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GravidPluss: Health App
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The Gravid+ project aims to develop and test a mobile app for women with gestational diabetes mellitus. The project started in April 2014 and is supported by the Research Council of Norway (RCN). Women can automatically transfer their blood sugar values to their smartphones and receive tailored advice about their diet and physical activity. The project is headed by Mirjam Lukasse from HiOA.

At the moment, the "Gravid+ app" is tested in a randomized controlled trial at 5 hospitals in the area of Oslo and Akershus, Norway. 130 women will have access to the app during their pregnancy whereas 130 women won't get access. During the study period all of the participants fulfill electronic questionnaires at the hospitals.

Within the project we collaborate with UiO/UNIK by Josef Noll, who focusses on topics related to "mobile and internet technology, mobile applications and security evaluation." HiOA is responsible for the content and design, UiO/UNIK for implementation and programming of the technology.


This NFR-funded project aims to evaluate an app for better health for pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus

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Participating Partners

Collaborating hospitals
