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Pages using the property "Objective"

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- no lecture - +josef is "out in town"  +


2nd Assignment Presentations H17 +Present your assignments, 20 min each+10min discussion  +
2nd Assignment Presentations H17cont +2nd round of presentations of your assignments, 20 min each+10min discussion  +


5G Network Slicing for Free Access to Information +In Mobile Communications, 5G Research is focussing on (a) massive mobile broadband, (b) billions of sensors connected to the network, and (c) ultra-reliable and low-latency networks. A promising technology for addressing these issues is ''network slicing''. This thesis will look into network slicing for free access to information, and thus address the challenges of sustainable development. The free access to information (''InfoInternet'') is answering the needs of digital inclusion, and addresses the needs of 4 billion people currently not using the Internet. [[InfoInternet]] means free access to information for all, and addresses directly the SDG goal 9.c of the Agenda 2030. InfoInternet is further the basis ans the catalyst for SDG 3 (health), 4 (education), 5 (gender equality), 8 (decent work), 10 (reduced inequalities), 11 (sustainable cities and communities) and 17 (partnership for the goals). The envisaged Thesis will elaborate on the network slicing for InfoInternet, and evaluates the technological and societal aspects. ''see also:'' Thanh van Do, Josef Noll, Sudhir Dixit, Bruno Dzogovic, Van Thuan Do, Boning Feng, "Reducing Inequalities with 5G Internet Light Network Slice", 5G World Summit, IEEE 5G World Forum, 9-11July2018, Santa Clara, California, USA  +


A Semantic Approach for context-aware Authorization in Enterprise Systems +Single-Sign-On (SSO) is one of the dominant sign on mechanisms for the web. Though implementations of SSO are known for quite some year, with implementations from e.g. myopenid.org and Feide, they have only recently reached the mass market. Social networks like LinkedIN, Facebook and Google allow for SSO or rather remote authentication, which is then used for access authorisation of specific tasks on the server of the requiring party. Current Single-Sign-On Systems are only delivering the "yes/no" authentication string back to requiring party. This binary authentication is not state-of-the-art, as it does not provide any information of the role of the person in the remote organisation or the trust-level resulting from the authentication. Advanced access systems include the notation of roles (RBAC) or even attributes (ABAC). Semantic technologies are seen as enablers for context information, which can be add as on of the attributes in an ABAC system. This master thesis consists of research around the topic of authentication methods. We are interested what different kinds of policies that are available to us, third party authentication and what other purposes does the authentication mechanism (e.g. password) have other than pure authentication for common platforms (UNIX, Windows and OSX). The main purpose here is to find the effect of each method/policy that are available to us and henceforth theorize on some best practices. This thesis will establish a model describing the cost-/benefit analysis for a company providing advanced authentication mechanisms, including SSO. A specific focus is on the use of passwords, as they are seen to be critical both with respect to security, but also with respect to usability. The envisaged outcome of the thesis is a policy-based decision tree, allowing companies to define a required security level, and then adopt criteria which will met this required security. Common- and best-praxis examples are foreseen to elaborate on how close industrial solutions are to satisfy the security policy in conjunction with an easy-to-use algorithm.  +
A decentralised Internet for local Empowerment +The thesis will address how a decentralised Internet can be established. Bandwidth- and cost-constraints have manifested the digital divide, especially in developing economies. According to the "Gender Gap" report by the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), less than 1% of people had access to meaningful Internet in 2021. Such a low Internet usage requires novel concepts, e.g. a decentralised Internet providing free access to information through local information spots in the community. Such a concept, as described in [[BasicInternet:Solutions]], is based on a village server, being e.g. a [[Raspberry Pi]]. Concepts of content caching, which were popular in the beginning of the Internet, are less applicable due to the need for encrypted communications. This thesis will explore the mechanisms for a freemium access in remote areas, including e.g. subscribe services on the decentralised cloud. The solution can be exploited and tested in schools in Africa South of Sahara (SSA), e.g. Kenya or Tanzania.  +
A more secure Internet through Internet Lite +[[Internet lite]] is the terminology used to address the free access to information for all. The role of digital technology in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is well-established and integrated into the Agenda 2030. The thesis will address how Internet Lite, e.g. using the AMP layers, enhances the security of the Internet. The "full Internet" has a series of challenges, e.g. email attachments with macros in .xls, .docx, malware hidden as heavy java codes or other functionalities inviting for attacks. By introducing an ''Internet lite'' consisting of the "bare minimum", e.g. text, pictures and a set of lightweight java scripts, one can reduce the attack vectors drastically. The thesis will explore methods for accessing and comparing the security aspects of Internet Lite vs full Internet. Digital access is the key to digital development – a global public good, which can act as a catalyst towards achieving sustainability, participation and inclusive development. Digitalisation is intrinsic to achieving good health (SDG 3), good education (SDG 4), equality and empowerment (SDGs 5 and 10), decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), partnership (SDG 17), all driven by SDG 9 – industrial innovation and infrastructure. Internet lite establishes the freemium (free & premium) model for digital access. Free access to information, being text, pictures and local video, and premium access to broadband content such as video and games. The concept was established by the Basic Internet Foundation in order to enable digital inclusion in developing economies.  +
