Lenovo Tab4 10 LTE TB-X304L LTE 08

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Class Tablet
Type Lenovo Tab4 10
Model LTE TB-X304L_LTE
purchase date Nov2017
Identifier (Mac address, IP, phone) d0:f8:8c:e1:1e:82, Telia_93019279_Data01, HA0UFWHU(73)
DeviceIdentity (for remote monitoring)
related to Project Trygt Svangerskap
Located at Ås
Contact person:

Contains X-Telia 93019279 Data01

see: TrygtAdmin:Tablets for location of Tablets

List of Tablets (serial number, SIM, user)

  • Tab_LTE_08 - HA0UFWHU(73), Telia_93019279_Data01 , Ås