TEK5110/List of papers

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Evaluation criteria

Your presentation is expected to last for 15 minutes, you will be stopped after 16 min. That means you need to identify the key messages of the selected paper. There is penalty for both being too short and for being too long. You will get questions about your paper and your presentation. One block of presentation and questions will approximately take 20 min.

Your presentation will be evaluated with respect to the following criteria:

Knowledge and Overview over topics in the paper

  • what is the paper about, which specific aspects are addressed?

Identification of key findings of the paper:

  • why are the findings key findings, to what extend are they different from the state-of-knowledge?
  • what are the strengths/weaknesses of the approaches being mentioned

Scientifically precise presentation

  • Be precise in your formulations, avoid story telling.
  • Use numbers where appropriate, e.g. 20% more instead of much more

Evaluation of the paper

  • what is your take on the paper? Criticism, own thoughts,...


  • clear structure, clear and concise slides
  • Provide examples, and respect the time

List of papers for TEK5110

Attached is a list of papers, from whom you may select one to be presented later in the course. Alternatively, select an academic paper of your choice. We suggest to start with Google Scholar or Microsoft Academics. Read more on: Guide on how to search for Literature

to be completed


1) Relation between transmitted effect and received power of an antenna: Barry McLarnon - http://www.tapr.org/ve3jf.dcc97.html

Propagation models

2) Book chapter on propagation - http://www2.it.lut.fi/kurssit/04-05/010651000/Luennot/Chapter4.pdf

Mobile Network evolution

3) Mobile coverage, capacity and cost aspects of future mobile and wireless networks
4) J Noll, S Dixit, D Radovanovic, M Morshedi, C Holst, AS Winkler, 5G network slicing for digital inclusion, IEEE COMSNETS, 2018

Wifi evolution


Network Management

Wireless Network Virtualization: A Survey, Some Research Issues and Challenges - https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6887287/

A TR069 WAN management protocol for WIA-PA Wireless sensor Networks - https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7506555/

MeshAdmin: An integrated platform for wireless mesh network management - https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6211911/

Practical distributed channel assignment in home Wi-Fi networks - https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7974331/

Wireless Network management for future services. Management will include monitoring of a real-life wireless installation, and thus allow students to analyse the network impact of services and applications with respect to wireless characteristics.