DiversIoT:Student corner
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Student Corner for DiversIoT
Please read UiO guidelines for MSc evaluations, especially p.7 and p.15 about what the evaluators are expecting from the thesis document.
Topics for Master Thesis
Open Master Thesis related to DiversIoT- Access and improve optical sensors for vehicle navigation (Supervisor(s): Torbjørn Skauli, Tønnes Nygård,
Objective: * optical sensors *) - A decentralised Internet for local Empowerment (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, Maghsoud Morshedi, Jonathan Muringani,
Objective: The thesis will address how a decentralised Internet can be established. Bandwidth- and cost-constraints have manifested the digital divide, especially in developing economies. According to the "Gender Gap" report by the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), less than 1% of people had access to meaningful Internet in 2021. Such a low Internet usage requires novel concepts, e.g. a decentralised Internet providing free access to information through local information spots in the community. Such a concept, as described in BasicInternet:Solutions, is based on a village server, being e.g. a Raspberry Pi. Concepts of content caching, which were popular in the beginning of the Internet, are less applicable due to the need for encrypted communications. This thesis will explore the mechanisms for a freemium access in remote areas, including e.g. subscribe services on the decentralised cloud. The solution can be exploited and tested in schools in Africa South of Sahara (SSA), e.g. Kenya or Tanzania.) - Security and privacy assessment of wireless in-house control systems for energy appliances (7/7) (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, György Kálmán,
Objective: Future Homes have the opportunity to be adaptive to the quality of the electricity grid. By monitoring the energy consumption on fuse-level every 10 seconds, one can generate energy profiles of private homes. Current regulations suggest a reading of power values 1/hour, or in maximum every 15 min. Given a high-frequency reading of power consumption (1/10s, 1/min) might give an opportunity to introduce new services. Given the size of the work, several theses can be performed on the topic: # Establish the low-power monitoring infrastructure in the home (Raspberry Pi/Arduino and ModBus to read from Power Taggs) # Create the public source database for energy consumption, combining high-resolution energy data with 3rd party information such as weather data # Establish the AI infrastructure for analysis of the electricity data # Monitoring the home energy distribution - Feature extraction through AI # Potential of contributions from private homes to energy stability # Wireless control systems for home appliances to support the energy transition # Security and privacy assessment of wireless in-house control systems for energy appliances The assessment will be based on high-frequency consumption data from actual smart meters and power taggs by fuse level, as well as modelling of services.) - Wireless control systems for home appliances to support the energy transition (6/7) (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, György Kálmán,
Objective: Future Homes have the opportunity to be adaptive to the quality of the electricity grid. By monitoring the energy consumption on fuse-level every 10 seconds, one can generate energy profiles of private homes. Current regulations suggest a reading of power values 1/hour, or in maximum every 15 min. Given a high-frequency reading of power consumption (1/10s, 1/min) might give an opportunity to introduce new services. Given the size of the work, several theses can be performed on the topic: # Establish the low-power monitoring infrastructure in the home (Raspberry Pi/Arduino and ModBus to read from Power Taggs) # Create the public source database for energy consumption, combining high-resolution energy data with 3rd party information such as weather data # Establish the AI infrastructure for analysis of the electricity data # Monitoring the home energy distribution - Feature extraction through AI # Potential of contributions from private homes to energy stability # Wireless control systems for home appliances to support the energy transition # Security and privacy assessment of wireless in-house control systems for energy appliances The assessment will be based on high-frequency consumption data from actual smart meters and power taggs by fuse level, as well as modelling of services.) - Potential of contributions from private homes to energy stability (5/7) (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, György Kálmán,
