Internet for emerging economies

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Project Description

The PhD project description for Mister Gerard Rushingabigwi is on "Routing and scheduling in a multi-hop wireless mesh network for emerging economies" contains the Coursework component, the Dissertation and progress plan including dissemination of research results, and the PhD project description which will be into 2 main sub-projects, namely:

  • 1- Internet contribution to the emerging economy of Rwanda: case study in health, education, banks and governance.
  • 2- Technical and Scientific appraoches to deploy a reliable Internet connectivity based on WMNs with tolerable cost.

This work is related to the operation of bringing Internet to Kongo through Nextelco


Josef: </p> I would suggest to first start with a review of the challenges which the Internet development has in emerging economies (EE). Based on that, please try to identity the factors being of importance for an internet roll-out in EE.

The second part should then start with an analysis of technology, and then evaluate them against the factors which you identified in part 1.

Based on the evaluations you will then have an idea on how Internet in EE needs to evolve, and which challenges it is facing.

I would also look at some of the aspects like:

  • challenges: cost, coverage, accounting, ...
  • application areas
  • services


Thesis Structure
List of Publications
List of Terms and Acronyms
PART I: Introduction
Background and Motivation
Methods of the thesis
Technology Topic 1
Technology Topic 2
Summary of the papers
Summary of Paper A
Summary ....
Summary of the Research
Limitations of the Research
Suggestions for Future Studies
PART II: Scientific Contribution
Paper A: title
Paper B: title



Red line

Your thesis should have a "red line", which is visible throughout the whole thesis. This means you should mention in the beginning of each chapter how the chapter contributes to the "goals of the thesis".

Use of scientific methods

A thesis follows a standard method:

  • describe the problem (problemstilling)
  • extract the challenges. These challenges should be measurable, e.g. method is too slow to be useful to voice handover.
  • Analyse technology with respect to challenges. Don't write & repeat "everything" from a certain technology, concentrate on those parts (e.g. protocols) which are of importance for your problem


  • Wikipedia is good to use to get an overview on what is happening. But there is not scientific verification of Wikipedia, thus you should use wikipedia only in the introduction of a chapter (if you use text from wikipedia). Use scientific literature for your thesis.
  • Scientific library is "at your hand", you can get there directly from UiO: [[How to get access to IEEE, Springer and other scientific literature -> Unik/UiOLibrary]]
  • I suggest that references to web pages, e.g. OASIS, W3C standards, are given in a footnote. Only if you find white papers or other .pdf documents on a web page then you refer to them in the reference section.

Evaluation of own work

Perform an evaluation of your own work. Revisit the challenges and discuss in how you fulfilled them. Provide alternative solution and discuss what should be done (or what could have been done).