API comparison: Protege, OWL and SPARQL +During this lecture we will continue the discussion of the differences between Protege, OWL, SPARQL (and Jena) APIs. The expected outcome is a comparison between the APIs.  +
Access and improve optical sensors for vehicle navigation +* optical sensors *  +
Access to Digital Public Goods +Based on the Report of the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation, " The Age of Digital Interdependence ", https://digitalcooperation.org, UNICEF has taken the lead to support the recommendations 1A and 1B: 1A: We recommend that by 2030, every adult should have affordable access to digital networks, as well as digitally-enabled financial and health services, as a means to make a substantial contribution to achieving the SDGs… 1B: We recommend that a broad, multi-stakeholder alliance, involving the UN, create a platform for sharing digital public goods, …. The Basic Internet Foundation is mentioned in the report: "One example of building internet access around community needs, in this case health, is a collaboration between the Basic Internet Foundation and health centres in Tanzania; see Vision 2030, available at https://www.vision2030.no/index.php/en/visjon2030-projects/non-discriminating-access-for-digital-inclusion. Having suggest the combination of 1A and 1B as "free access to digital public goods", work is ongoing to define both the network architecture and sustainable business models supporting this claim. The suggested work will focus on how to endorse Digital Inclusion through the free access to DPGs and the combined implementation of 1A and 1B.  +
Achieving Business Objectives through Smart Sensor Integration for Office Buildings +Smart sensors are introduced into both home and office buildings. The focus is often on integration, rather than achieving the business objectives. This thesis establishes business objectives in the operation of smart office environments, and integrates sensors to reach the business objectives. The following steps are included: * Describing the business-based use case for operation of small-medium enterprises (SME) office space * Establishing of key performance indicators (KPIs) for business-based office operation * Comparison to state of the art in IoT platforms (e.g. OpenHAB, Fiware...) * Suggestion novel functionality for a semantic integration of heterogeneous IoT devices * Identification of IoT sensors contributing to the business goals * Integration of these IoT sensors * Measuring and analysis of the business KPIs * Evaluation of the established solution  +
Advanced customer involvement through energy tariffs +topics: tariffs, battery, moving of "load", * battery: Otovo model - Enny (Hafslund & OBOS) solar PV on sameie * battery: Natrium or Lithium (price expectation) * "what is the value for Midtenergi.no?" for offering solbanken  +
Air quality recommender system for commuting +The Norwegian Institute for Air Pollution monitoring has initiated the project CITI-SENSE-MOB on Mobile Air Pollution measurements. Mobile sensor platforms are going to be installed on busses, cars and bicycles to achieve a wider distribution of measurements, as compared to the limited number of fixed stations. The goal of this thesis is to develop a recommender system for air quality while travelling. Travelling to work might happen by foot, bicycle, public transportation or other means. The thesis will address the variability of measured air quality indicators both in time and space, e.g. indicating the variation from major roads to smaller roads or from cycling along major roads towards cycling through green cycling tracks. The mobile data will be combined with sensor data from other sources, e.g. the meteorological office or from the fixed air quality stations in order to establish the model of variability. Predictions of air quality, taking into account correlation of certain measurements and predictions, will then provide an estimated value for air pollution along the way.  +
Analysis and Standards for the Information-Internet +The need for basic information delivery over capacity-limited networks requires new standards for an Information-Internet ('''InfoInternet'''), delivering compressed text and picturesto everyone. The goal of this Master Thesis is to establish and elaborate the standards for the InfoInternet. The Internet links several billion devices worldwide together, and consists of a multitude of networks with local or global scope, private or public connected to a broad array of networking technologies. Today, around 46% of the world’s households have access to Internet through either fixed or mobile subscriptions. However, the gap between developed and developing countries is still wide. According to ITU [2], by the end of 2015, 34% of households in developing countries had Internet access, compared with more than 80% in developed countries. In the least developed countries, only 7% of households have Internet access. In this same set of countries, 12 of 100 inhabitants have active mobile broadband subscriptions, whereas less than 1 of 100 inhabitants have fixed broadband subscriptions. Thus, a large number of inhabitants don't have access to information, not even basic information. The expected outcome of this Master Thesis is a set of elements being the basis for the InfoInternet, and a simulation on how the choice of parameters will influence the size of information being sent to the users' devices. As an example, the size of pictures is a measure of information, but also a criteria for the InfoInternet. One might either restrict to size (e.g. 200 kB), to pixel resolution (e.g. 640 x 480) or to compression modes. Other elements include dynamic styling information.  +
