CSM review preparation

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Revision as of 12:21, 22 October 2014 by Josef.Noll (Talk | contribs)

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CSM review preparation

Title CSM review preparation
Place UNIK
Date, Time 2014/10/22, 12:30-16:00
Contact Person Erol Cagatay
Participants Reidun Gangdal, Hai-Ying Liu, Nuria Castell Balaguer, Mirjam Fredriksen, Arne J Berre, Seraj Fayyad, Josef Noll
related to Project Citi-Sense-MOB
this page was created by Special:FormEdit/Meeting, and can be edited by Special:FormEdit/Meeting/CSM review preparation

Plans for year 2

  • More sensors & data & VGI
  • App release
  • Social Media Integration & App feedback
  • Update of the App
  • Toolbox def. for developers and data users
  • Revisit target groups
    • identity cases from game study
  • Mapping target groups
    • identify needs,
    • sort after importance
  • Roadmap of novel services
  • Dissemination
    • targed change makers
    • scientific
    • open public
  • Exploitation