Objective: Future Homes have the opportunity to be adaptive to the quality of the electricity grid. By monitoring the energy consumption on fuse-level every 10 seconds, one can generate energy profiles of private homes. Current regulations suggest a reading of power values 1/hour, or in maximum every 15 min. Given a high-frequency reading of power consumption (1/10s, 1/min) might give an opportunity to introduce new services. Given the size of the work, several theses can be performed on the topic: # Establish the low-power monitoring infrastructure in the home (Raspberry Pi/Arduino and ModBus to read from Power Taggs) # Create the public source database for energy consumption, combining high-resolution energy data with 3rd party information such as weather data # Establish the AI infrastructure for analysis of the electricity data # Monitoring the home energy distribution - Feature extraction through AI # Potential of contributions from private homes to energy stability # Wireless control systems for home appliances to support the energy transition # Security and privacy assessment of wireless in-house control systems for energy appliances The assessment will be based on high-frequency consumption data from actual smart meters and power taggs by fuse level, as well as modelling of services.) - Monitoring the home energy distribution - Feature extraction through AI (4/7) (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, György Kálmán,
Objective: Future Homes have the opportunity to be adaptive to the quality of the electricity grid. By monitoring the energy consumption on fuse-level every 10 seconds, one can generate energy profiles of private homes. Current regulations suggest a reading of power values 1/hour, or in maximum every 15 min. Given a high-frequency reading of power consumption (1/10s, 1/min) might give an opportunity to introduce new services. Given the size of the work, several theses can be performed on the topic: # Establish the low-power monitoring infrastructure in the home (Raspberry Pi/Arduino and ModBus to read from Power Taggs) # Create the public source database for energy consumption, combining high-resolution energy data with 3rd party information such as weather data # Establish the AI infrastructure for analysis of the electricity data # Monitoring the home energy distribution - Feature extraction through AI # Potential of contributions from private homes to energy stability # Wireless control systems for home appliances to support the energy transition # Security and privacy assessment of wireless in-house control systems for energy appliances The assessment will be based on high-frequency consumption data from actual smart meters and power taggs by fuse level, as well as modelling of services.) - Establish the AI infrastructure for analysis of the electricity data (3/7) (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, György Kálmán,
Objective: Future Homes have the opportunity to be adaptive to the quality of the electricity grid. By monitoring the energy consumption on fuse-level every 10 seconds, one can generate energy profiles of private homes. Current regulations suggest a reading of power values 1/hour, or in maximum every 15 min. Given a high-frequency reading of power consumption (1/10s, 1/min) might give an opportunity to introduce new services. Given the size of the work, several theses can be performed on the topic: # Establish the low-power monitoring infrastructure in the home (Raspberry Pi/Arduino and ModBus to read from Power Taggs) # Create the public source database for energy consumption, combining high-resolution energy data with 3rd party information such as weather data # Establish the AI infrastructure for analysis of the electricity data # Monitoring the home energy distribution - Feature extraction through AI # Potential of contributions from private homes to energy stability # Wireless control systems for home appliances to support the energy transition # Security and privacy assessment of wireless in-house control systems for energy appliances The assessment will be based on high-frequency consumption data from actual smart meters and power taggs by fuse level, as well as modelling of services.) - Establish the low-power monitoring infrastructure in the home (1/7) (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, György Kálmán,
Objective: Future Homes have the opportunity to be adaptive to the quality of the electricity grid. By monitoring the energy consumption on fuse-level every 10 seconds, one can generate energy profiles of private homes. Current regulations suggest a reading of power values 1/hour, or in maximum every 15 min. Given a high-frequency reading of power consumption (1/10s, 1/min) might give an opportunity to introduce new services. Given the size of the work, several theses can be performed on the topic: # Establish the low-power monitoring infrastructure in the home (Raspberry Pi/Arduino and ModBus to read from Power Taggs) # Create the public source database for energy consumption, combining high-resolution energy data with 3rd party information such as weather data # Establish the AI infrastructure for analysis of the electricity data # Monitoring the home energy distribution - Feature extraction through AI # Potential of contributions from private homes to energy stability # Wireless control systems for home appliances to support the energy transition # Security and privacy assessment of wireless in-house control systems for energy appliances The assessment will be based on high-frequency consumption data from actual smart meters and power taggs by fuse level, as well as modelling of services.) - Energy Consumption Database for the Digital Transformation (2/7) (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, György Kálmán,
