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WP7 - Air Quality Monitoring

WP Title: Air Quality Monitoring for Healthy Indoor Environments
Project: SCOTT
Lead partner: VTT


The current implementation barriers are that platforms for sharing data (e.g. temperature, relative humidity, CO2 / CO / NO2 concentrations) among environmental sensor owners are limited and no useful interpretation of the collected data are available. This use case aims to provide the means to utilize environmental sensor data for a better understanding of air quality and air conditions, and enable the applications that can ultimately improve indoor environmental conditions and everyone’s life.

The technology development in this use case is concentrated on the monitoring technology, data fusion of different sensor data and analysis of the gathered data. The monitoring technology at the target building which will be selected in Task 1 from a variety of already available options is strongly driven towards wireless solutions which are suitable especially in cases where older buildings are being retrofitted.

The use case aims to utilize mainly emerging sub-1GHz technology in the WSN monitoring solution. This increases the scalability of the solutions while keeping the gateway component count at a reasonable number. The aim is also to investigate hybrid solutions that utilize short-range e.g. 2,4GHz technology for inter-room and small areas communication together with sub-1GHz long-range technology for access to distant gateways and linking the short- range technology WSNs.

The developed monitoring solution is aimed to be integrated into the cloud and have the data available for creating new types of services and for supporting and enhancing existing ones. The backend solution also acts as the platform for the data fusion and data analytics components. These components provide the processed information to be utilized by different services and users such as building maintenance and management personnel. The utilization of external data sources to enrich the analytics, such as weather information will also be explored.

The data need to pre-processed to allow privacy protection (e.g. humidity and temperature increase in the bedroom can probably regarded are very personal information), but on the other hand the abstract data analytics should be able to process the information in such a way, that a general building management is still possible.

Partners in WP07

  • BB24.F Cross-technology synchronisation (AVL, UiO)

Tasks in WP07


WP lead: (VTT)

  • Norway: Smart Innovation Norway, UiO
  • NO contrib: semantic attribute-based access, business, security monitoring, privacy labelling
  • future services, management of IoT (through link to WP8)
  • roadmap on service- and business-take-up

WP meeting 13Jun2017

  • main focus areas: wireless connectivity, autonomous operation (energy hosting),
  • Q: where comes security into the place?
  • Q: common requirements from WP7 and WP8?
  • agreement with F-Secure on adding F-Secure/Sense device to WP8

Deliverables in SCOTT:WP07

Working area