
  • What do we mean by indoor, pedestrian and vehicular environments? Where are they used?
  • Why do higher modulation schemes need a better signal to noise ratio?

Communication Systems

  • What are the bandwidth of typical mobile and wireless systems? Provide examples.
  • What is a MIMO system and how does it enhance the capacity of a communication?
  • What are the core characteristics of mobile communication systems (1G-5G)?