Objective: Future Homes have the opportunity to be adaptive to the quality of the electricity grid. By monitoring the energy consumption on fuse-level every 10 seconds, one can generate energy profiles of private homes. Current regulations suggest a reading of power values 1/hour, or in maximum every 15 min. Given a high-frequency reading of power consumption (1/10s, 1/min) might give an opportunity to introduce new services. Given the size of the work, several theses can be performed on the topic: # Establish the low-power monitoring infrastructure in the home (Raspberry Pi/Arduino and ModBus to read from Power Taggs) # Create the public source database for energy consumption, combining high-resolution energy data with 3rd party information such as weather data # Establish the AI infrastructure for analysis of the electricity data # Monitoring the home energy distribution - Feature extraction through AI # Potential of contributions from private homes to energy stability # Wireless control systems for home appliances to support the energy transition # Security and privacy assessment of wireless in-house control systems for energy appliances The assessment will be based on high-frequency consumption data from actual smart meters and power taggs by fuse level, as well as modelling of services.) - Applying Microsoft Security for Home Energy Steering (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll,
Objective: Microsoft has established an IoT security framework, to automatically assess the security of IoT systems and networks. While principles are in place, the applicability of the framework needs to be elaborated. This thesis focusses on energy control of home devices, e.g. heat pump, radiators, warm water production, car charging, in order to move the top consumption from the morning and afternoon peaks to times with less demands. Several new wireless interfaces for home control have been established, notably Thread and IEEE802.xxx(?). The thesis will perform a security analysis of an advanced smart home with IoT energy control.) - Societal Security in the Digital Age (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll,
Objective: Digitisation has changed the way we interact. From a societal point of view, digitisation is the key driver for less corruption. Furthermore, digitisation opens for digital inclusion. The advances of "always connected" and "everything being available" has challenges, mainly the protection of critical infrastructures. Main focus of the thesis will be the analysis of challenges and opportunities in a digitised society. Thereafter, models for trust-enhancing mechanisms are developed, analysed and piloted.) - Network-aware traffic shaping (Supervisor(s): Maghsoud Morshedi, Josef Noll, Elin Sundby Boysen,
Objective: Future Networks need to be application aware in order to provide an appropriate Quality of Service. As an example, 5G networks will start in cities with high-traffic, but people will use the 5G applications also in areas where mobile networks are weak. Given a traffic jam somewhere out in the forest, currently all traffic tries to achieve maximum throughput, without any form of prioritisation. This thesis will analyse the traffic requirements of mobile applications (apps), will create a database containing the traffic characteristics, e.g. port number, encryption, url-specific content, communication protocol. Based on the analysis, the thesis will suggest a method for prioritisation of traffic types, depending on the network characteristics, e.g. throughput.) - Remote Configuration of Communication Infrastructure for Developing Economies (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, Maghsoud Morshedi, Toktam Ramezanifarkhani,
Objective: Investigation on how to remotely configure equipment. In areas with underdeveloped mobile access, we often face unreliable networks and high costs for the access. By deploying information spots in rural areas with preinstalled broad-band content, like the bandwidth-intensive parts of Digital Public Goods (DPGs). The challenge to be addressed is how remote configuration and update of village information spots containing theses DPGs.) - Secure InterNetwork Architecture (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, Toktam Ramezanifarkhani,
Objective: Design a secure architecture for the network infrastructure is the main goal.) - Mobile Edge Computing (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, Toktam Ramezanifarkhani,
Objective: Edge Computing Controllers make decisions about services based on information retrieved from nodes, and we aim to check the privacy issues in such decisions.) - Secure communication (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, Toktam Ramezanifarkhani,
Objective: Identification, authentication, and trust in smart sensors are the major goals.) - Attribute-based policy specification and enforcement (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, Toktam Ramezanifarkhani,
Objective: The main aim is to provide context-aware, dynamic and more efficient policy enforcement.) - Measurable security and privacy (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, Toktam Ramezanifarkhani,
