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Headline Subobject query - contribution of partners
Status New
Issue ID 023
Issue Type Query
Priority Normal
Description I would like to use the syntax "Template:Contribution with Partner; has PM; Contribution" to identify the contribution of partners in a Workpackage. Examples are UiO and Telenor in SCOTT:WP5 and UiO and EyeSaas in SCOTT:WP6.

Through the Template:Contribution I introduced the "#has subobject", which I then want to query in SCOTT:Testing_contribution. However, I only get all "Partners", all Contributions and all "has PM", not the specific contribution per partner. What I would like to see is an ask giving me either the PM for a specific partner, or the contribution of a specific partner, e.g. UiO has 0 PM in WP5, 2 PM in WP6,...

Page Link SCOTT:Testing_contribution, Template:Contribution, SCOTT:WP5
Screenshot Screen Shot 2017-07-08 at 23.25.32.png
Created By Josef.Noll
Date Added 2017/07/08