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Research Domain: eHealth

Ongoing projects:
 Titleled by:supported by:
SESASmart Energy Solutions for AfricaGiorgia RambelliEU commission
NURTURENurturing SDGs through Capacity Building of Higher Education in EthiopiaShegaw A. MengisteNORHED II
Mum-CareMum's Cardiovascular Health for LifeAnnetine StaffHelse Sør-Øst
Basic InternetBasic Internet, "Connect The Future"Josef NollOwn
Finished projects:
 Titleled by:supported by:
MinMatMinMat - Research on breakfast habbitsMone Eli SælandOsloMet
SenSecPhDSensor Security for the Internet of People, Things and ServicesSeraj FayyadNFR
GravidPlussHealth App for Diabetes in PregnancyMirjam LukasseNFR
CystinetAndrea WinklerBMBF
DigINon-discriminating Access for Digital InclusionJosef NollNFR
RELIGHTProDHP: Digital Health Promotion for the Centre for Global HealthChristine HolstUiO
ENDRISKEquitable, Novel, Digitally supported Research Interventions for Sustainable Knowledge – via Understandable, Unbiased and Utilized information to manage poverty-related diseases in Sub-Saharan AfricaAnne MoenHorizon Europe
Trygt SvangerskapTrygt Svangerskap/Reducing Violence in PregnancyMirjam LukasseNFR
Digitalisering VGSJosef NollOwn
ExcelSmartExceeding Learning through Strategic Mobility and Academic PartnershipJeanette H. MagnusDIKU

eHealth is a term being introduced to link advances in information and communication to the well-being of people. Some of the dominant trends are

  • the analysis of information through computer systems, sometimes noted as cognitive computing. In this field information is gathered about the person, living style, surrounding, genetics to find either
    • specific treatment of a person, sometimes entitled personal medicin or
    • means of suggesting alternative practises to lifestyle in order to minimize risks of e.g. diabetes or heart attack.
  • the use of sensors both in analysis, treatment and in the every-day life, e.g.
    • using sensors or devices to monitor the fitness or well-being of a person
    • non-invasive sensors to monitor blood sugar and blood pressure
    • communication between sensors, the devices of the person and the the cloud.

In eHealth we will also take into consideration the handling of information, especially the context- and content-aware handling of such information. As an example, regular measurements of Diabetes might only need to be distributed in a secure way to an archive, while sensors indicating a heart attack might broadcast the message to everyone in the surrounding.

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Projects related to eHealth are

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eHealth in Norway

eHealth (eHelse) is a recent term for healthcare practice supported by electronic processes and communication, dating back to at least 1999 [Wikipedia]. Usage of the term varies: some would argue it is interchangeable with health informatics with a broad definition covering electronic/digital processes in health[2] while others use it in the narrower sense of healthcare practice using the Internet.

Activities and contacts

In Norway the following activities are related to eHealth

  • University of Agder med eHelse lab, contact Rune Fensli
  • SFI - Tromsø Telemedicine, contact: Gunnar Hartvigsen
  • Høyskolen i Bergen, 250 households on Kvaløy(??), contact: Knut Øvsthus
  • Altibox and University of Stavanger, contact: Chunming Rong
  • Borg Innovasjon, nordisk prosjekt for utvikling og testing av smart teknologi for omsorgssektoren [1], Contact: Bjørn Horten
  • Telenor Objects ( samarbeid med Visma ( og Tieto (, contacts: Juan Carlos Lopez Calvet, Hans Christian Haugli
  • VerdIKT Internet of Things Value Creation network -
  • Oslo ICT Network,
    • eHelse, e.g. omsorgsteknologi og samhandling
    • Selvbetjent velferd/hjelp til selvhjelp - hva må til ? (15 mars 2012)
  • Head of the Norwegian Health Care CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team), Contact: Suhail Mushtaq
  • Movation - ehealth Innovation. Contact: Gunnar


Digital Global Health - open issues

A) Digital helse i en utviklingsperspektiv: hva er fokus, og hvordan formidle man informasjon. Sjekk gjerne vår mock-up på - her er fokus på hvordan helseinformasjon kan formidles, eller tilpasses. Vi har bl.a. jobbet med Gravid+ appen (iOS og Android), last gjerne ned og bruk 90838066 og A-hus som info for å se hvordan informasjon kan formidles. Akkurat nå jobber vi med vold i svangerskap, sjekk

B) mentormodeller for digital helse: hvilken erfaring finner vi fra formidling av helseinformasjon? Hva betyr digitalisering for mennesker i helsevesenet ("har du spurt Dr. Google")? Hvordan kan helsemedarbeider nyttiggjøre seg digitale instrumenter og metoder.

C) Digital meets Health: "new ways of health assessment". Mens vi i IT verden snakker om "machine learning, big data, artificial intelligence" er helseverden fortsatt opptatt av sammenligning mellom "med" eller "uten" intervention. Spør du meg, så må vi komme videre, og ser hvordan virkning av informasjon/behandling kan måles.

D) Decision trees for digital health. Hvordan kan vi bruke appene/web-sider til å gi forbrukerne informasjon om temaer. Er "Dr. Google" svaret på alle spørsmål? "Decision trees" er ofte brukt i helseutdannelse. Men lite er gjort digitalt enda. IBM har lansert Watson for medisin, som brukes i både undervisning og til analyse av kreft. - Ut fra min forståelse er Watson ganske unik.

E) Educating Digital Health: "Transforming analog health information into digital health information", apps, Web pages, games

F) Digital health games - educating people through games

G) "Translating is not enough! Practical methods for re-contextualization of medical information". Vi har laget en oversettelse for å kunne overføre informasjon til et annet språk, se: En slik oversettelse (og nye bilder i en app) kan gi arbeid for folk i utviklingsland.

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