Objective: The objective is to develop metrics for measuring security and privacy of systems in general and in a specific domain of interest.) - Privacy violation through improper handling of electronic waste (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, Christian Johansen, Adam Szekeres,
Objective: Distribution system operators (DSO) represent the link between the electric grid and end-users, as they are responsible for delivering electricity to residential homes, industrial consumers, etc. As the grid quickly evolves into a Smart Grid by the addition of a variety of IoT devices like Smart Meters, more and more personal sensitive information is being collected, transmitted and stored. When devices are replaced, sensitive information might still be present that could end up in the hands of persons trying to take advantage of it causing privacy threats. The thesis would focus on electronic waste handling practices (current and planned) by identifying # devices storing sensitive information (including but not limited to the Advanced Metering Infrastructure – AMI), # the attributes of the information stored, # regulations regarding the data life-cycle. # etc. Questions that the thesis might answer: # Is it a reasonable worry that information might be leaked from discarded devices? (Risk owner – Customer) # What are the existing e-waste handling practices? # Are there DSO`s (among the 100+ in Norway) whose customers might face the risk of their information being leaked after storage devices are discarded? (Risk owner – Customer) # Might DSO’s face penalties for negligent handling of discarded devices? (Risk owner – DSO)) - Novel Services through Consumption Monitoring (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, György Kálmán,
Objective: Future Homes will have one or several gateways to information on the Internet. Norway will introduce Smart Meters by 2019, giving the opportunity to develop new services on top of this infrastructure. Current regulations suggest a reading of power values 1/hour, or in maximum every 15 min. Given a high-frequency reading of power consumption (1/10s, 1/min) might give an opportunity to introduce new services. One of such services is the virtual fall sensor, establishing a probability of an abnormal situation with the readings from e.g. power consumption. Such an analysis, comparing the habits/profile of the user with the actual consumption, is suggested to be performed in the home of the user, and thus preserve privacy. The envisaged assessment of novel services will be based on high-frequency consumption data from actual smart meters, or even from fuse level, as well as modelling of services.) - Smart Meter Security Analysis (Supervisor(s): György Kálmán, Josef Noll,
Objective: Within 1Jan2019 all electricity customers in Norway will have to use smart metters. These smart meters (SM) will become part of the ”Avanserte Måle- og Styringssystemer” (Automatic Meter Systems - AMS), and include that users can have a better information on their electricity usage, a more accurate billing of their consumption and the opportunity for automatic controlling of the power consumption. Pilots have already been running at several places in Norway. Academia, Grid distributors, Industry, and Consumer Organisations have joined through the IoTSec.no initiative to discuss security and privacy related to the services and infrastructures in an AMS. This thesis will focus on security and privacy of the meters themselves. The thesis will compare smart meters with other infrastructures like payment terminals, and provide a classification of security of the components of the smart meter.) - Building an Attack Simulator on the Electric Grid Infrastructure (Supervisor(s): György Kálmán, Josef Noll,
Objective: The future electricity network is based on components, which are state-of-the-art from some years back in time. As an example, the SCADA system consists of network interfaces, browser sessions..., which all can be hacked using standard vulnerabilities. The goal of this thesis is to analyse the vulnerabilities, and build a mobile demonstrator.) - The human aspect in Smart grids (from Security and Privacy point of view) (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, Christian Johansen,
Objective: In this thesis, we are interested in the human aspect in security and privacy concerns in Internet of Things for smart grids. More precise, we will use case studies to find out exactly how humans can influence the security of the smart grid, and how humans perceive the privacy aspects.) - Semantic Modeling of a Smart Home Infrastructure (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, Christian Johansen,
Objective: Future Homes will have one or several gateways to information on the Internet. Norway will introduce Smart Meters by 2019, giving the opportunity to develop new services on top of this infrastructure. The envisaged modeling of the Smart Home Infrastructure will be based on the planned infrastructure for Smart Meters, and extended towards future capabilities. Main focus is on security and privacy for the user. The thesis is related to the http://IoTSec.no project.) - Risk Assessment tool analysis for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (Supervisor(s): Mohammad Mushfiqur Rahman Chowdhury, Judith Rossebø, Josef Noll,
