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(email list)
(email list)
Line 73: Line 73:
=== email list ===
=== email list ===
{{#ask:  [[-User.Project::IoTSec]] [[Partner::+]] |?Prename= |?Name= |?email= | sep =,  |format=list |template=Email_list  }}
{{#ask:  [[-User.Project::IoTSec]] [[Partner::+]] |?email= | sep =,  |format=list |template=Email_list  }}
== Example ==
== Example ==

Revision as of 07:40, 9 September 2015

Explanation of Semantic MediaWiki ask function

see also Test-Ask for invers properties

help page

http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Selecting_pages, including " ::>, ::! "

output to vcard

Warning: exports all users on this wiki ... further results

for errors, see Josef_Noll


 |?=search for users#
 |sort=User count
 |mainlabel=search for users
 |searchlabel=… further results
 |default=no results found
 |class=sortable wikitable smwtable

<!--- ask with OR connection, as used in Template:User --->
{{#ask: [[Supervisor::{{SUBJECTPAGENAME}}]] OR [[Lecturer::{{SUBJECTPAGENAME}}]] OR 

ommit main label: | mainlabel=- |

{{#show: Berlin | ?population }} 

Tips and Tricks

Recommendation from Neill: I always hide the raw page name as much as possible and use aliases so queries return more user friendly links.

{{#set:Page Link=[[{{FULLPAGENAME}}|{{{Page Title|}}}]]}} where Page Title is usually a field in the form. Sometimes I prepend with a section ID {{#set:Page Link=[[{{FULLPAGENAME}}|{{{Section ID|}}}-{{{Page Title|}}}]]}}

Then in the queries I return Page Link and use mainlabel=- to suppress the raw page name field.

{{#ask: |?Page Link .. .. |mainlabel=- }}


  • <section id="main"> <!-- main page content goes in here --> </section>
  • define Page Link as a Special:Property

email list

Adam Szekeres <adam.szekeres@ntnu.no>, Ali Khalighi <ali.khalighi@fresnel.fr>, Anders Føyen <anders.foyen@microsoft.com>, Ane Solesvik Oppedal <ane.solesvik.oppedal@oslomedtech.no>, Atle Årnes <>, Audun Andersen <audun.andersen@e2u.no>, Beate Due <beate.due@hio.no>, Bernt A. Bremdal <bernt@xalience.com>, Bjarne Tarjei Haugen <bjarne.tarjei.haugen@movation.no>, Bozo Krstajic <bozok@ac.me>, Brice Morin <brice.morin@sintef.no>, Christian Johansen <cristi@ifi.uio.no>, Christian Resell <chrifres@ifi.uio.no>, Dang Ha The Hien <dang.hien@esmartsystems.com>, Danica Radovanovic <danica@basicinternet.org>, David Aleksandersen <david.aleksandersen@smartsimulation.no>, Davide Roverso <davide.roverso@esmartsystems.com>, Dieter Hirdes <dieter.hirdes@ncesmart.com>, Einar Snekkenes <einar.snekkenes@ntnu.no>, Elahe Fazeldehkordi <elahe.fazeldehkordi@its.uio.no>, Elin Sundby Boysen <e.s.boysen@gmail.com>, Erik Åsberg <erik.asberg@esmartsystems.com>, Gard Jenssen <gard@smartebyernorge.no>, Gard Støe Valla <>, Geir Arne Rimala <gar@eyenetworks.no>, Gerben Kuijpers <gku@kamstrup.com>, Getinet Ayele Eshete <getina15@student.uia.no>, Grete H. Coldevin <Grete.Coldevin@smartgrids.no>, György Kálmán <gyorgy.kalman@its.uio.no>, Habtamu Abie <habtamu.abie@nr.no>, Hamed Arshad <hamedar@ifi.uio.no>, Hanne Cecilie Geirbo <hannege@ifi.uio.no>, Hans Jørgen Furre Nygårdshaug <hans.nyg@gmail.com>, Heidi Tuiskula <heidi.tuiskula@smartinnovationnorway.com>, Heidi Vildskog <heidi.vildskog@spydeberg.kommune.no>, Henning Maagerud <hm@forskningsradet.no>, Håkon Duus <hakondu@ncesmart.com>, Idun Lyngstad <ily@rcn.no>, Igor Radusinovic <igorr@ac.me>, Inge Andersson <inge.andersson@tieto.com>, Ivar Rummelhoff <Ivar.Rummelhoff@nr.no>, Jan Pedro Tumusok <jpt@eyenetworks.no>, Jan Richard Aspheim <>, Janne Hagen <janh@nve.no>, Janusz Gorski <jango@pg.edu.pl>, Jayaprakash Rajasekharan <jayaprakash.rajasekharan@ncesmart.com>, Johanna Johansen <johanna@johansenresearch.info>, Jon Haar <jon.haar@kamstrup.com>, Josef Noll <josef.noll@its.uio.no>, Kaniz Fatema Tuly <kftuly@yahoo.com> ... further results


ongoing projects, based on [[Category:Project]] [[Due_date::> {{#expr:{{#time: Y|now}}}}]]

  • CURRENTYEAR is 2024, CURRENTTIME is 03:37, LOCALTIME is 03:37
  • date: 25 Februar 2016 or "now": 27 Sep 2024
  • see all time examples in: Help:Extension:ParserFunctions

recent pages

pages from 2013

recent pages in slideshow

Note: format=slideshow is supported in this version, and shown in:

recent pages, random

[[modification date::+]] shows only pages that exist (not deleted ones)

  1. Attenuation of a WiMax signal by vegetation . A research paper as Assignment
  2. Consortium f2f Gdansk 2019
  3. UNIKUM Sosiale Aktiviteter
  4. Mikrotik AH LTE10
  5. Olav Hæreid Seim
  6. ... further results

The part "{{{ns}}}" of the query was not understood. Results might not be as expected.
