Wireless Networks and Security

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Disclaimer: This Semantic Wiki is maintained by the Wireless Networks and Security group of Professor Josef Noll. The group is part of the Department of Technology Systems at the University of Oslo. The content of the wiki reflects the the opinion of the respective author of the page


The Wireless Networks and Security (WNaS) group covers wireless network, including sensor and mobile systems, and security in distributed systems. The Internet reached Europe at Kjeller back in June 1973, and WNaS now aims at developing the next generation of Internet infrastructure. An Internet infrastructure, based on wireless and heterogeneous networks, dynamically configured to provide high-bandwidth services regardless where you are. Some of the challenges we see are the collaboration of private and public networks, adaptive networks for satisfying Quality of Service needs, networks for emerging economies, and communication in the North.

Upcoming services and automated processes will rely on information from sensors and devices (things), thus information security should be an intrinsic issue for the Internet of People, Things and Services (IoPTS). Information security includes privacy of information from people and corporates, requiring methodologies for the measurement of trust, reputation, as well as measurements of the security of systems.

WNaS contributes to the research both at UiO and at NTNU. Our members are professors at these Universities, researchers at Kjeller Institutes or at Industry. We contribute to Research in 'Information Security at UiO and the Department of Telematics at NTNU. As such, WNaS is part of the Network and Distributed Systems Groupat Ifi/UiO.

WNaS offers the following Master- and PhD-courses, open to students from UiO, NTNU and interested people from the business world:

TEK4100Digital Communications
TEK4120Mobile Communications
TEK4500Introduction to Cryptography
TEK5100Mobility in the Internet and ad-hoc Networks
TEK5110Building and Controlling Communication Networks using IoT-devicesJosef Noll
Maghsoud Morshedi
TEK5120Service-oriented Architecture Implementation
TEK5130Satellite CommunicationsLars Bråten
TEK5140Antennas and radiowave propagationTerje Tjelta
TEK5370TEK5370 – Grid, Smartgrid and IoTShujun Zhang
Josef Noll
György Kálmán
TEK5500Security in Distributed Systems
TEK5510Security in operation systems and software
TEK5520Information Security in industrial Sensor and Mobile SystemsMohammad Mushfiqur Rahman Chowdhury
TEK5530Measurable Security for the Internet of ThingsJosef Noll
TEK9100Advanced Topics in Ad-hoc networks
TEK9110Selected Topics in Building Mobile and Wireless NetworksJosef Noll
TEK9520Selected topics in Information Security in Industrial Sensor- and Mobile Systems
TEK9530Measurable Security for the Internet of ThingsGyörgy Kálmán
UNIK4190Information theory and error control
UNIK4200Multicasting, routeing and service quality
UNIK4430Atomklokker, Satellittnavigasjonssystemer og Synkronisering
UNIK4710Context-aware and Mobile Service DeliveryJosef Noll
UNIK9710Selected Topics in Mobile Service Delivery


A list of ongoing and potential theses is presented in Thesis

About us


Application Areas of Research