Analysis of Data Structures on the Ethereum Blockchain +The web is becoming increasingly more centralized with data congregating towards big players e.g. Google. This is not the decentralized web Tim Berners-Lee envisioned. Having a couple of companies deciding what is 'truth' and what data is available is undemocratizing. It is also endagering peoples [[privacy]]. Centralized data is more valuable to hackers and to government agencies, with the potential value of a successful hack reaching into the millions. The web can be re-decentralized with the [[blockchain]] technology. Blockchains allow for [[consensus]] in [[peer-to-peer]] networks, removing the need for centralized servers to decide consensus. The blockchain is how [[Bitcoin]] is able to transfer money without a bank as an mediator. Ethereum allows for [[Turing complete]] applications (called [[smart contracts]]) on the blockchain, giving developers the tools needed to move anything to the blockchain. Miners, special nodes reaching consensus on the network, have to run all smart contracts. With the code in these smart contracts being measured in "gas" instead of [[temporal complexity]] and [[spatial complexity]], means that what we know about the efficiency of different data structures, might have to be revisited. Therefor will this thesis compare various data structures on the blockchain in a theoretical and an empirical manner.  +
Analysis of Proxy services for an Information-Internet +The need for basic information delivery over capacity-limited networks requires new standards for an Information-Internet ('''InfoInternet'''), delivering basic information for free to everyone. The Internet links several billion devices worldwide together, and consists of a multitude of networks with local or global scope, private or public connected to a broad array of networking technologies. Today, around 46% of the world’s households have access to Internet through either fixed or mobile subscriptions. However, the gap between developed and developing countries is still wide. According to ITU [2], by the end of 2015, 34% of households in developing countries had Internet access, compared with more than 80% in developed countries. In the least developed countries, only 7% of households have Internet access. In this same set of countries, 12 of 100 inhabitants have active mobile broadband subscriptions, whereas less than 1 of 100 inhabitants have fixed broadband subscriptions. Thus, a large number of inhabitants don't have access to information, not even basic information. The goal of this Master Thesis is to elaborate proxy solutions for converting of Web Content into (compressed) Text and Pictures. The proxy solution used in Opera Mini performs exactly this solution, and can be taken as an example of the work.  +
Ant Colonization Optimisation Algorithm for knowledge-based Learning +This thesis will investigate possibilities for deducing good learning paths to subjects by applying the Ant Colony Optimisation algorithm to a dynamic knowledge graph populated asynchronously by cooperative human learners. Today knowledge about online learning resources are not shared systematically. A framework for collecting and sharing online learning resources will be developed using semantic web technology and used by students at Bergen University College.  +
Antennas and their communication parameters (B2-B3) +Discussion on Antennas and their communication parameters  +
Applying Microsoft Security for Home Energy Steering +Microsoft has established an IoT security framework, to automatically assess the security of IoT systems and networks. While principles are in place, the applicability of the framework needs to be elaborated. This thesis focusses on energy control of home devices, e.g. heat pump, radiators, warm water production, car charging, in order to move the top consumption from the morning and afternoon peaks to times with less demands. Several new wireless interfaces for home control have been established, notably Thread and IEEE802.xxx(?). The thesis will perform a security analysis of an advanced smart home with IoT energy control.  +
Applying SWRL, DL Query and SPARQL to your ontology +Representing your scenario into a set of rules, and converting the rules to SPARQL queries or SWRL rules  +
Applying protege OWL API +Protege API vs JENA API vs OWL API  +
Assessment of Indoor Positioning System (IPS) technology +Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS) have lead to increased efficiency in may types of organisations and industries, ... An IPS system may consist of only one technology, or be a hybrid of two or more technologies, examples of which being RFID, Wifi, Ultrasound and Ultra-Wideband (UWB). The technology assessment showed that UWB is probably the best technology for use in indoor positioning systems. UWB .... Wifi is a good choice for open indoor environments such as office or class rooms where some level of positioning error is accepted. The testing program build in this thesis, including the proposed positioning methods, show that it is possible to create a low cost indoor positioning system by re-using the existing wireless network infrastructure and still achieve an acceptable level of accuracy  +
Assessment of Measurable Privacy for IoT Consumer Products +The Consumer Services of Norway (Forbrukerrådet) have established a report on privacy in Apps "App-Fail". In there they have found breach of privacy by apps. They identified a lack of "understandable privacy" as the main challenge. This thesis will * analysis of privacy of home IoT devices * starting from "privacy by design", and identifying input parameters for "privacy" * Adopt the multi-metrics methodology for converting input parameters of privacy into measurable privacy * suggestion for privacy classes, following the European energy labelling * provide at least two usage scenarios of devices/applications, e.g. sporting device ("speedometer") or child doll * criteria and evaluation of privacy labels  +
Assignment Ideas H17 +Present your ideas for the assignments, 10-15 min each+5min discussion  +
Attribute-based policy specification and enforcement +The main aim is to provide context-aware, dynamic and more efficient policy enforcement.  +
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