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Due date 31 December 2024  +
Keywords Renewable Energy  + , Energy Transition  + , Energy consumption  +
Objective DESSI is a new infrastructure for modellinDESSI is a new infrastructure for modelling, emulation, monitoring and controlling of the electrical grid. DESSI covers simulations, emulations and cybersecurity of power systems, ranging from micro-, macro- to regional energy systems. To counteract the climate crisis and stay below 1.5 deg C temperature increase requires a massive transitive from energy to electrical systems. DESSI will develop the physical system and computational methods necessary to ensure the reliable and efficient operation of power systems with large-scale renewable generation, flexible loads, storage devices, power flow control and security of cyber-physical systems. DESSI will include physical components such as * PV panels, small wind turbine, hydrogen technology components and batteries, for decentralized installations, peer-to-peer and autonomous operations * Inverters, power switches, IoT, for monitoring and control of micro-grids and power systems. * Scada architecture with PLC and other nodes, to simulate and emulate small industrial systems, including cybersecurity vulnerability analysis * Cyber-physical system simulator for simulation and cyber vulnerability analysis * Power Grid emulator to get hands-on experience on system effects Besides the physical & virtual infrastructure, DESSI will also connect 80-100 houses and report the energy consumption. The high-resolutions energy data are collected per fuse and every 10 s to create a research data-base as a basis for the energy transition in households.s for the energy transition in households.  +
Partner UiO  +
Project DESSI  +
Project Participant Josef Noll  + , Marianne Zeyringer  + , Øivind Kure  + , Paal Engelstad  + , Maghsoud Morshedi  + , Meysam Aboutalebi  + , Eirik Fagerbakke  +
Project leader Josef Noll  +
Research Domain Internet - IoPTS  + , Environmental Monitoring  +
StartDate 1 December 2022  +
Title Distributed Energy System and Security Infrastructure  +
Web  +
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. DESSI +
Creation dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 1 December 2022 09:02:08  +
Categories Project  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 22 January 2024 16:19:07  +
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DESSI + , ED-Nettverket Oslo, 20Mar2023 + , Energy Transition in a Norwegian Perspective 2024/06/07 + , EyeNetworks kick-off 2024 + , EyePoint Academy - Intro 2024/01/18 + , Hvordan kan private hjem bidrar til framtidens energisystemer? 2023/03/20 + , ITS Talks 6Jun2024 + Project


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