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Web: http://www.movation.no, http://www.innobors.no
Keywords: Innovation, Future Internet, IoT, Mobile applications

this page was created by Form:Partner, and can be edited by Special:FormEdit/Partner/Movation

Movation leads:
  • D3.1.2 (Title Application analysis on the smart-grid infrastructure (draft))
  • WP22 (Title Technology Lines - Development and Implementation of Technologies Management)

Members from Movation

Bjarne Tarjei Haugen.jpg Bjarne Tarjei Haugen
e: bjarne.tarjei.haugen@movation.no
Erol Cagatay.jpg Erol Cagatay
e: eca@prism.no
m: +47-9026-1259
Gunnar Nilsson.jpg Gunnar Nilsson
e: gunnar.nilsson@movation.no
p: +47-92486500
m: +47-92486500
Avatar.jpg Inger Mette Gustavsen
e: img@movation.no
Avatar.jpg Magne Ytterstad
e: mytt@movation.no
Avatar.jpg Robert Steine
e: rs@rnd.no
Seraj Fayyad.jpg Seraj Fayyad
Researcher at ...
e: serajf@ifi.uio.no
p: +47-6484-4763
Truls Berg.jpg Truls Berg
Norwegian IT-founder, editor, author and speaker
e: truls.berg@movation.no

About Movation

Movation is the leading independent resource center for open innovation in the Nordic. Movation helps start-ups and established companies to expand, extend and excel in their innovation activities. Movation was founded in 2006 by seven Norwegian companies, and was in 2009 transferred into an SME. Through Movation the partners created an arena where experts with different professional backgrounds and expertise exploited their knowledge in new ways to foster innovation.

The seven partners who started Movation are among the leading ICT companies in Norway including Fast Search & Transfer (FAST), Opera Software, and Telenor. Since then partners like Statoil, Sintef, DnB, Nets and Microsoft have joined to foster the innovation through the Movation Ecosystem. The main component is the Innovation Stock Exchange (http://innobors.eu), where ideas meat competent capital and challenging customers. The InnoBors has fostered several use-cases in the Internet of Things (IoT), a.o. the first interactive electrical motorbike from ESIS.

Movation's expertise and partner network in IoT is acknowledged. Movation is administrative project leader of the Artemis nSHIELD project, where a.o. sensors systems have been installed on the measurement locomotive Roger from the Norwegian Railway Authority and integrated into the Telenor Shepherd platform. Movation uses their knowledge in collaborative research to foster a successful projects with real-world impact. Movation will also disseminate project results towards targeted partners

Movation's Business Model

We see ourselves as a network node bringing together the actors necessary to move innovation further. These actors are entrepreneurs, investors, partners, and members. We see ourselves as a social company, providing the infrastructure to move innovation further, rather than a profit-oriented company. Thus we will always try to minimize the costs for our service offers.

For Entrepreneurs

  • present your idea to investors
  • get help from experts
  • find competent capital

For Investors

  • the best ideas and companies in search for funding
  • structured process with expert evaluation
  • platform for collaboration with other investors

For Partners

  • the best ideas and companies in search for funding
  • see trends before they become obvious
  • be visible in an exciting network

For Members

  • vote for your favourites
  • invest your Movation Dalere
  • join the vinners

Thus we created the physical and virtual meeting places for innovation. The Innovation Stock Exchange (InnoBors) is our virtual meeting place, where entrepreneurs can register their ideas, where members can contribute to good ideas, where partners (companies) can see new trends relevant for their business and where investors can find interesting ideas to join.

How does it work?

The ultimate goal of the InnoBors is to provide entrepreneurs with competent capital and visibility in the market.

Thus, if you have an idea, please register it at the Innobors.eu. Registering of your idea is free of charge.

  • Such a privat idea can be created by everyone. But the idea is limited to the person himself. He may invite others to become members of the team, but the idea remains visible for him and his team members.
  • The idea can then be upgraded to a public idea. A public idea has an own page on the InnoBors where it appears. The community can "vote up" and "add comments" to ideas being on the "public InnoBors". However, no investments can be made from the community. The idea will not go through the approved scorecard process, and will thus not be able to be amongst the "noted ideas" and "no scorecards". The notation of an idea costs 300 € (~2.500,00 NOK)


  • The highest level of an idea is the status of a "listed idea". A listed idea is a candidate for the Rising Star Award of Movation, and will be introduced on the main listing at the InnoBors. The idea owners will be invited for a scoring session, where a detailed analysis of the proposed idea is being performed by experts in the field. The scoring process costs 3000 € (~25.000 NOK).

Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for further information.