Objective: The thesis focuses on the evaluation of tools and methodologies in the area of risk assessment with the aim to evaluate whether the tools/standards/methodologies are suitable for use in the areas of IACS. The thesis will also reach some conclusions on the applicability of selected suitable methodology based on evaluation criteria (if there are suitable ones that exist). If no suitable evaluation criteria exist, thesis will propose such criteria. Additionally, the student is expected to propose modifications to an existing methodology so that it is even more suitable for IACS. The student will first conduct a state of the art investigation to get an overview over relevant risk assessment methodologies and tools. Based on a set of evaluation criteria, one or more methodologies and tools will be selected for further evaluation and analysis. The state of the art investigation should include methodologies and best practices developed by the research/academic community, relevant International standards focusing IACS (e.g. ISA99/IEC 62443) as well as generic information security risk assessment or management standards (e.g. ISO 27000 series).In addition to International standards, the thesis will evaluate relevant information security guidelines and best practices proposed by organizations such as NIST, CERTs, ENISA etc. Regional standards such as Norwegian Oil and Gas guidelines (old OLF) should also be studied. While evaluating risk assessment methodologies, the student may propose extensions or modifications to a selected suitable methodology in order to improve the methodology so that it is even more suitable for IACS. The thesis will identify the most relevant risk assessment tools and will investigate thoroughly the available open source tools. Some of these tools may contain software components to assess risks. While performing the detailed evaluation works, this work will shed lights on how to use these tools and conduct a strength and weakness analysis. The outcome of the thesis will be a detailed review of standards and tools from risk assessment point of view in the areas of Industrial Automation and Control Systems, and the evaluation of 1-2 specific packages.) - ... further results
More details are available at OpenThesis
Do you have an idea for a topic?
Ongoing Master Thesis related to DiversIoT- MasterThesis av Vetle (Editor: Vetle Markussen)
- Integrated view on evolution of buildings to contribute to the green transition (Editor: Ahsan Bashir)
- Energy Communities - paving the way for a participatory green transition (Editor: Ingebrigt Hårstad)
- Advanced customer involvement through energy tariffs (Editor: Muayad Rashdan)
- Digital Twin for Building-oriented Energy System (Editor: Henrik Stangeland)
- Green Island possibilities with PV integration and energy storage (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll)
- Achieving Business Objectives through Smart Sensor Integration for Office Buildings (Supervisor(s): Christian Johansen, Josef Noll)
- Smart Farming for Developing Economies (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll)
- Ideal Listening Reduction Mechanisms for overprovisioned Cells in 6TiSCH (Supervisor(s): Knut Øvsthus, Josef Noll)
- Master:Network and network security (Supervisor(s): Knut Øvsthus, Josef Noll)
- Semantic Description of IoT Security for Smart Grid (Supervisor(s): Habtamu Abie)
- Risk-based Adaptive Security for Internet of Things in Smart Home (Supervisor(s): Habtamu Abie)
- Multi Metrics Based Framework (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, Seraj Fayyad)
- Assessment of Measurable Privacy for IoT Consumer Products (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, Elahe Fazeldehkordi)
- Security challenges of open low-capacity wifi access (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, György Kálmán)
- Pervasive computing in smart electricity grid (Supervisor(s): Christian Johansen, Josef Noll, Trond Aalberg)
- Measurable Security for Sensor Communication in the Internet of Things (Supervisor(s): Josef Noll, Mohammad Mushfiqur Rahman Chowdhury)
Some ideas
Cyber Physical Systems Lab at IFI/UiO
The Cyber Physical Systems Lab (CPS lab) focuses on a number of Enabling Technologies and their Applications having the physical organization divided into several Spaces pursuing the following goals:
(A) Provide a hands-on opportunity to several IFI courses taught at BSc and MSc levels, and MSc projects, inside the topics covered by this Lab. The topics of CPS Lab are meant to complement existing Lab initiatives at IFI and elsewhere, as far as we are aware of them (e.g., the Smart Grid lab of NTNU).
(B) Provide an open space for various MSc Topics offered at IFI by the applicants and others that want to use the Lab.
(C) Provide a platform for Industry to interact directly with IFI students by providing concrete problems through the Lab (e.g., as devices that need some form of investigation).
If you are interested in a Master Thesis related to any of the topics, please contact the supervisor mentioned in the specific thesis. Or have a look at DiversIoT:Home#More_information_and_contacts for potential supervisors, and tell them what you are interested in.