Self Organizing Networks (SON)

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Self Organizing Networks (SON)

by Animut D. Tsegaye
Supervisor(s) Olav Østerbø, Ole Grøndalen, Josef Noll
Due date 2015/01/12
Status Finished
Problem description: With the fast growth rate of wireless communication devices competing for spectrum, the mobile access networks that we have today will soon reach their maximum capacy. To address these high expectations, mobile network operators are employing new strategies in densely populated areas and commercial buildings where spectrum scarcity is highest. 3GPP has been working on LTE Advanced (Long Term Evolution - Advanced) in order to improve the spectral efficiency by employing Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets). HetNets improve the business model for mobile network operators and users by introducing network topologies which are less costly and are able to increase the capacity and coverage provided by the traditional macro cell mobile networks. HetNets are comprised of macro cells and low cost - low power base stations like picocells, femtocells, relays and other small cells along with WiFi-APs and distributed antenna systems (DAS). With HetNets a significant network capacity gain and uniform broadband experience can be provided to the users anywhere and at low cost, since the spectrum can be re-used across the multiple tiers in the network. However, HetNet deployments come with a lot of challenges and advanced interference control and management techniques are required to get the highest possible benefit from these networks. The enhanced Inter Cell Interference Coordination (eICIC) technique has been studied previously to address the interference problem that these small cells experience from macro cells. This thesis will concentrate on the performance improvement achieved when eICIC mechanisms are introduced to a simple HetNet.
Methods and Tools: The tools and methods in this thesis are based on
  • A set of scenario, describing the challenges
  • A list of requirements being extracted from the scenarios
  • A description and evaluation of technologies and tools being candidates for solutions
  • A functional architecture/description of the envisaged system
  • An implementation of the core concepts
  • A demonstration of the solution
  • An evaluation of the solution, including a critical review of the descisions taken earlier
  • Conclusions
  • References
Time schedule The envisaged time schedule (for a long thesis/60 ECTS) is:
T0 0 starting month, T0+m denotes the month where the contribution to a certain chapter shalle be finalized
T0+2 months: create an initial page describing the scenario
T0+3: Provide a list of technologies which you think are necessary for the thesis
T0+4: Establish the table of content (TOC) of the envisaged thesis. Each section shall contain 3-10 keywords describing the content of that section
T0+7: Provide a draft of section 2 (scenario) and 3 (technologies)
T0+10: Establish a draft on what to implement/architecture
T0+11: Set-up an implementation, testing and evaluation plan
T0+15: Evaluate your solution based on a set of parameters, keep in mind there is no such thing as a free lunch
T0+17: Deliver the thesis
Pre-Knowledge This thesis includes a reasonable amount of programming. The envisaged thesis is based on radio communications, thus expects the user to have followed at least two radio-related courses
Approved Approved by
Keywords LTE Advanced, HetNets, Interference level and modelling, Software defined network

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The thesis was delivered on 24Dec2014 and can be downloaded from Media:201412Performance_Simulation_HetNets_Animut_Demeke_MasterThesis.pdf