FRISC Sikkerhetstorget 2014

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FRISC Sikkerhetstorget 2014

Title FRISC Sikkerhetstorget 2014
Place Vika Atrium
Date, Time 2014/12/03, 1030-1500
Contact Person Leif Nilsen
Participants Anders Paulshus, Stig Frode Mjølsnes, Audun Jøsang, Petter Taugbøl, Lothar Fritsch, Josef Noll, Tord Reistad, Geir Bækholt, Tor Helleseth, Leif Nilsen, Hans W. Flisnes, Asbjørn Hovstø, Olaug Råd, Terje Jensen
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The Forum for Research and Innovation in Security and Communication (FRISC) organised the Sikkerhetstorget 2014

Sikkerhetstorget er en møteplass der næringliv, brukermiljø og forskningssektoren innfor informasjonssikkertsområdet kan treffes for å vise et variert utvalg av fersk forskning og innovasjonsbehov for nye produkter og tjenester. Fokus er rettet inn mot teknologi for informasjonssikkerhet.

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Personal notes by Josef

Conax has an intern security check of the products, ranging from 1-10

  • Smartcard to crack is about 1 year with the best experts - level 5(?)
  • Hardware can be cracked/changed within some months(?) given experts and security labs - level 3-4
  • Software can be cracked within a month, and can reach security level 3

Thales suggests Security Engineering as a topic for education

  • Feedback on formal modelling: takes several years to formally model an embedded system. By then the system is changed, and you have to start again.
  • Topic for UNIK: Security Engineering for the IoT

Stig Frode Mjølsnes is inviting to join the Authentik academic staff exchange within 15Jan2015

NFR reported on their upcoming calls for IKTPluss, being a "type of research project (forskerproject)" and an industrial competence project (KMB type of project), both with deadline 11Feb2015. The goals for the research project include

  • collaboration across areas (samarbeid på tvers)
  • etablere robuste forskningsmiljøer
  • have the potential to lift up to EU participation
  • bigger projects, even "cluster of projects"
  • address generic challenges

KMB (kompetanseprosjekter) kommer å ha fokus på kompetanseoppbygning i næringslivet. IKTPluss will also collaborate with SamRisk for societal challenges in security.