Trust and transitive trust measures
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Trust and transitive trust measures
by | n.n. |
Supervisor(s) | Josef.Noll, Zahid.Iqbal |
Due date | 2012/12/20 |
Status | Planned |
Problem description: | Trust is important in many areas, e.g. in social contexts and through distributed networks. Transitive trust is the keyword for bringing a trust relation further, from a one-to-one to a one-to-one-to-one relation. The trust relations might be defined between people, organisations and sensors in a heterogeneous environment.
The thesis will establish measures for trust, establish metrices for trust values and provide models for trust relations in a sensor to community relation. Examples of such a trust relation are the temperature sensors in the house, or the health monitoring. Further details of the thesis are not decided yet, but it will be about trust and/or transitive trust, either measuring or using it. |
Methods and Tools: | |
Time schedule | |
Pre-Knowledge | |
Approved | by |
Keywords | trust, security, trust-based security, mobile, sensor |
Depiction |
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- search in IEEE Xplore, and Springer ACM:
- Attach:secure.gif [Risk Analysis, The risk practitioner guide|]
- Zahid Iqbal, Josef Noll, "[[Privacy-Enhanced Innovation Framework for Collaborative Enterprise Computing -> Attach:Communications/201011CollaborativeEnterpriseComputing-Iqbal.pdf]]" ([[slides -> Attach:Communications/201011CollaborativeEnterpriseComputing-slides.pdf]]), Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) #25, Kingston, UK, 16.-18. November 2010
- Zahid Iqbal, "[[Toward User-Centric Privacy-aware User Profile Ontology for Future Services -> Attach:Communications/201011UserRelation-Verdikt-Iqbal.pdf]]" (poster), VERDIKT conference, Oslo, 1.-2. November 2010
- Mohammad M. R. Chowdhury, S. Alam, Z. Iqbal, J. Noll, [[Sociality brings Security in Content Sharing -> Attach:Communications/AP654.pdf]], accepted for publication in the Journal of Computers (JCP), the Academy Publishers, planned publication date: Q1/2011, ISSN: 1796-203X.
- Zahid Iqbal, Josef Noll, Sarfraz Alam, Mohammad M. R. Chowdhury, “[[SemSUP: Design and Implementation of Semantic Enhance Social-Aware User Profile -> Attach:Communications/2010Iqbal-SemSUP-IEEE.pdf]]”, in the proceedings of IEEE DEST, 12-15 April 2010, Dubai.
- Zahid Iqbal, Josef Noll, Sarfraz Alam, Mohammad M. R. Chowdhury, “[[Toward User-centric Privacy-aware User Profile Ontology for Future Services -> Attach:Communications/2010Iqbal-User-centric-CTRQ.pdf]]”, in the proceedings of IEEE third International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service (CTRQ 2010), 13-19 June 2010, Athens, Greece, pp. 249 - 254, ISBN: 978-1-4244-7273-4.
- Thomas (Masterthesis - Thesis/TrustedService)
- WWRF#25, paper from J. Irvine, social interaction, Android, WG1