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Latest revision as of 11:51, 8 June 2012

Ready for Testing

This page contains a list of all changes reported to the BugReport of InnoBørs.

BG:: 1 August 2012

Summary: Access to my own idea business plan documents in "borslisting"

Testing: See the attached file.

BG:Crowdfunding: 15 April 2012

Summary: Crowdfunding helps entrepreneurs to reach their business goal

Testing: initiate with a certain idea to see if an email is initiated

BG:Design for 810px iFrame:

Summary: please redesign such that

  • we have a width of 810 px (used for iFrames in Facebook, Wordpress and others)
  • we have a "background", "header", "footer" and "main"

Testing: be able to just address the "main" in an iFrame

BG:Feedback to InnoBors01: 25 May 2012

Summary: allows for feedback on the InnoBors

Testing: * test feedback and see if mail is sent to feedback@innobors.no

BG:Forgotten password - use email address: 12 April 2012

Summary: Use only email address for reset of password

Testing: test using:

  • email address which is in the InnoBors - "message: new password is sent to your email address"
  • email address is not in the InnoBors - "message: this user is not found in the database"

BG:Idea page for social media: 5 August 2012

Summary: Allows the spreading of your idea to social media like Facebook, Google, (LinkedIN)

Testing: Share an idea on G+ and Facebook, and ensure that the "non-login" version is published.

BG:LinkedIN address of user-01:

Summary: When logged in through LinkedIN, the "Public Profile" LinkedIN address is added, e.g. http://no.linkedin.com/in/josefnoll


BG:Usage-Statistics for the InnoBors:

Summary: Provides a weekly statistic over the usage of the Stock Exchange


BG:Welcome mail after creation of a new idea:

Summary: Sends a Welcome Mail to the user after an idea is created

Testing: Create an idea -> save -> look at the email which you will get.

BG:embedded video instead of link: 15 October 2012

Summary: Enclosed the embedded video instead of a link to the video

Testing: see the embedded video (played within InnoBørs)

BG:lost password:

Summary: write in either user name or password, and then request new password. The return message from the system should contain the username and the updated password

Testing: fill in both, and see what happens:


Note: This page contains all ideas ready for testing. After having tested the ideas, please change the status tosolved and tested (through the edit menu)

Husk: lever som word document (.docx)

Internal notes: | sort=Severity | ?Summary=Summary: | ?TestProcedure=- How to test: | format=ul