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Thumb Title Keywords Date Author/Project
Screen Shot 2022-12-01 at 02.49.57.png The Power of Digitalisation for Climate and Energy Justice in the Global South
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C20 Environment, Climate Justice and Energy Transition Working Group
Energy Transition, Social justice 1 December 2022 Josef Noll
5G EmpoweringSociety.png Empowering Communities
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IGF 2022 Ethiopia
29 November 2022 Josef Noll
Screen Shot 2022-11-22 at 10.55.16.png ITS and Basic Internet Foundation
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ITS Styre 22Nov2022
22 November 2022 Josef Noll
Community Learning Living Labs.png Empowering Community Learning Living Labs
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GIZ-PCI Meeting 17Nov2022
Community Learning Living Labs 17 November 2022 Josef Noll
Showcase Community Nwrworks.png Showcase Community Networks - Sustainable Internet Access
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AHERI Conference 2022
Future Internet, Internet lite 4 November 2022 Josef Noll
Africa and the Internet IEEE CTU.png Africa and the Internet
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IEEE CTU workshop Nov2022
Internet lite 3 November 2022 Josef Noll
Partnership for Digital Inclusion.png Sustainable Internet Connectivity Approaches
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Tanzania School of Community Networks 2022
Internet lite, NRENs 2 November 2022 Josef Noll
Screen Shot 2022-09-28 at 09.07.14.png Digitalisation for Sustainability
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United Nations University - Climate Academy 2022
Renewable Energy, Energy Transition, Internet lite 28 September 2022 Josef Noll
Energy Digital Aspects Climate.png Upscaling energy transition and digitalization
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United Nations University - Climate Academy 2022
Renewable Energy, Internet lite 16 September 2022 Josef Noll
RPI training.png Raspberry Pi, WordPress and Nextcloud Training
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Basic Internet Internal Training Sep2022
School Platform, Raspberry Pi, School Connectivity 15 September 2022 Josef Noll
Screen Shot 2022-09-13 at 22.54.54.png Free Access to Information - a basic human right
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Public Interest Colloquium PIT Series 4
Human Rights, Internet lite 13 September 2022 Josef Noll
Energy and digital.png Energy_and_Digital-the Enablers for Climate Change
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United Nations University - Climate Academy 2022
Energy Transition, Internet lite 12 September 2022 Josef Noll
Screen Shot 2022-08-23 at 22.58.27.png Kunnskapsbasert om cyberkriminalitet og samfunnssikkerhet
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NEK Cybersikkerhetskonferanse 2022
Societal Security, Cyber Security, NEK 24 August 2022 Josef Noll
Screen Shot 2022-08-23 at 12.13.00.png Future Technologies for Sustainable Communications
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Tanzania Initiative School of Internet Governance 2022
School Connectivity 23 August 2022 Josef Noll
Screen Shot 2022-07-18 at 22.55.27.png 5G for Sustainable and Inclusive Communications
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African IGF 2022
School Connectivity, Internet lite 19 July 2022 Josef Noll
Screen Shot 2022-06-27 at 20.13.18.png An inclusive Internet for empowerment and value creation
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Networking meetings Africa Alliance of the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) 29Jun2022
EU-Africa, Information Spots 29 June 2022 Josef Noll
Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 13.21.59.png Digital Health Promotion at Schools - reducing the stigma of menstruation in Kenya
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Webinar Menstrual Health-A Global Challenge 2Jun2022
Menstrual Health, Global Health 2 June 2022 Josef Noll
6G Seminar Sintef May2022.png Future Technologies for Sustainable Communications
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SINTEF seminar Sundvollen 10May2022
6G, Next Generation Internet, IoT, IoT Communications 10 May 2022 Josef Noll
Screen Shot 2022-04-06 at 22.58.29.png Digital Health Promotion for Community Health
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RELIGHT Road to Excellence in Global Health Research
Digital Global Health, Digital Health Promotion, Digital Health Promotion 7 April 2022 Josef Noll
UnivGondar Inclusion.png The Need for Digital Inclusion in Digital Transformation
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Digital Transformation for Holistic and Inclusive Development Conference Gondar 4-6Apr2022
IoT, Ethiopia 4 April 2022 Josef Noll
Screen Shot 2022-03-30 at 13.00.13.png Topics of Interest Societal Security Sustainability
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Ifi-ITS kontaktmote Mar2022
ITS 30 March 2022 Josef Noll
Screen Shot 2022-03-27 at 22.43.55.png 5G_og_IoT_Drivers_for_Change
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VGS Elektrodagen Mar2022
VGS, Elektrofagdag 28 March 2022 Josef Noll
PriTEM EnergyMonitoring.png PriTEM_Empowering_customers
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PriTEM workshop Mar2022
Energy Monitoring 25 March 2022 Josef Noll
BasicInternt IntegratedApproach.png School Connectivity by Basic Internet Foundation
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ITU-AHERI-BasicInternet Mar2022
School Connectivity 24 March 2022 Josef Noll
Screen Shot 2022-03-09 at 23.47.38.png Scalability of Access - rethinking Next Generation Internet
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NGINO workshop 10Mar2022
Future Internet, NGINO 10 March 2022 Josef Noll

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